Closed Bug 752919 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Aurora Desktop download page loads on latest firefox for android nightly


( :: Pages & Content, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: aakashd, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [Engagement] r=105108,105114 b=trunk)

Build id:
Latest Firefox nightly (5/7/2012).

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Go to (found it via Google & Bing search for "firefox aurora")
2. Click on the download button.

Actual Results:
I see the desktop firefox aurora page. When I click on the download button, I get a page not found error.

Expected Results:
I should be downloading firefox aurora for android.
OS: All → Android
Hardware: All → ARM
We're working with Webdev to improve device detection so you get served the mobile page rather than the desktop page. cc'ing malexis and cmore 

(not sure if this counts as a product bug for the Engagement competition though)
(In reply to Jaclyn Fu from comment #1)
> We're working with Webdev to improve device detection so you get served the
> mobile page rather than the desktop page. cc'ing malexis and cmore 

what's the bug number?  is this related to why i'm offered the mac version when i go to the page with an ipad?  this is true not just of aurora, it seems to be all download buttons.
When searched from the default Android Browser, you get served a Linux download button on /new: Bug 750555
(In reply to Chris Beard from comment #2)
> (In reply to Jaclyn Fu from comment #1)
> > We're working with Webdev to improve device detection so you get served the
> > mobile page rather than the desktop page. cc'ing malexis and cmore 
> >
> what's the bug number?  is this related to why i'm offered the mac version
> when i go to the page with an ipad?  this is true not just of aurora, it
> seems to be all download buttons.

Actually, there's two issues here from what I can tell. 

1. We've got far too many pages for users to download these builds from. If I search for "download firefox", I go to and can get to the channels page from there. I'm not so sure why "download firefox aurora" page isn't simply re-directing to the channels page.

2. Any search term around "download firefox *" (* -> beta, aurora or nightly) should all just go to the channels page to make it easy for testers and users to download an appropriate build.

I've done more digging into this bug this evening and I discovered the following.

1) Visiting on an Android device gives you the desktop site. If you click the download button, you get a 404 where the filename is 14.0.*.undefined.

2) Visiting (no locale) redirects you to (mobile version of download site) and gives you the right file.

Two issues with this:

1) With our without locale should both be going to /m/ on an mobile device (for now at least). The mobile page redirection should happen regardless if the locale is specified or not and it could be a regex issue with .htaccess.

2) Regardless if you were on the desktop page or not, it should still not serve up a 404. This seems to be an issue on the old PHP code base unlike bug 750555.

Given the importance of Mobile, consider this a P1. Let me know what you find. Thanks!
Priority: -- → P1
(In reply to Chris More [:cmore] from comment #5)
> Two issues with this:
> 1) With our without locale should both be going to /m/ on an mobile device
> (for now at least). The mobile page redirection should happen regardless if
> the locale is specified or not and it could be a regex issue with .htaccess. has a lond-standing problem with not forcing mobile users to the mobile site. The rule of thumb has always been to redirect the users from the root points (like /, /firefox, etc) not not from every single page. I think the only reason for this is that we've never had time to implement an appropriate solution for global mobile detection and redirection. For example, not every page has a mobile version, and some pages map to different pages, etc.

Technically, the redirect is happening the prefetch file in a section of code that is triggered if not locale exists. What we could do is add a few htaccess rewrites.

I think what needs to happen is to port these pages to bedrock and get our responsive design working. It's not worth putting much effort into fixing the existing PHP codebase. 

> 2) Regardless if you were on the desktop page or not, it should still not
> serve up a 404. This seems to be an issue on the old PHP code base unlike
> bug 750555.

I see the code in product-details that is producing this. I'll see if it's an easy fix.
I also just discovered this page:

It's really confusing to have that as a completely separate page from /firefox/aurora.
jlongster: regardless of the redirect bundle-of-fun, what about the download page serving up a 404?

I mentioned to Sean today that is important to make a decision on the CSS framework that we are going to use (Less vs Frameless) asap so we can port those mobile pages over and clean up the redirects. I'm fine with not fixing the redirects as long as we determine the root cause of the 404 page when trying to download.
The redirect should be fixed on www-dev. Please test.

