Closed Bug 756533 Opened 12 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Kitsune inheritance cleanup


( Graveyard :: Code Cleanup, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: lorchard, Assigned: jezdez)



When the kitsune code base was combined with the devmo code base, we inherited a lot of code that we're not using. That's both a maintenance issue and a potential security issue. We should spend some time cleaning that up, with this as the tracking blocker bug. For example, these apps are not in use as far as I can tell (there may be more): * chat, customercare, dashboards, forums, gallery, humans, inproduct, kadmin, kbforums, questions, twitter, upload I'd advise removing them entirely, along with any others not in use. We shouldn't hang on to them in the hopes they *might* be handy someday, because: * Kitsune's over a year older since we forked, and lots has been done since then that we should revisit * We might never use these some of these apps at all * Even if we want something like one of them, we should consider use cases and may come up with something entirely different. A caveat: there are likely dependencies on these apps in the apps that we *do* use, so removing them needs to go slowly and with a run of tests after each. This will be tedious work.
Oh, another thing of note: We have an app called `devmo` and another called `sumo`. The former was around before the Kitsune inheritance, and the latter came from Kitsune. They overlap in a lot of interesting and conflicting ways. They also serve a lot of the same purposes as the `funfactory` app from the Playdoh project. It would be useful to finally resolve the differences between `devmo` and `sumo` into one app, and/or possibly replace that app with `funfactory` so we can outsource some core improvements to the webdev team at large.
Blocks: 756536
No longer blocks: 756266
Blocks: 756266
(In reply to Les Orchard [:lorchard] from comment #0) > * chat, customercare, dashboards, forums, gallery, humans, inproduct, > kadmin, kbforums, questions, twitter, upload > > I'd advise removing them entirely, along with any others not in use. We > shouldn't hang on to them in the hopes they *might* be handy someday, > because: +100, with three possible exceptions: * `kadmin` is just a place to collect admin views (things that we plug into with AdminPlus) like /admin/settings and /admin/env. Those are generically useful, others may not be. Since Kuma starts with a 'k', I'd say keep it and just change kadmin.admin as you need to. * `kbforums` is the discussion-forum-per-article app. If you don't need the feature, drop it like a bad habit. * `upload` contains a lot of utility stuff for uploading files. It can probably be done better or superseded by newer stuff in Django, and maybe MDN has wildly different requirements, but it's worth a little more consideration.
Version: Kuma → unspecified
Component: Docs Platform → Editing
No longer blocks: 756266
Les, I think this shouldn't be in the Editing buckets. Moving to MDN/General
Component: Editing → General
Is this bug still outstanding? Looks like all but 2 of the apps listed in comment 0 are gone, and one of those has recently been moved.
Flags: needinfo?(lcrouch)
Still relevant if for no other reason than to combine 'devmo' and 'sumo' apps as mentioned in comment 1.
Flags: needinfo?(lcrouch)
Component: General → Code Cleanup
Assignee: nobody → jezdez
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Commits pushed to master at Bug 756533 - Define a root kuma logger so that logging doesn't raise a warning. Bug 756533 - Move actioncounters test model into own package. This prevents the creation of the table in non test environments. Merge pull request #3011 from mozilla/bug756533-2 Bug 756533 - For a handful of fixes
Commits pushed to master at Bug 756533 - Move the LOCALES setting population inline. This prevents a hard to trace circular import. Bug 756533 - Simplify the default logging setup to get rid of the RequireDebugTrue filter that break the world. Merge pull request #3015 from mozilla/bug756533-3 A few more fixes for bug 756533.
Commits pushed to master at Bug 756533 - Simplified test command for Travis. Also prints the coverage report on Travis-CI. Merge pull request #3016 from mozilla/bug756533-4 Bug 756533 - Simplified test command for Travis.
Commits pushed to master at Bug 756533 - Slightly revert logging changes from 96d0d221bb3d297b4af1bcb9e66ebe614f351533. This increases the logging threadshold to just errors and reintroduces the RequireDebugFalse filter for the admin email log handler. Merge pull request #3035 from mozilla/logging Bug 756533 - Slightly revert logging changes from 96d0d221bb3d297b4af1bcb9e66ebe614f351533.
Product: → Graveyard
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