Closed Bug 748503 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Redesign Nightly First Run page


( :: Pages & Content, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: davidwboswell, Assigned: craigcook)


(Blocks 1 open bug, )


(Whiteboard: r=116212)

Opening bug to track a redesign of the Nightly first run page.  I had been discussing this with Chrissie as part of the Bedrock migration effort, but I don't think any of that was captured in a bug.

This would be an opportunity to not just align the look of this page with the look of the download page, but also an opportunity to optimize the content of the page as an entry point for potential QA contributors.

The QA community building planning process is still underway, so we'll need to work with Marcia to figure out the content to include.  In general though, I think the design should incorporate a much clearer call to action that explains what someone can do to contribute after installing the Nightly and then any additional information should be de-emphasized.

For example, perhaps the next step we want people interested in contributing to QA to take is to sign-up for the Nightly testers mailing list.  That could be a prominent part of the page and any other links would be made clearly secondary.  I think the current design of the page is not useful for potential contributors since there are many links to follow and they're all given the same visual prominence.
Hey David.  Apologies for the slow response here. 
How about we carve out a little chat to talk this further?  I'd like to better understand the scope, and how it stacks against other priorities... timing, etc.
Sounds good.  I'll set up some time for us to talk soon.
For reference, Nightly download page is at:
Assigning to Ty. 
Ty lets discuss real quick so we can give David an estimate on when it will be done.  It's something we'd like to have soon, of course, but it's not higher priority than other things on your plate.  Should be pretty straightforward.  

It's a matter of taking the existing FR page content (which Boswell is tweaking) and formatting it to fit better with the new layout we have ( and applying the nightly visual identity as a skin (
Assignee: tshahian → tyronflanagan
Oh, and this is the FR page currently looks like:
For content direction, I think the page should have one clear CTA and then a set of additional secondary links.  This layout could be very much like the Nightly download page where there is a central download area and a set of secondary links below that.

I'll provide content ideas for a few variations of the main CTA since the QA team is still considering their options here.  It could be interesting to AB tests some variations to see which one is most effective at getting people to contribute to testing.


Introduction: Thank you for trying a Nightly build and helping improve future versions of Firefox.  Learn more about how you can get involved with our testing community.

CTA option #1: Subscribe to the Nightly testers mailing list to talk with other people in the QA community.  (A subscription form would be below text)

CTA option #2: Help us test the new Bookmarks feature (link) this week to get it ready for release.  (Note: the specific feature to test would be updated regularly)

CTA option #3: Install the Nightly Tester Tools add-on (link) to give yourself testing superpowers.

Secondary links: (These could be the set of secondary links currently below the download area of the page)


Note that any help that Matej could give to this text would be great.

If there's any additional information we can provide, let us know.
Im wondering if whether we should be applying the "Australis" chrome look n' feel versus the background heavy design were currently using? It would be great to see the start page and first run page feel like they're part of the same design family.
(In reply to Ty Flanagan from comment #7)
> Im wondering if whether we should be applying the "Australis" chrome look n'
> feel versus the background heavy design were currently using? It would be
> great to see the start page and first run page feel like they're part of the
> same design family.

I'm not sure if this question is for me -- I'm open to whatever design recommendations you have.

Is there any additional information you need from me for now?  What are the next steps here?
(In reply to Ty Flanagan from comment #7)
> Im wondering if whether we should be applying the "Australis" chrome look n'
> feel versus the background heavy design were currently using? It would be
> great to see the start page and first run page feel like they're part of the
> same design family.

Hey Ty, do you have a reference of this to share?  I agree that we shouldn't be using the background heavy design but more aligned with the rest of our updated pages.  I'm all for one big happy design family :)  

Next step would be for Ty to do a mockup, unless he has any other questions.  Thanks David.
Can we move forward with the above content on a basic Sandstone page as the first step to migrating to bedrock?

Sure, migrating what's there and redesigning later makes sense.
I'll work on getting a basic Sandstone page started in bedrock.
Assignee: tyronflanagan → dpoirier
sgarrity suggested we consider a new URL for this page while we're at it. I think that sounds like a good idea.
(In reply to Dan Poirier [:dpoirier] from comment #14)
> sgarrity suggested we consider a new URL for this page while we're at it. I
> think that sounds like a good idea.

Sure, as long as we don't lose traffic.  The current URL doesn't makes lots of sense.  Maybe something like:

It looks like the released versions use /firefox/<VERSION>/firstrun/, so how does

(In reply to Dan Poirier [:dpoirier] from comment #16)
> It looks like the released versions use /firefox/<VERSION>/firstrun/, so how
> does


Not sure if a change of URLs will require any changes in Nightly itself or if we can handle redirects on the site.
We'll certainly put in a redirect that'll be around indefinitely, but once the new URL is live, I think we'll want Nightly to start linking to the new URL.
Content migrated to a new page and redirects set up on this branch:

Still some work needed in final formatting which I'm hoping someone else can handle.
Assignee: dpoirier → tshahian
Craig - Would you be able to help us out with this?
(In reply to jbertsch from comment #20)
> Craig - Would you be able to help us out with this?

Yep, I can work on it.
Thanks Craig! does this mean I close this out off the creative bug list? or move it to another component? please let me know.
(In reply to Tara (musingt) from comment #22)
> Thanks Craig! does this mean I close this out off the creative bug list? or
> move it to another component? please let me know.

Yes, I think you can take this off the creative list.
Thanks!  I"ll go ahead and close this out.  Feel free to re-configure the bug to a different component if you wish.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Assignee: tshahian → nobody
Component: Design → Pages & Content
OS: Mac OS X → All
Product: Marketing →
Hardware: x86 → All
Moved to > Pages & Content for implementation. 