I'm not sure if it's worth fixing product-details. It seems like it would require refactoring to detect android and pass it through to all the right functions. Technically, the android user should never see that page, so is this good enough?
(In reply to Chris More [:cmore] from comment #8)
> jlongster: regardless of the redirect bundle-of-fun, what about the download
> page serving up a 404?
> I mentioned to Sean today that is important to make a decision on the CSS
> framework that we are going to use (Less vs Frameless) asap so we can port
> those mobile pages over and clean up the redirects. I'm fine with not fixing
> the redirects as long as we determine the root cause of the 404 page when
> trying to download.

It turns out the redirect was easy to implement, and from a glance the product-details fix is much more involved. Does that work?

We're already using Less all over the site. What's frameless?
Using an iPhone or iPad when I visit I'm redirected to which is the correct page for iOS devices but when I visit or I get the link to download the Android version which is wrong. I also realized that  people are reaching on mobile devices by searching Google. We need to put in place a check  on so it serves the right button.
Raymond, try www-dev. All of that should be fixed.
Keywords: qawanted
Whiteboard: [Engagement] → [Engagement] r=105108 b=trunk
(In reply to James Long (:jlongster) from comment #12)
> Raymond, try www-dev. All of that should be fixed. on iOS gives me a link to download Firefox for Mac. That needs to be fixed as well
Keywords: qawanted
Hi everyone. This should take higher precedence than anything else as it is affecting real users now. The /new page also have really high SEO and we should considering doing mobile detection and redirection from the root of instead of on a page-by-page basis.
(In reply to Chris More [:cmore] from comment #15)
> Hi everyone. This should take higher precedence than anything else as it is
> affecting real users now. The /new page also have really high SEO and we
> should considering doing mobile detection and redirection from the root of
> instead of on a page-by-page basis.

How would this work? There's very few /m pages, so that's why we've never done global redirection. Most pages don't have anything to redirect to.
(In reply to raymond [:retornam] from comment #13)
> (In reply to James Long (:jlongster) from comment #12)
> > Raymond, try www-dev. All of that should be fixed.
> on iOS gives me a link to
> download Firefox for Mac. That needs to be fixed as well

That definitely happened before bedrock, because we don't have anything else to offer them.

(In reply to raymond [:retornam] from comment #14)
> Also the download button on
> links to the wiki it should link to Google play

Both of these are separate issues (can you file a bug for the latter one?). Can you check to see if this specific issue is resolved with the patch?
(In reply to James Long (:jlongster) from comment #17)
> (In reply to raymond [:retornam] from comment #13)
> > (In reply to James Long (:jlongster) from comment #12)
> > > Raymond, try www-dev. All of that should be fixed.
> > 
> > on iOS gives me a link to
> > download Firefox for Mac. That needs to be fixed as well
> That definitely happened before bedrock, because we don't have anything else
> to offer them.
> (In reply to raymond [:retornam] from comment #14)
> > Also the download button on
> > links to the wiki it should link to Google play
> >
> Both of these are separate issues (can you file a bug for the latter one?).
> Can you check to see if this specific issue is resolved with the patch

The Android issue is fixed on dev only that it links to wiki instead of Google play. Can you change the link to point to Google play.
(In reply to raymond [:retornam] from comment #18)
> The Android issue is fixed on dev only that it links to wiki instead of
> Google play. Can you change the link to point to Google play.

Yeah, we can fix that in this bug since it's pretty quick. Thanks.
fixed in r105114, test on dev?
Whiteboard: [Engagement] r=105108 b=trunk → [Engagement] r=105108,105114 b=trunk
qa-verified Beta link goes to Google Play now
pushed to prod r105116
(In reply to James Long (:jlongster) from comment #16)
> How would this work? There's very few /m pages, so that's why we've never
> done global redirection. Most pages don't have anything to redirect to.

Also, on a tablet, I would expect to see the tablet version of most stuff, but the Android downloads. I know, doesn't make things easier at all. :-/
I'm also constantly annoyed if I can't get to the desktop version of pages on a mobile device, because sometimes I want to check stuff for my desktop when I'm on a mobile device.
Component: → General
Product: Websites →
Closing as per Comment 22.
Closed: 11 years ago
Component: General → Pages & Content
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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