Closed Bug 72382 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Problems loading this document


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Mac System 9.x
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jrgmorrison, Assigned: jrgmorrison)




-> me for now loads fine for me on win32/linux with 0316 builds. But it is 
hopeless on the mac, and should be filed as a separate bug, which someone can
then narrow down to find the cause. And so I've filed bug
The URL loads fine on 030508 trunk build for Mac. Therefore it is a recent
regression, I suppose.
Blocks: 71668
John, is this still happening?  If it is, we should get a Mac guy to help out.
Oops, dropped my brain on the floor.

Okay, previously (3/16) this page would just not load on the Mac. Now, in 
a current build it loads, but never "completes" loading (throbber, wait cursor, 

But a current build on win2k behaves in about the same way (not firing onload),
and, at least superficially, this looks like bug 74506 (the one about not 
firing onload for some of the pages in the page loading test). It did however
manage to fire onload on Linux (go figure).
Depends on: 74506
Summary: Problems loading this document on the Mac → Problems loading this document
Hardware: PC → Macintosh
Well this loads (mostly) fine in current trunk builds on Mac/linux/win32.

There is one "problem": there are three iframes that serve up ad banners. 
They do not load in mozilla, but they do in Nav4.x. The problem is that 
these pages return nothing but the HTML for that URL; there is absolutely
no header information preceding the HTML. 

Gonna mark this worksforme for the original problem, but I have one question.

darin: is a headerless stream something we are trying to handle?
HTTP/0.9 doesn't have any headers. We attempt to do content-type sniffing, but
the html in ads tend to be low quality, and so its hard to detect. We should get
most ads though, and that page loads for me in 0.9.4.
jrgm: ads change, and so if you notice an ad not loading, please save a copy of
the HTML source... we can then add appropriate code to the sniffer to handle the
ad.  thx!
Filed for the ad banner,
http/0.9 issue. Marking this bug worksforme for the original problem noted.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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