Closed Bug 734677 Opened 13 years ago Closed 12 years ago

High memory leak for playback photo album (due to Page Speed add-on)


(Core :: Find Backend, defect)

13 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: mail, Unassigned)




(Whiteboard: [MemShrink:P3])


(4 files)

Attached file memory-high.txt (deleted) —
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:13.0) Gecko/20120310 Firefox/13.0a1
Build ID: 20120310031046

Steps to reproduce:

Carried prosomotr photos in album

Actual results:

After reviewing about 150 pictures began to hang the browser, and possibly earlier. Checked the (about:memory):
1,609.22 MB (100.0%) -- explicit

Click minimize memory usage drops to normal state:
612.07 MB (100.0%) -- explicit

Minimization of memory starts, but a sharp memory blockage does not save crash.
Attached file mimimize.txt (deleted) —
Attached file memory-high-verbose.txt (deleted) —
Attached file mimimize-verbose.txt (deleted) —
Severity: normal → critical
OS: Windows 7 → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Component: Untriaged → General
Product: Firefox → Core
A critical priority is raised this issue because is one of the most visited resources of the world, and this bug may appear on a variety of other resources.
If you minimize prodolzhet viewing photos, scanned for 3-6 pool at once increased from 600 to 1600 mb. That is, for some 10-20 seconds to 1 GB.

Posted by video which details can be seen that as happening.
Prior to 2:56 when viewing photos, memory up to 450 MB. up to 1.7 GB. At this point the browser to hang nachivaet and photos are no longer scrolled.
Then, 3:14 I turn to the tab about: memory, probably triggered an automatic minimization of the memory has plummeted to 454 mb.
Then I switch to the tab with the picture begins to rise sharply, and memory, at 3:40, she was already back up to 1.7 GB.
Then I go back to about: memory and do the minimization of memory, it falls to 450 mb. And so a few times.
Hopefully this will greatly help solve the problem. Thank you.
Whiteboard: [memshrink]
Today, the work performed is the same PC, i7 3.2GHz (4 core), 8MB RAM, win64.
The problem was repeated in a tee tee.

However on this pc in safe mode, the problem disappeared. And clean all the time. Did not rise above 300MB.
At random find the culprit Page Speed ​​
> At random find the culprit Page Speed ​​

To be clear: Do you mean that the problem occurs only with this add-on enabled?
Whiteboard: [memshrink] → [MemShrink]
Summary: High memory leak for playback photo album → High memory leak for playback photo album (due to Page Speed add-on)
P3 per Memshrink.
Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: [MemShrink] → [MemShrink:P3]
Severity: critical → normal
Priority: P3 → --
Yes, if you disable add-on, the memory cleaned up to a maximum addition of memory is not clear privyshat 100-150MB. That is much better.
Please check out a similar problem on several PCs.
As I understand it, is required to solve the following problem:
1) Why are page-speed memory usage when not active, and page speed firebug and firefox allocates memory for it;
2) There may be a mechanism to optimize the hole;
3) If you can not fix this hole from firefox, should be corrected in page speed or firebug;
With regard to the priority of agree with the user level Sub supplement sharply reduced, but there may be similar problems with other additions.
Severity: normal → critical
Severity: critical → normal
Thanks, we've isolated the issue and come up with a fix, which we'll roll out next week. This was somewhat of a corner case issues specific to photo gallery pages like this one. Nonetheless we'll be rolling out a fix shortly. Please see for more details.
You can find an updated version of Page Speed with the memory fix here:
adminnu, can you please verify this new version fixes the leak?

Yes on version, the memory maximum is increased to the cleaning, the 100-200 mb. We can assume the problem solved. If additional action by the mozilla will not run, the bug can be closed.
Component: General → Find Backend
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
QA Contact: untriaged → find-backend
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