Closed Bug 786084 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

failures running mochitest, reftest, xpc shell tests on OSX 10.8


(Testing :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kmoir, Unassigned)


(Depends on 5 open bugs)


(Keywords: sheriffing-untriaged)


(3 files)

Attached file log files from mountain lion failures (deleted) —
The following branch and revision applies to all the test results

Branch	mozilla-central-macosx64-opt-unittest
Revision	49aded7afc77

I'll attach the logs
My favorite of them so far: the accursed uriloader/exthandler/tests/mochitest/handlerApps.js which annoyingly opens iCal is stymied in trying to do so, probably because it's  rather than 10.8++ :)
xpcshell failures:
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /builds/slave/talos-slave/test/build/xpcshell/tests/toolkit/crashreporter/test/unit_ipc/test_content_annotation.js | test failed (with xpcshell return code: 0), see following log:

TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test 1 pending

parent: TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test 2 pending

parent: TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test 2 finished

parent: TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | running event loop
[Child 3401] ###!!! ABORT: Intentional crash: file ../../../../../toolkit/crashreporter/test/nsTestCrasher.cpp, line 65
[Child 3401] ###!!! ABORT: Intentional crash: file ../../../../../toolkit/crashreporter/test/nsTestCrasher.cpp, line 65

parent: TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test 2 pending

parent: TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | ../unit/head_crashreporter.js | false == true - See following stack:
parent: JS frame :: /builds/slave/talos-slave/test/build/xpcshell/head.js :: do_throw :: line 451
parent: JS frame :: /builds/slave/talos-slave/test/build/xpcshell/head.js :: _do_check_eq :: line 545
parent: JS frame :: /builds/slave/talos-slave/test/build/xpcshell/head.js :: do_check_eq :: line 566
parent: JS frame :: /builds/slave/talos-slave/test/build/xpcshell/head.js :: do_check_true :: line 580
parent: JS frame :: ../unit/head_crashreporter.js :: handleMinidump :: line 97
parent: JS frame :: ../unit/head_crashreporter.js :: <TOP_LEVEL> :: line 131
parent: JS frame :: /builds/slave/talos-slave/test/build/xpcshell/head.js :: <TOP_LEVEL> :: line 418

parent: TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | exiting test

parent: TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | ../unit/head_crashreporter.js | Unexpected exception 2147500036, see following stack:

parent: TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | exiting test

parent: TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test 2 finished

Could this be an issue with crash reporter?
The reftest failures might be related to conditions we have in the manifests for OS or graphics libraries which might be different on 10.8 vs 10.7.  That is what I would check for.
The crash stuff (in xpcshell and in mochitests) will be the same as the stuff on 10.7 that we disabled there, but the first several reftests I looked at did not have conditions for anything else, so there'll be some new fun in them.
Blocks: 731278
Depends on: 786456
Depends on: 744125
See also bug 700503 for getting tests green on 10.7 (not yet complete).
Blocks: 784681
Lest the slashing knives of "shut off all the things!" come after these too, and, I'm already a fair bit of the way along though there are some interesting surprises (like, why isn't mochitest-ipcplugins leaking?).
Depends on: 756885
Depends on: 786918
Depends on: 705046
Depends on: 786938
Depends on: 757722

mochitest-1 crashes in webgl, there's something behind that but I forget what, maybe an intermittent, and debug will probably leak forever
mochitest-3 needs the disabling of test_crash* on opt, on debug it'll probably leak forever
mochitest-5 needs to stop trying to open
mochitest-chrome needs the disabling of test_crash*
mochitest-browser-chrome needs an explanation for how it can be acting like FKA is on when it isn't
crashtest will probably leak forever
reftests need to be dealt with, they're still both unfiled and unannotated
Depends on: 705047
Depends on: 786418
Depends on: 705570
Depends on: 789759
Depends on: 789760
Depends on: 789761
Depends on: 789762
Depends on: 789763
Status (since it's hard to tell with the dependent bugs staying open despite being worked around):

opt mochitest-3 and mochitest-other unhidden, mochitest-1 still crashes in webgl, mochitest-5 still tries to open, reftests unhidden (on inbound, it'll make its way around)

debug mochitest-1 (once it stops crashing in webgl), mochitest-3 and crashtest apparently leak because Java is disabled by default on 10.7 and 10.8, and mochitest-5 tries to open, mochitest-other and reftests unhidden
Component: Mochitest → General
Whiteboard: [sheriff-want]

mochitest-1 now fails multiple webgl tests rather than crashing, mochitest-5 unhidden, debug mochitest-1, mochitest-3 and crashtest still leak because Java isn't installed.
Depends on: 791509
Whiteboard: [sheriff-want]
All green and unhidden on the trunk.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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