Closed Bug 787618 Opened 12 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Account wizard does not work with different usernames/passwords for pop3 and smtp servers


(Thunderbird :: Account Manager, defect)

15 Branch
Windows 7
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kim, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: regression)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0
Build ID: 20120824154833

Steps to reproduce:

I tried to setup an account using e-mail address, with pop3s or imaps incoming mail server at domain1 with username1 and password1, and outgoing mail sever at domain 2 with username2 and password2.

Actual results:

Despite using the correct settings, the automatic wizard does not find either of the servers (not specified).

Expected results:

It should indicate more precisely what the hell is wrong, AND it should allow for different usernames and passwords for the two servers.
Severity: normal → major
Summary: Account wizard does not work for different usernames → Account wizard does not work with different usernames/passwords for pop3 and smtp servers
Priority: -- → P5
I realize that this might be sometime else all together, but I have no way of knowing as the error message is kind of cryptic "Thunderbird failed to find the settings for your e-mail account". The settings are correct.
I found a workaround by downloading version 13.1, which will generate a profile that works when the wizard does not find the settings.
Component: General → Account Manager
Keywords: regression
I the Account wizard misbehaving? Does it not allow you to enter all the data manually?
No, you cannot enter all data manually, because there are not separate entries for username and password for in and out going mail servers. Re-test fails, and does not allow you to continue when failing.
You do not need to retest, you can press "manual config" or "advanced config" or "Done". Also, outgoing server login (user and password) can be set after account creation in the Outgoing Server (SMTP) pane in the account manager (below all accounts).
No, you cannot do that.
No, you cannot do that in the initial start up when you have no SMTP server defined yet. It does not allow you to be 'done', the button is greyed out until the retest  (advanced, manual or automatic) is successful.
Contact me privately and I give you my settings and you can try with a complete new installation to get it done.
(In reply to Kim van der Linde from comment #4)
> Re-test fails, and does not allow you to continue when failing.

- After initial account creation failure due to
  POP3/IMAP userID/password != SMTP userID/password,
(a) account creation via "Advanced Config" was impossible.
(b) account creation via "Advanced Config" was possible.

I couldn't observe (a). I could observe (b) only in Tb 15.0 and some Tb releases before 15. If server type, host name, SSL, authentication etc. is filled by hand, "Advanced Config" button is always enabled and "Advanced Config" is possible always.

> you cannot enter all data manually, because there are not separate
> entries for username and password for in and out going mail servers.

As you can see in the panel design, "POP3/IMAP userID/password != SMTP userID/password" is not supported by current auto-config UI. This is problem in auto-config UI since initial of auto-config.

Workaround is "define SMTP separately".
(1) Create an SMTP server definition first via "Outgoing Server(SMTP)", Add button. This SMTP is set as "Deafult SMTP server". This SMTP server can be dummy.
(2) Create POP3/IMAP account with required userID/password, with selecting an existent SMTP server.
(3) Create(Add) correct SMTP server definition via "Outgoing Server(SMTP)" of account list at Account Settings.
(4) At Account Settings/"Outgoing Server(SMTP):" of account created by step (2), choose required SMTP server definition(specific SMTP server, or "Use Default Server"). 
(5) Remove SMTP server defined at step (1), if it's dummy SMTP definition.

IIRC, this problem is already reported and improvements are requested, but I'm not sure.
Ever confirmed: true
As seen in ISPDB definition(Gmail example), <username> is defined for each server type.
I don't know whether current auto-config UI/code supports "<username>%EMAILLOCALPART%</username> for POP3" and "<username>%EMAILADDRESS%</username> for SMTP" well.
Priority: P5 → --
This means I can no longer create my mail accounts in a new Thunderbird profile, as of the new stable release :-(

I have IMAP at server 1 with username1 and password1, and SMTP at server2 with username2 and password2. B2G's email app has a similar bug - bug 805501 - and I explain why this is the case in that bug. 

1) Start a new profile
2) Click "Skip this and use my existing email"
3) Enter email address and IMAP password
4) Click "Continue"
5) Click "Manual Config"
6) Set up correct values for IMAP server

But now I'm stuck. The passwords for the two are different, so I can't pass the check, and there's no way I can see to bypass it. Clearing all the SMTP fields doesn't work.

You say this has changed between TB17 and 24?
Also, you should be able to use the advanced config. In the full Account manager I see username for IMAP as a separate field (similarly to POP3). And SMTP config is also separate.
(In reply to :aceman from comment #12)
> You say this has changed between TB17 and 24?

I'm not certain I ever tried to set up a new account with TB17. But it's certainly a problem in 24.

> Also, you should be able to use the advanced config. In the full Account
> manager I see username for IMAP as a separate field (similarly to POP3). And
> SMTP config is also separate.

See my comment in the other bug. The wizard is the only way to create accounts, and it does not have this option as far as I can see. So one can never get to the stage where one can use the standard account modification UI.

:aceman: how do we get some attention on this bug, do you think?

Are you able to describe how this is different from bug 883670 ?
:aceman: Hmm, they might indeed be the same. This one has a wider-scoped title, but perhaps the patch in bug 883670 covers all the issues here. Do you think it does?

It would appear to cover everything for this bug yes.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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