Closed Bug 787474 Opened 12 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Master process using ~20% CPU when playing OOP video


(Core :: Audio/Video: Playback, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set





(Reporter: cjones, Unassigned)



The content process is using ~60%.  Audio during playback is a bit janky, more so than last week.

Since the master process should just sitting mostly idle, firing off commands to the CPU, this amount of CPU usage is highly unexpected.

Bug 730765 might be making bad things happen, so should retest when that lands.
A "searching network" indicator was animating in the background, which increased CPU usage.  That's a separate bug, and this one is less severe.  20% is still surprising though.
Summary: Master process using ~30-35% CPU when playing OOP video → Master process using ~20% CPU when playing OOP video
Could we profile a bit to see what's happening here (i.e. is it on a process I can profile with not too much trouble using the SPS profiler)? Do we have a regression range?

I can test with and without patches in bug 730765 if needed.
Please do, to both suggestions! :)
Alright, so from what I've seen, we invalidate the whole screen roughly every 0.5s when audio is playing, even if we are not currently in the Music app.

STR, with paint flashing activated:
1. Go in the music app
2. Start playing a song
3. Notice that the whole screen is flashing.
4. Press the lock button, press it again to display the lock screen
5. Notice that the lock screen is still flashing
6. Unlock, go to the Music app, pause the song.
7. Lock the phone, unlock it, no flashing.

I'll hopefully have a profile soon, now that my device is working again, but maybe someone has an idea.
Component: Audio/Video → Audio/Video: Playback
Mass closing do to inactivity.
Feel free to re-open if still needed.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → INACTIVE
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