Closed Bug 734073 Opened 13 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Add a preference to set expiration interval for async livemarks


(Toolkit :: Places, defect, P5)

13 Branch





(Reporter: Optimizer, Unassigned)



User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:13.0) Gecko/20120307 Firefox/13.0a1
Build ID: 20120307031051

Steps to reproduce:

Since bug 731274 landed, or after its landing, livemarks reload at a hard coded interval of 1 hour.

Expected results:

Theer should be a preference (as there was previously when livemarks were synchronous) to change the refresh interval of livemarks.
Blocks: 731274
Component: Untriaged → Places
OS: Windows NT → All
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
Hardware: x86_64 → All
bug 731274 didn't change this, really.
Blocks: livemarksIO
No longer blocks: 731274
Please, could you bring some specific use-cases for the need to check (and update) a livemark more often than 1 hour?
Sorry, my bad. You got it right.
(In reply to Marco Bonardo [:mak] from comment #2)
> Please, could you bring some specific use-cases for the need to check (and
> update) a livemark more often than 1 hour?

Any tech blog like (engasget, gsmArena, pcworld, winrumors, mynokiablog, techradar) and even Mozilla wiki recent changes any mercurial changelog of firefox repo. etc.

The list can go on and on depending on the user type and interest,
what would be an acceptable time, if one exists?
Is it too difficult to let user change this interval via a preference ?
If yes, the I think 15 minutes should be a good compromise.
Earlier before async livemarks landed, I had it to be 2 minutes though.
(In reply to Girish Sharma from comment #6)
> Is it too difficult to let user change this interval via a preference ?
> If yes, the I think 15 minutes should be a good compromise.
> Earlier before async livemarks landed, I had it to be 2 minutes though.

I had 10 minutes, because i have feeds that refreshes very often, like financial feeds, world news..
Ever confirmed: true
Summary: Add a preference to set refresh interval for async livemarks → Add a preference to set expiration interval for async livemarks
Is any progress going on regarding this bug ? Many of my friends who are lately shifting back to Nightly are asking me that there was a good way of reading feeds, like Google Reader inbuilt in Firefox, but its not working properly now.
It would be really nice if the expiration time was brought down to lets say 10-15 minutes, and more awesome if there were a pref to change that too.
Firefox is not a feed reader, it has never wanted to be and it will never be.  It supports feeds cause they are a common format on the Web.
This is low priority, I'll make an add-on to provide automatic reloading in background shortly and let you know about it.
QA Contact: untriaged → places
(In reply to Marco Bonardo [:mak] from comment #10)
> Firefox is not a feed reader, it has never wanted to be and it will never
> be.  It supports feeds cause they are a common format on the Web.
> This is low priority, I'll make an add-on to provide automatic reloading in
> background shortly and let you know about it.

Is this add-on forgotten?

at least is there a chance that it could be a preference to update all of the livemarks at once? Right now the only way is to exit Firefox and to start it again or update the livemarks one by one :(
(In reply to João Carlos from comment #11)
> Is this add-on forgotten?

Nope, just didn't have the time.  Will try harder.

> at least is there a chance that it could be a preference to update all of
> the livemarks at once? Right now the only way is to exit Firefox and to
> start it again or update the livemarks one by one :(

There has never been the option to update all of them at once, but it's easy to do in the add-on itself.
I guess this was forgotten :(
Priority: -- → P5
Per policy at If this bug is not an enhancement request or a bug not present in a supported release of Firefox, then it may be reopened.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → INACTIVE
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