Closed Bug 69954 Opened 24 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Control+Alt mapping broken on Win32


(Core :: DOM: Events, defect, P3)

Windows 2000





(Reporter: simon.lucy, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: access, helpwanted, Whiteboard: [br] waaa-i-want-my-fishcam-:-()


(4 files, 1 obsolete file)

It seems that the mapping of the key states Alt, Control is broken.  The easy
example is Control-Alt-f  for Fishcam
).  This though isn't the only combination that fails.  For example, I set
Control '/' to set the focus to the URLBar and rotated through all combinations
of Contrl,Alt,'/' and each failed to fire the oncommand handler.  I changed the
XUL to use VK_F12 and the function key sets the focus each time.  However, it
also sets the focus on Control+Alt+F12 as well.

This leads me to believe that there is a flaw in the low level mapping of
makecode modifiers.  I'll investigate more today.
yes i saw this a long time ago when i first worked on fishcam. but i couldn't 
reduce the problem usefully :-(
Assignee: asa → jst
Component: Browser-General → DOM Events
Ever confirmed: true
QA Contact: doronr → ian
Summary: Control, Alt mapping broken on Win32, → Control, Alt mapping broken on Win32,
Over to the owner of DOM Events.
Assignee: jst → joki
Blocks: fishcam
This would be a problem at the lowest key event creation level.  I'm not sure 
who owns that these days.  I've had some portion of this ownership in the past 
but haven't done much with it in a while.  In any case, not high enough priority 
 for inclusion in milestone 0.9
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Adding more dependencies.

Please keep in mind the following comment from mpt in bug 67596:

Ctrl+Alt+anything should be avoided -- leave it for the OS (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+Delete) 
or window manager (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+I).
Blocks: 18768, 37594, 67596
Summary: Control, Alt mapping broken on Win32, → Control+Alt mapping broken on Win32
That's true inasmuch as regular implementations go (Ctrl-Alt-F aside), however
for some embedded implementations, true kiosk mode etc, Ctrl-Alt combinations
may need to be filtered out.
Keywords: helpwanted
-> Dan

This has something to do with our setting of mIsControlDown/mIsAltDown, like in  
I don't understand this -- it prevents ctrl and alt from firing at the same 
time in moz -- and though msdn mentions the context code referenced here, it's 
no help in explaining it.
Assignee: joki → danm
Attached patch fix? (deleted) — Splinter Review
It looks like we have a cut and paste problem here (given the various 
inaccurate // WM_KEYUP's).

This fix sets things straight in accordance with (which says that 
the context code is set even during WM_SYSCHAR, so there's no point in special 
casing) and 
(which says that the context code is always 0 during WM_KEYDOWN, so there's no 
point in double checking).

Note that though this patch fixes ctrl+alt events, key events like the fishcam 
still aren't working.  I still have to investigate further on that.

Dan, comments / review?
Whiteboard: [br]
Attached patch better fix. (deleted) — Splinter Review
Well, the last patch broke stuff.  Here's a new one.  Keep in mind that I have 
no idea why this works, because, according to, the context 
code is always 0 on WM_KEYDOWN, so this should be equivalent to the current 
  A combination of reading Petzold and experimentation leads me to believe that 
the KF_ALTDOWN bit (the Context Code) is set on WM_KEYDOWN messages to alert you 
of a combination of modifier keys that's likely to be a special key on a non-US 
keyboard. I don't have such a keyboard, but apparently, despite the fact that the 
alt key is down, you want to treat it like a normal character. My US keyboard 
sets the KF_ALTDOWN bit if the alt key and some other modifier are both set.
  It looks like we have a conflict between correct treatment of special 
characters and catching the ctrl+alt key combination as a double-modified simple 
character. I don't know how we should treat these special characters, so I'm 
expanding the cc: list. Frank?
*** Bug 119814 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Whiteboard: [br] → [br] waaa-i-want-my-fishcam-:-(
Adding Ctrl-Alt-q for Quit as dep.
Blocks: 52821
I've been looking at this problem and have a fix that will allow us to see the 
Ctrl+Alt as well as fire keypress events for the keystrokes, but the fix is in 
the same source module (nsWindow.cpp) that I have another fix in for a 
different bug (50255) that is currently under review. 

