Open Bug 814298 Opened 12 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Start Firefox with the browser debugger attached, and breakpoints pre-set


(DevTools :: Debugger, defect, P5)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: Unfocused, Unassigned)


(Blocks 2 open bugs)


(Whiteboard: [chrome-debug])

I'd *love* to be able to start Firefox with a chrome JS debugger attached as soon as possible (at xpcom-startup?), to debug code that's loaded/executed as part of the startup process (ie, even before a browser window is opened).

To make that useful, I'd like to be able to set breakpoints in the normal debugger UI in the previous session - and be able to restart the browser from there, and have the breakpoints remembered and everything automagically Just Work.
Would respecting debugger keywords also be useful rather than having preloaded breakpoints?
Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: [chrome-debug]
(In reply to Rob Campbell [:rc] (:robcee) from comment #1)
> Would respecting debugger keywords also be useful rather than having
> preloaded breakpoints?

That would be useful, but I think wouldn't replace the need for remembering breakpoints between sessions, which would be far more flexible (and quicker - no rebuild step!). That said, handling debugger statements in chrome code on startup would work as an interim solution for a lot of cases.
Assignee: nobody → mhordecki
OS: Windows 8 → All
Hardware: x86_64 → All
What's the status of this bug and what would be required to gain some traction on it? Is there a separate bug for persisting breakpoints across restarts?
The bug for persisting breakpoints is the one this depends on and neither is actively worked on to the best of my knowledge.
Assignee: mike → nobody
Depends on: 883238
Summary: Should be able to start Firefox with a chrome JS debugger attached, and breakpoints pre-set → Start Firefox with the browser debugger attached, and breakpoints pre-set
We have at the moment no possibilities to debug fx at startup time. For extension development this is mandatory. In former times i used Fx5 with Firebug + Chromebug here. Due the changes since Fx 5 and respectively necessary changes in addons this way is also not more practicable. Would be nice to give this bug a higher priority.
(In reply to TheRave from comment #6)
> We have at the moment no possibilities to debug fx at startup time. For
> extension development this is mandatory. In former times i used Fx5 with
> Firebug + Chromebug here. Due the changes since Fx 5 and respectively
> necessary changes in addons this way is also not more practicable. Would be
> nice to give this bug a higher priority.

Browser debugging is definitely an area that could use some love, and something we want to focus on in Q4. Upping the priority on this accordingly.
Blocks: dbg-browser
Priority: P3 → P2
As of bug 1275942 / Firefox 55, there's now a `--wait-for-jsdebugger` CLI option to pause during startup.  However, we still aren't yet persisting breakpoints, so you'd need to add a `debugger;` line to the location you want to stop at.
Depends on: 1275942
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Priority: P2 → P5
Blocks: dbg-chrome
Severity: normal → S3
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