Open Bug 77195 Opened 24 years ago Updated 2 years ago

support news, imap, mailbox message urls from the browser (needed bookmarking)


(MailNews Core :: Backend, enhancement)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: sspitzer, Unassigned)


(Blocks 4 open bugs)


we need some support news, imap, mailbox message urls from the browser (needed 

it might already be there, but I'm too lame to know what it is.

for news I know it's news://host/message-id

there is something that works for mailbox:// (which involves the path to the
folder on disk) but it might not be supported.

this bug blocks our ability to implement bookmarking of mail / news messages.
Actually, RFC 1738 says that news: should use the slash-less mailto style, not
Common Internet Scheme Syntax (http/ftp style, section 3.1 of the RFC).

I found from pasting a news URL:

that it sort of converts it into a news URL in CISS
But the window doesn't open.

I think for a "news" URL, we have to consider using only the default news server
("The news URLs are unusual in that by themselves, they do not contain
sufficient locatino to locate a single resource, but, rather, are

Having server-level granularity probably belongs in nttp...
That seems more like the way NNTP should be described in a URL (3.7).
OS: other → All
Hardware: PC → All
To show news URl mozilla looks for existing resource(folder)
with the same name. For example, to show
news://, mozilla looks for 
(RDF) resource with such name ('netscape.public.test' subfolder
of folder '')

There is two problems here:
1. Mozilla cannot show nonexisting resource, so you can't load
unsubscribed newsgroup.

2. Even if such resource exists, it cannot be shown anyway,
besause URL gets converted from news://server/newsgroup form
to news://server:119/newsgroup (or news:newsgroup to
news://default_server:119/newsgroup). Of course, there is no such
resource! (but port-less resource does exists).

I'm don't quite understand why such conversion (adding port number) 
is needed. BTW, what is CISS?

Also, if news server uses nonstandard port number, it also cannot
be shown.

To solve this problem we can
a. don't add (strip) port number from URL or,
b. *always* add port number to server name in folders tree

As for imap:// URL, I can't test them, besause my mozilla just
silently exits in a fraction of second when loading such URL....
Last few debuglines are
###!!! Break: at file nsImapProtocol.cpp, line 544
###!!! ASSERTION: couldn't get proxies: 'NS_SUCCEEDED(res)', file nsImapProtocol
.cpp, line 550
###!!! Break: at file nsImapProtocol.cpp, line 550
###!!! ASSERTION: missing url or sink: 'PR_FALSE', file nsImapProtocol.cpp, line
###!!! Break: at file nsImapProtocol.cpp, line 1167
###!!! ASSERTION: nsStreamListenerTee not thread-safe: 'owningThread == NS_Curre
ntThread()', file nsDebug.cpp, line 528
###!!! Break: at file nsDebug.cpp, line 528
Blocks: 108948
There should be a dependency to Bug 14988.
Product: MailNews → Core
sorry for the spam.  making bugzilla reflect reality as I'm not working on these bugs.  filter on FOOBARCHEESE to remove these in bulk.
Assignee: sspitzer → nobody
Filter on "Nobody_NScomTLD_20080620"
QA Contact: esther → backend
Product: Core → MailNews Core
Blocks: 245677
This bug sounds to me like dup of bug 14988
Blocks: 14988
This seems like a pretty big deal for platform-local integration, to the point where it might want to be block Thunderbird 3, though I suspect it's more likely that it should "wanted".  Supporting these URLs also helps push towards vendor-neutrality by providing incentive to link to the actual objects rather than (say) Google Groups representations thereof.
Flags: blocking-thunderbird3?
Doesn't block tb3 I don't think.
Flags: blocking-thunderbird3? → blocking-thunderbird3-
(In reply to comment #0)
> we need some support news, imap, mailbox message urls from the browser (needed 
> bookmarking)
> it might already be there, but I'm too lame to know what it is.
> for news I know it's news://host/message-id
> there is something that works for mailbox:// (which involves the path to the
> folder on disk) but it might not be supported.
> this bug blocks our ability to implement bookmarking of mail / news messages.

You're not the only one:

This feature would be very handy when combining TB with local Wiki \ CMS \ OneNote.
Flags: wanted-thunderbird3+
Blocks: 499383
> This feature would be very handy when combining TB with
> local Wiki \ CMS \ OneNote.

Yes, this is a popular feature request. Here is the RFE for Zim-wiki:
Agreed this is a duplicate of bug 14988, even though this one has more votes/CCs.

Note that Postbox supports this somehow so its possible. They use the scheme "x-postbox-message". Its very handy for adding links to todo lists and tools like Things/OmniFocus.
It seems that already implemented the idea, using message-ID. This is really great idea!
Severity: normal → S3
Type: defect → enhancement
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