Can someone tell me how I can post a patch here without including my fix for 
50255? Or should my patch for this bug include my fix for 50255 also? 

I'm new here so I'm not familiar with all the procedures yet. 

Please advise
Bernie McGuire
I know three ways of dealing with conflicting patches
1. Hand edit your patches
2. Work on different builds at the same time - use each for a diffrent bug
3. When you post your patch, just post it completely and see this also fixes bug
Attached patch Possible Patch (deleted) — Splinter Review
Here is a possible patch

Patch Summary:
Purpose: Dispatch  ctrl+alt+keystrokes 
1.	Remove setting of mIsShiftDown, mIsAltDown and mIsCtrlDown from the
WM_CHAR processing as these variables are always set during WM_KEYDOWN
processing and therefore it is redundant to do it during WM_CHAR processing. 
2.	The only time WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is generated is when the Alt key is
pressed. Therefore, setting of the mIsCtrlDown must be done on the WM_KEYDOWN
not WM_SYSKEYDOWN. Likewise on the WM_KEYUP message. As a matter of fact,
setting it on both the WM_KEYDOWN and/or WM_SYSKEYDOWN is part of the problem. 

3.	The status of the Alt key is available during either WM_KEYDOWN and
WM_SYSKEYDOWN so it is not necessary to test for msg=WM_SYSKEYDOWN to set the
value of mIsAltKeyDown. NOTE also that a WM_SYSKEYDOWN is NOT generated if the
operator pressed Ctrl BEFORE pressing ALT when using the two keys in
combination! So setting of mIsAltDown could be missed in that case.
4.	Generate a DispatchKeyEvent in OnKeyDown for the Ctrl+Alt combination
with keycode in the virtualkeycode (not keycode), because if DispatchKeyEvent
has the keycode set Window’s menu processing will be activated. 

Item 4 above needs testing by someone with the fishcam to see if passing in the
virtualkeycode to DispatchKeyEvent will  activate fiscam.

Note this patch contains NO other patches for nsWindow.cpp.
I applied the patch manually, but it doesn't work. It seems that passing the
virtual key doesn't work. As a sidenote, anyone can see the fishcam if
ctrl-alt-f works. 
I changed OnKeyDown to pass char code (changed to lowercase) instead of virtual
key. It fixes fishcam, but it looks like this patch breaks AltGr handling (right
alt on many European keyboards). I think AltGr is seen as Ctrl-Alt. For example
on a Finnish keyboard it is used to input characters such as @ (AltGr-2), $
(AltGr-4) and \ (AltGr-+).
No longer blocks: 52821
The OS is more than Win2000.  For example, I have this issue on WinXP
Priority: -- → P2
Priority: P2 → P3
Blocks: 197474
Windows doesn't make a difference between Ctrl-Alt and AltGr (Ctrl-Alt-2 should
produce the same @ symbol on your keyboard). But AltGr handling is only
necessary for the WM_CHAR message. This means that keeping the lines 3331-3347
unpatched should fix the AltGr problem while not affecting anything else
including fishcam (which is triggered by the WM_KEYDOWN message I suppose).
If you mean having the special casing for WM_CHAR (the line numbers don't
match), I'm not sure that's the best way to do it. 
I meant the line numbers from the last patch attached by Bernie McGuire. They
don't match the line numbers of the latest version of course.

I think the special handling for WM_CHAR is the way how it is done in Windows.
You just ignore the modifiers for this message, you use the character the
operating system gives you. Of course you could still set mIsAltDown/mIsCtrlDown
and ignore them elsewhere for the keypress event (this would be in the widgets
that have to handle keyboard input I suppose), Internet Explorer is probably
handling it this way. But I'm not sure if this can be done in a cross-plattform
program and anyway - it is much harder to implement.
To make it clear - you won't get a WM_CHAR message at all if you press
Ctrl-Alt-F because it's a special key combination. You will only get WM_CHAR for
Ctrl-Alt-2 or AltGr-2 because this combination produces a plain character. And
you have to take this character as it is regardless of the modifiers.

