Closed Bug 723972 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Places never updates the titles of bookmarked pages


(Toolkit :: Places, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: justin.lebar+bug, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [DUPEME])

This is similar to, but different from bug 723968.  That bug has to do with un-bookmarked pages.  This has to do with bookmarked pages.  This bug has been around forever, but it's much more visible with the new-tab page feature (bug 455553).

When you bookmark a page, you can type in a title for the bookmark.  If you don't type a title, the UI takes the title from the page.

AIUI, Places does not take note of whether the bookmarked title was typed by the user or not.

So if you bookmark, e.g., that bookmark will forevermore remain "The Python Standard Library -- Python v2.7.2 documentation", even as the page is updated for newer versions of Python.

For existing bookmarks, it doesn't seem like there's much we can do about this.  But for new bookmarks, Places should notice whether the bookmark's title matches the page's title.  If so, Places should update the bookmark entry's title whenever you visit the page.
In a new theoretical schema I'd keep a single title for places and bookmarks, and just a flag on whether that's the page title or a user specified title, to update it in visit or not.  Though as it is now the title is duplicated and the bookmark title always wins.
What we should do in the current situation is to compare the 2 entries before the new title is setup in history to check if they are equal and figure out if the user changed it, that sounds a bit too expensive, imo.
Whiteboard: [DUPEME]
ehr, I set dupeme cause I'm quite sure there is some old bug about this.
you filed the same bug 1 year ago, waiting for 2013 :)
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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