Closed Bug 716532 Opened 13 years ago Closed 12 years ago

[New Tab Page] Remove "site strip" at the top and re-style buttons


(Firefox :: Tabbed Browser, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: ttaubert, Assigned: ttaubert)


(Keywords: uiwanted)


(3 files)

The black bar at the top that contains the "pin" and "remove" buttons should be removed. The buttons get a slight re-styling so that they can be stand-alone.
Blocks: 716538
Agree here.  I believe this was a change Boriss was going to make?
Yes, Limi told me this so I figured Boriss knows about it :)
Assignee: ttaubert → jboriss
Keywords: uiwanted
No longer blocks: 716538
Attached image Mockup: restyled "site strip" buttons (deleted) —
Instead of a bar, let’s show only the two relevant icons in the same semi-transparent black at the bottom of the thumbnails.  The attached icons are all black, but at 50% opacity on thumbnail mouseover, 70% opacity on icon mouseover, and 90% opacity on click.  When the pin is activated, it should remain in 70% opacity.

It’s true that on some dark pages it will be harder to see the shapes.  But the alternative is a multi-colored icon which looks unlike the overall style of the page or a way to determine the darkness of the thumbnail and adjust accordingly - an option both more complicated and less consistent.  Considering the icons are the same on every thumbnail, simply having the 50% black opacity takes care of most cases and certainly doesn’t hamper a user who uses the icons and thus knows they are there.
Assignee: jboriss → ttaubert
Blocks: 719675
Attached patch patch v1 (deleted) — Splinter Review
Comment on attachment 594156 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v1

I figured that flagging a screenshot for review doesn't really make sense here. This patch is contained in the latest UX nightlies and waits for ux-review!
Attachment #594156 - Flags: ui-review?(ux-review)
On the latest UX build, the default, pinned and hovered states do not look very different. Also after pinning/unpinning a thumbnail and moving the mouse away, the pin icon does not disappear until another thumbnail is clicked. Is this by design?
Comment on attachment 594156 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v1

Review of attachment 594156 [details] [diff] [review]:

The difference between hovered states is not sufficient. How about we put a dark gray box around the elements when hovered, and keep the box when pinned? (sorry if this isn't a clear explanation, I'll talk to Boriss about it. :)
Attachment #594156 - Flags: ui-review?(ux-review) → ui-review-
Waiting for new mockups and/or style directives.
Keywords: uiwanted
Please remove this from UX until an update is ready. (See reasons in comment 7 and comment 8)
No longer blocks: 719675
Fixed by bug 729878.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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