Closed Bug 786609 Opened 12 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Search bar does not work in FF 15.0


(Firefox :: Untriaged, defect)

15 Branch
Windows 7
Not set





(Reporter: reiner.block, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0
Build ID: 20120824154833

Steps to reproduce:

Since today I updated to FF 15.0 I can't type anything into the search bar. The magnifier icon works and the Google site opens but just with no text to search for.

Actual results:

I just updated FF to the current version and tried to type in a text to search for.

Expected results:

It should be possible to enter text as until yesterday in version 14.x
I updated to FF 15.0 in a VM with a version without Addons and it worked. Then I tested it on my home office PC and I determined that if I click on the search bar where "Google" is to read at my PC, it seems nothing to happen, nothing was to see. There was no blinking cursor and still Google to read. But as I typed some letters they appear in the search bar and the cursor appears.

O.k. a few seconds ago I tried the follogin. In the VM the cursor was at once to see after clicking in the search bar. Therefore I installed the dark Lava Blue theme and restarted FF. As I clicked in the dark search bar nothing was to see but the characters and cursor appeard after typing some letters.

So it seems with the new version the cursor, when the search bar gets the focus, is still dark as normal. After typing a first letter the color of the cursor changes to a bright one like possibly the default in the dark theme.
Focusing Textfields not clearing the prefilled Text (e.g. the String "Google" in the Search Bar) is intended Behavior since Firefox 15. Just type some String and the prefilled Text gets replaced.
That's not the problem!

The confusing is that the cursor is dark as a default, obviously black, even if the theme defined it bright. Only after pressing a first key on the keyboard the cursor becomes visible with the color of the theme.

FF should check and if necessary set it to the themes color value after clicking in the search bar even if the starting text is still in the Textfield.

O.k. that are just my two cents because I am quite new as software developer for about twenty years. ;-)
Ah, right. So your Issue is like Bug 786778, yes?

If so, then it's a Dupe of Bug 769405 what depends on fixing Bug 737786.
As we now end up in the fact that the textfield is editable but 'just' the dark cursor is not visible in darf textfields, if to agree to U. :-) 

So I hopefully awaiting the solution for it.
was found as duplicate, but never marked as such.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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