Pull request at
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Assignee: nobody → craigcook.bugz
Commit pushed to master at
Bug 748503: Port Firefox nightly firstrun page to Bedrock

- Created new page with content copied from existing page
- Mark for translation
- Took a stab at formatting, but needs more work
- Use /firefox/nightly/firstrun/ instead of

- Added rewrite rules so old page:
ends up at
served with new content from Bedrock.

Add link to nightly build bug team

Link requested in
Was added on the php/svn side, needed to be added here too so the
ported page would have it when it goes live.

Page styling
Closed: 11 years ago11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
So on production, after installing nightly, the user is redirected to instead of
Resolution: FIXED → ---
This is fixed now, yes?
(In reply to Andrei Hajdukewycz [:sancus] from comment #29)
> This is fixed now, yes?

No, The Nightly firstrun is still instead of .
There is a problem with the redirect regex.
Understood, I think I missed your earlier comment due to not refreshing this bug page, my bad.
This morning, here's what I'm seeing:

* The new URL,, is live and displays the new page.

* The old URL,, is live and displays the old page.

Neither one is doing any redirects.

What ought to be happening right now, to the best of my knowledge, is the nightly firstrun tries to load the old URL, but is redirected to the new one.

Clearly, the redirect from the old URL to the new one is not working; the old URL is still being served normally.  There was a redirect in my branch ( that appears to have gone missing in master now. That redirect needs to get put back, or something else done to replace it, so that when nightlies request the old URL, they get redirected to the new one.

But in addition to that, I don't see how we could be getting from anywhere, unless the nightly is loading a different URL than ?  (And if that's so, we need to take that into account when fixing the redirect.)

I'm going to download a nightly myself and see what it's doing.
I could be wrong, but I suspect the nightly is going to, not redirects to, which is where we end up.

I searched the master branch of mozilla-central for "prerelease.html" and it doesn't appear anywhere. But I did find this:



This is why I suspect that nightly is not going to, but to

If so, maybe we should change that string in browser/branding/nightly/pref/firefox-branding from to something that will end up at where we want to be.  I don't know how to write a redirect that will know that 23.0a1 is a nightly :-)
If it helps, we could look at the web stats for the page and see when traffic dropped off and then see what may have changed then to make that page not show up on first run any more.

IIRC, it was tricky getting the redirects to work correctly a while back to point to the prerelease.html page when the redirects were being served from the SVN repo.  It's possible those were not migrated or broken at some point.  So as Dan said, it may be easier to update the link directly in the Nightly instead of trying to sort out all the redirect issues.
Whiteboard: r=116212
Closed: 11 years ago11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Although this was closed as fixed, I'm still not seeing this page show up on first run when using a Nightly.  Should we file a separate bug about this since it's not directly related to redesigning the page?
What page does show up?
My understanding from the info here is that Nightly is currently set to show the same /firstrun page as the GA product:^[^\0]*%24&hitlimit=&tree=mozilla-central

David - let's open a separate bug to show the correct /firstrun page for nightly.
OK, so the issue here is that the Nightly whatsnew page url (homepage_override vs homepage_welcome, in about:config) is supposed to go to the Nightly firstrun page too.

Will fix.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Apologies for the delay here, is up and should fix this finally.
(In reply to Andrei Hajdukewycz [:sancus] from comment #40)
> Apologies for the delay here, is
> up and should fix this finally.

I just tried to test this by downloading the latest Nightly and running it.  I'm not seeing the first run page though.  Maybe the redirect isn't in production yet?  Maybe I'm doing something wrong?  Are other people seeing the first run page?
It's not in production yet, no. As you can see, the PR hasn't been merged. When it is merged, the robot will autofix this bug, and then it'll go live on whatever prod push on that day.
Closed: 11 years ago11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
FWIW, I'm not seeing the first run page when I install a new Nightly.  Maybe I'm doing something wrong though?

I checked the GA stats for the page too and don't seem to see any increase in traffic, but maybe it's too early to tell if this just went back live? exists but is not shown when you install and run the Nightly for the first time. Sancus can you take a look at this?
Flags: needinfo?(sancus)
Resolution: FIXED → ---
(In reply to raymond [:retornam] (needinfo? me) from comment #46)
> exists but is not
> shown when you install and run the Nightly for the first time. Sancus can
> you take a look at this?

Pinging the bug for an update.

Karl and I just met to discuss how we can bring more contributors into QA projects and having a functioning First Run experience for Nightly users is a key part of the plan.
(In reply to David Boswell from comment #45)
> FWIW, I'm not seeing the first run page when I install a new Nightly.  Maybe
> I'm doing something wrong though?

It might be a product bug. Please file a new bug for that.
Closed: 11 years ago11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Flags: needinfo?(sancus)
Raymond or David-

Do we know if the nightly firstrun page is currently turned on?

Flags: needinfo?(mozbugs.retornam)
Flags: needinfo?(dboswell)
(In reply to Jennifer Bertsch [:jbertsch] from comment #50)
> Do we know if the nightly firstrun page is currently turned on?

No, it's not appearing in Nightly builds right now although it is live on the site.  Laura Forrest is looking into how to get this back in Nightly builds.
Flags: needinfo?(dboswell)
Flags: needinfo?(mozbugs.retornam)
Hi Gavin-

Is the firstrun page working for Nightly?

David Boswell would like to have a firstrun page live on Nightly to invite Nightly users to join the QA community.

Flags: needinfo?(
It can work, if we enable it. Need a new Firefox::General bug filed for that - CC MattN and I?
Flags: needinfo?(
Yep, will do. Thanks Gavin!
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