Closed Bug 680500 Opened 13 years ago Closed 11 years ago

reply account mismatch


(Thunderbird :: Message Compose Window, defect)

Windows 7
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: supportdoc, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:6.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0
Build ID: 20110811165603

Steps to reproduce:

I Reply on a mail.

Actual results:

I have multiple accounts on my Thunderbird. 

One of the accounts has as reply e-mail address This account uses a third party SMTP server to send the emails. 

When I send from a mail and when I get back a reply. The reply comes to (this is ok) when I click on reply I have as reply address not but  the name of the third party e-mail address. 

This is a severe bug! 

Please review completely the account-procedures and the reply and forward mail procedures. In these procedure are a lot of bugs!!!


Expected results:

When I receive on a mail and when I reply to this mail the reply address must be  and not the email address from the used SMTP server.
Group: core-security
Do you have the same issue in -safe-mode (see ?
Hi Ludovic,

Yes I have the same issue in the safe mode. I expect that thunderbird use reply addresses in a stupid way. 

I am probably a very unusual thunderbird user: I use thunderbird with about 57 accounts and a supplementary "blind" account used to store the mail archive on a NAS. 

Some of these accounts does not use her own SMTP Server but other servers for the outgoing mail.

Send me a test mail to hjspub at  when I send you back a reply with a screenshot of the account settings ... you will see that the mail reply address in the settings is  hjspub at  but the reply to on the mail is an address **** st   (and the sunrise address is the sender SMTP server address)
It's different accounts right not different identity on the same account ?
Please send me a email to hjspub at and I send you back the screen shots and you will see yourself  that there are a lot of problems.
perhaps another example
Not before we find out what is this "address from the used SMTP server".
@Ludovic "different accounts right not different identity on the same account" No they are not on the same account. AGAIN: please send me an email to hjspub @ then sou will see that the response mail comes back from an other accont. and when I send you back the mail I take screenshots. You will see on the screenshots that Thunderbird add also not needed supplementary reply addresses. 

The only "not standard" setting of some of my accounts is that the SMTP server is not every time the same as the POP account Exemple  the pop server of the account is and I use a SMTP server on an other Server. 

If all is OK, I receive an email on hjspub@ ... and when I send it back to you it is sendet from hjspub with hjspub as reply address. But you will see it comes from an other of my accounts. Other errors (same kind) will appear when I transfer an email.
I've sent an email a week ago :-) make sure to give me the bug number in the reply please.
Ludovic please resend he mail ... I have not received it.
Ludovic .. I have still not your email. And I have fund a lot of bugs also in the account management. Please mark it in the object with AAAAAAAAAAA to avoid that I see not that it is from you. 

I have by example added a new account ... the new account has build a nev profile and is the last of the list. All this is without any clean system. I have a little bit the impression that some thunderbird builders are Linux freaks who does not know the Windows sub-directory system.
Can you check you spam folders ?
I have also not any message from you in the spam folder ...

Please see this PDF Files .. you will see the issue:

and false reply addresses.pdf
To bug opener: Same phenomena as bug 327713 and/or bug 592935?
The two other bugs are a little part of the bug what I have. 

The basic problem is that the complete account handling is not serious and reliable. 

I am probably one of the thunderbird users with the most accounts. I store also mails on a NAS server and for this reason I expect a lot of bugs. 

1 it must be possible to change the order of the accounts.
2 it must be possible to sort the accounts 
3 it must be possible to set a default sender account
4 it must be possible to not specify an incomming7outgoing mail account on each account.
5 it must be possible to set the most options for all accounts or for a specific account

I want also to have a spread-sheet view of all accounts ... like a calc sheet. To be able to uniformize alll accounts in one rush.
(In reply to brainstuff John Scheb from comment #15)
> The two other bugs are a little part of the bug what I have. 
> I store also mails on a NAS server and for this reason I expect a lot of bugs. 

How can "storing mails on a NAS server" be relevant to problem of "bug summary : reply account mismatch"?
Please keep this bug for problem of comment #0 and bug summary only.
"One problem==flaw in code of Tb, per a bug at B.M.O" is a rule.
Here is not support forum. Here is a place to report specific bug of Tb==flaw in code of Tb, to developers.

For "bug summary : reply account mismatch".
Read bugs listed in dependency tree for meta bug 699681, which is set in Blocks: fild of this bug, please.
Some reasons why "From: set by Tb upon reply is different from ordinal or nomal expectation" are already known. Please check your case is which case.
"How can "storing mails on a NAS server" be relevant to problem of "bug summary : reply account mismatch"?" 

It seems that Tuunderbird uses some account datas from the account on the NAS ... 

NOT ANY PROBLEM IS ISOLATED ... the complete Account management of Thunderbird is **** and bugged! 

This is also NOT a "support problem" but shows the complete incapacity of the developpers to provide a correct working task in Thunderbird. 

I have report this problem now since more then one year ... and nothing was made to stop the delirium in the account task of thunderbird. 

I ask you now to transmit the problem to the chief developpers. 

One of the issues of the problem creates also mails to false recipients ... this is SPAM and SPam is a problem for the ecoligy of our planet. SPAM waste energy and money. About 1 000 000 of Swiss Francs (more then 1 300 000 USD) each day allone in Switzerland (7 Millions of citizens!). We all we have to made all our possible to stop this. This is not only a money Problem, but it kills also humains and animals!

You have probably a "chief" who does decide about the SPAM Problems and the SPAM fighting in Thunderbird. Ask him to contact me on my private mail: I have developed a NO SPAM System and I want that Thunderbird becomes a partner.
No longer blocks: 699681
Depends on: 699681
Blocks: 699681
No longer depends on: 699681
wada, consider ...

1. apparently John doesn't think his problem is important enought to check bug 699681.  

2. In it's present form is there any value in keeping this bug open?? It's either a likely duplicate (assuming you or John can articulate the problem), or not completely understood and therefore incomplete.  *Unless* you think it is not a duplicate.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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