"Because there is not necessarily a one-to-one correspondence between keys
pressed and character messages generated, the information in the high-order word
of the lParam parameter is generally not useful to applications. The information
in the high-order word applies only to the most recent WM_KEYDOWN message that
precedes the posting of the WM_CHAR message."

The high-order word of the lParam contains in particular the modifier information.
Assignee: danm.moz → nobody
Firefox's current behaviour for WM_CHAR/WM_IMECHAR/WM_SYSCHAR/WM_UNICHAR on Windows is incorrect.  A character message is a character message, not a key message.  Firefox should make NO assumptions about how that character message was generated (it could be from the keyboard, via a macro application, via a keyboard remapping application such as Tavultesoft Keyman, via a speech recognition app or via a handwriting recognition tool).  Firefox MUST just use the character as given.

The WM_SYSCHAR message is a special (and nearly legacy) case that should be used to activate an accelerator or menu.  Again this message could be produced by a speech recognition or accessibility tool, not necessarily just by pressing Alt+letter.

Currently, text input in Firefox using Tavultesoft Keyman fails on keyboards that require Ctrl or Alt modifiers due to this bug.
This patch reworks OnChar into OnSysChar, OnChar and adds OnUniChar.  All WM_CHAR messages received are now treated as pure character messages.  WM_SYSCHAR messages are treated as Alt+character events.

OnUniChar adds support for WM_UNICHAR, allowing Unicode input on 9x with Tavultesoft Keyman.
Attachment #244849 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Patch for WM_CHAR handling to resolve Ctrl, Alt modifiers

This patch reworks OnChar into OnSysChar, OnChar and adds OnUniChar.  All
WM_CHAR messages received are now treated as pure character messages. 
WM_SYSCHAR messages are treated as Alt+character events.

OnUniChar adds support for WM_UNICHAR, allowing Unicode input on 9x with
Tavultesoft Keyman.

Previous patch didn't handle Esc, Tab correctly in dialogs.  Now it does.
Suggest updating:

Component - Widget:Win32
Severity - Major
Target Milestone - 1.8.1
OS - WinXP

Previous patch is for TRUNK - would need revision for 1.8.1 branch
Attachment #244854 - Flags: review?
Comment on attachment 244854 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch for WM_CHAR handling to resolve Ctrl, Alt modifiers [fix Tab, Esc in dialogs from previous patch]

The patch doesn't apply to the trunk. There is also no need to add anything Windows 9x specific into trunk where old versions are not supported.
Attachment #244854 - Flags: review? → review-
I suggest raising the priority of this bug.

This bug has rendered Firefox virtually useless to enter web forms, and this for at least an entire country!!!

Let me explain:
On a Belgian keyboard you need to hit "Alt Gr" + "2", to get the "@"-sign. (To fill out this email form, I actually had to cut and paste this character !!!)
So any time I want to enter my email address or an accented character in a form, Firefox opens menus and becomes unresponsive.

For any web transaction, I have to resort to *pera now...
Serge, that's unrelated to this bug... please file a new one about that.
QA Contact: ian → events
This should be resolved as a duplicate of bug 197474.

A fix was made in that bug, and these shortcuts started working again.
As the Reporter I don't mind this being closed if all Ctrl-Alt keys are useable, but I see that is still open and was reopened 2 years ago.

This is an old irritation but it makes no sense that this remained at NEW and patches were produced for it.
This is a duplicate of bug 197474, and it was fixed there many years ago. I am not aware of any shortcuts that don't work. For example, I can use Ctrl+Alt+P for presentation mode on PDF pages.

Bug 37594 is a request for a new debugging feature. This bug doesn't depend on whether that feature is implemented.

I changed AltGr modifier behavior on Windows in bug 900750 for conforming to new agreement with Google Chrome developers, and looks like that most of discussed this were fixed as "key hell" bugs before shipping Firefox 3. This might be dup of bug 197474 like comment 31 said, but not sure, and discussion in this bug is based on the old code over a decade ago. So, most part of them are not useful now. Therefore, I just close this bug, but if you see shortcut key issue with both Ctrl and Alt modifiers, please file a new bug to "DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling" component in "Core" product with the following information:

  1. Which key combination is exactly not working.
  2. Which keyboard layout do you use.
Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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