Closed Bug 74410 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

context menus spawned from shift-F10 use mouse pos, not focussed element


(Core :: XUL, defect, P1)






(Reporter: mikepinkerton, Assigned: mikepinkerton)



(Keywords: access, helpwanted, Whiteboard: ETA mm/dd???; needed for embedding 0.9)


(3 files)

From dean in bug 36665: When I use VK_APPS to bring up a context menu, it works. This is a good. But the context menu applies to whatever's under the pointer, wherever that may be. For example, tab to this link: bug 16766 and move your pointer over this link: bug 45108 . Press the application key (VK_APPS) and select Open Link In New Window. You'd expect a window with 16766 to open, but it's actually 45108. This no less confusing if the pointer is over a blank area of the document, because there's no link-related menu options at all.
not sure if i'm the right one to own this bug.
Blocks: 36665
Keywords: access, helpwanted
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.1
Is there an API to get the rectangle of the currently focussed element on the active page? If not, we should open a new bug for such a function and make this bug dependent on it.
Raising severity to major, since bug 36665 was major, and since the fix for 36665 won't be very useful until this bug is also fixed.
Severity: normal → major
over to accessibility
Assignee: pinkerton → aaronl
P1/Blocker. Need ETA date in whiteboard summary.
Severity: major → blocker
Priority: -- → P1
Whiteboard: ETA mm/dd???; needed for embedding 0.9
-- from bug 36665 I also looked into having the event indicate a frame that it applies to, rather than the current mouse coordinates. When windows fires a WM_CONTEXT_MENU event, the lParam is 0xffffffff if it was done via the keyboard. Normally the lParam has the mouse coordinates. How can we create a proper NS_CONTEXTMENU event for nsEventListenerManager.cpp that has the correct frame, rather than coordinates? -- Aaron, what makes the most sense to me is that we create the NS_CONTEXTMENU event with no target frame. The ESM, which knows the focussed content, can then use that as a flag to fill it in before dispatching the event. How does that sound?
Blocks: 65632
pink is working on this
Assignee: aaronl → pinkerton
Attached patch [patch] first stab (deleted) — Splinter Review
can someone give this a test on win32. my patch-fu is terrible.
patch needs to include a small change in nsWindow.cpp to scope the context menu case. lame.
if you tried the patch, you'll notice that it crashes. more work coming (danm gave me the right patch-fu).
hrm. we still have a problem. the WM_RBUTTONDOWN that comes before WM_CONTEXTMENU clears the focused element so by the time we popup the context menu, the focus is long gone.
new patch attached, this one works on my win32 box. cc'ing roc to r= the small view changes.
Is it just me, or will "ret" not always have a value by the time it hits "if (NS_OK == ret)" in nsEventListenerManager.cpp? Other than that, r=me on the non-view manager stuff.
r=roc+moz on the view changes, which just simplify the code a tiny bit (as well as add the context menu key test)
ret is initialized to ns_ok at the start, and changed only if the dom event wasn't created (the first time, after that it's reused). all events are like this and follow this pattern.
Whoops, sorry. I didn't check into that. More formally, then
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Looks good on Windows using 2001051720. A nice enhancement would be for the context menu to open close to the focused item instead of at 0,0. Now for Linux and Mac... anyone?
using 2001.05.18.13 comm verif bits, i cannot bring up the context menu using shift+F10 on linux or mac. the cursor just disappears momentarily. is there another bug [other than bug 36665] which still needs to get fixed for this to work? on winnt, i see what dean saw --the context menu appears at 0,0 in the content area. but, wasn't this bug supposed to fix that? or is there another bug for that?
oh, i didn't do any work for linux or mac. someone needs to tell me what the key combos are for showing a context menu for the keyboard.
Whoops, that's right, this work was for Windows only, wasn't it? This bug was to ensure that the context menu was activated for the focussed content when brought up by the keyboard. It originally popped up for whatever was under the pointer. Marking verified. Filed bug 81723 for the positioning request.
hrm, confusion. /me looks at the platform/os... okay i've filed bug 81727 to cover implementation in linux and mac. :)
Component: XP Toolkit/Widgets: Menus → XUL
QA Contact: jrgmorrison → xptoolkit.widgets
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