Closed Bug 824126 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago


( :: General, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mrmazda, Assigned: openjck)


(Blocks 1 open bug)

Details is no longer being kept current. Now that has been created, would be a better place for its last modified Feb. 2012 content that hasn't picked up.
Summary: redirect to → redirect to
Ben/Justin: this will be a quick win for the legacy PHP cleanup project.

Updated URL (without trailing slash):
To the best of my knowledge the archive is a snapshot of the site from 2008; this means this content is not updated.

If this content is not relevant and has been replaced by the wiki content, then I would suggest just redirecting. 

If you need to have the old content available somewhere for historical reasons, we need to find a new home for it, this might just be another page on the wiki with a note stating this is not up-to-date.

I would vote for the former and just to the redirect, if the old content is not relevant and has been updated by new content, I don't really see users benefiting from seeing the old content.
What's the purpose of the existing snapshot? What exactly is

I don't understand the point of keeping a snapshot of an obsolete page older than a much newer obsolete page that was current when it replaced the older. IOW, either keep the most recent version, or keep neither, or keep both.
(In reply to Felix Miata from comment #3)
> What's the purpose of the existing snapshot? What exactly is

An archived snapshot of the old site before we started to massively redesign it and cut ancient, not maintained content from the live site. The main purpose was so that old, unmaintained content would not just disappear.

The redirect should be made on the live site to point to the wiki, just as the summary here says, as the archive might actually go away at some point.
Assignee: nobody → jkarahalis
One challenge here is that many other files and directories live under the /ports/os2 path. For example:


This content has been migrated to www-archive, but not the Wiki. There are a few different approaches we could take to remedy this.

1. Redirect the /ports/os2 page to the Wiki, and let the rest of this content disappear.
2. Redirect both the /ports/os2 page and this additional content to www-archive.
3. Redirect the /ports/os2 page to the Wiki, but redirect the rest of this content to

I suspect #3 would make the most sense, but any of these approaches is possible. Please let me know which we should go with.
Flags: needinfo?(jbertsch)
(In reply to John Karahalis [:openjck] from comment #6)
> I suspect #3 would make the most sense

Yes; it appears that none of the content on the other listed links is still valid.
John - Please move forward with #3.  We can't add new content to the archive as it exists as a snapshot of website at that point and time.  Thx.
Flags: needinfo?(jbertsch)
Blocks: 885465
Might I ask what the perceived benefit (for anyone!) is of moving content more than five years out of date to wiki.m.o (or, possibly, anywhere else). 

I've recently taken on managing MozillaWiki and one thing I'm wanting to start *clearing out* is all the archived & outdated / non-maintained information in there, so I'd rather not be acquiring more.
Hi Alison-

Hi Alison-

I'm Jen Bertsch and I'm the product manager for

The team is working to complete a migration of content from our legacy PHP platform to our new Python platform.  As part of that work, we've been working to remove out of date content, content that receives minimal traffic, and content that doesn't support as the main touch point for website visitors interested in learning more about Mozilla and Firefox products.

In situations like this one, where the original content owners believe the content should continue to exist online, we've proposed moving content to the wiki as appropriate (since we cannot add content to the archive). 

It has been my understanding that one of the goals of the wiki is to record the history of the Mozilla project as a reference tool. 

Felix, do you still feel that this content still needs to be live on a mozilla website?

Alison, I'm happy to talk more outside of this bug :)

Thanks everyone,
Flags: needinfo?(mrmazda)
The page in question (1) is available on the archive (2), so if we want, we can redirect from 1 to 2 directly and remove the page from the Wiki. Felix, would this work for you?

(In reply to Jennifer Bertsch [:jbertsch] from comment #11)
> Hi Jen...

Being a total hoarder of information and reference info myself I can understand the desire to retain records; the issue here is one of mechanics. You note this (and other) items presently receive minimal traffic and would I be correct in presuming that storage _as archival record_ is what is sought, rather than _copy which might be updated_? If that is the case here (and in 675031) then as part of my review of the 'currency' of the information in wiki.m.o I could look to structure a non-editable/import-only archive option. Workable for folks?
(In reply to John Karahalis [:openjck] from comment #12)
> The page in question (1) is available on the archive (2), so if we want, we
> can redirect from 1 to 2 directly and remove the page from the Wiki. Felix,
> would this work for you?
> [1]
> [2]

I am not Felix, but... No!  If you look at [1] it is indeed outdated, but if you look at the Wiki page, it is indeed maintained and updated (history shows January 2013 was the last change).  Hence the request for the redirect in the first place.
Flags: needinfo?(mrmazda)
Thanks so much for your reply, Steve.

Do you have any knowledge about what we should do with these pages?
Flags: needinfo?(stevew)
Per comments 6, 7, and 8, the rest of that content was just going in the archive.
Flags: needinfo?(stevew)
Looks like we have two questions to answer here.

1. What should we do with the /ports/os2 page? As far as I can
   tell (please correct me if I'm wrong), we have not reached
   a decision on this.
2. What should we do with the other content that lives under
   the /ports/os2 path? It sounds like we agree that this
   content should be redirected to the archive (see comment 16).
   Is that correct?
Flags: needinfo?(jbertsch)
John- I think this is another one to hold off on for the moment until we see if we can get the new archive set up.  Thx.
(In reply to John Karahalis [:openjck] from comment #18)

> 1. What should we do with the /ports/os2 page? As far as I can
>    tell (please correct me if I'm wrong), we have not reached
>    a decision on this.

Either it gets a redirect to, or this bug should be set to WONTFIX.  However, having it go into the archive or removed completely would be better than leaving it in the current state.
Flags: needinfo?(jbertsch)
Appreciate the very detailed requirements.

PR @
You are very welcome.  Thanks so much for all of your help!
(In reply to Jennifer Bertsch [:jbertsch] from comment #21)
> 1.  redirect to

It is currently redirecting to instead of  Did one rule get added, but not the other?
Noticed that last week, and just figured out what happened. I mistakenly closed bug 885535 before closing this one. Because the content no longer exists, the URLs are automatically being redirected to www-archive.

This will be fixed as soon as pull 1132 is merged. I will ping a few people to get that done soon.
Commits pushed to master at
Fix bug 824126: Conditionally redirect /ports/os2
Merge pull request #1132 from openjck/824126-redirect-ports-os2

Fix bug 824126: Conditionally redirect /ports/os2
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
fixed on stage  it redirects to
fixed on prod
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