Closed Bug 825438 Opened 12 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Firefox: Provide a Means to View/Edit Plugin Activation White List & Black List


(Firefox :: General, enhancement)

Windows 7
Not set





(Reporter: murph.0912, Unassigned)



With click-to-play, users have the ability to allow and disallow plugin activation by web sites. However, it appears that the only way to review these lists is by site in about:permissions. This is very inconvenient if the user has many sites in their browsing history.

Having a means whereby users can see what sites they have white- & black-listed would be a great convenience. Users can already have this for their passwords and cookies. Plugin permissions would be akin to those.
You are lucky, I can't even find allowed sites in about:permissions. I chose always allow at doorhanger and it works fine.
Maybe it has something to do with my cookie setting, I set "keep until I quit nightly",this way if you don't add certain site into expception, it wouldn't appear in about:permissions, but it won't affect plugin settings.
There's also the "Page Info" dialog, under "Activate Plugins". (Click the globe/lock icon in the urlbar, click "More Information...", go to the "Permissions" tab.) This will set click-to-play permissions on a per-site basis, which isn't exactly what you want, but it is another way to manage them that doesn't involve sifting through a long list of sites.

If that doesn't work, I imagine this functionality would be well suited to being implemented as an addon.
The upcoming click-to-play UI redesign will make this information conveniently available via the click-to-play doorhanger, which will be accessible via the notification icon.
Both about:permissions and the page-info dialog are per-site: you are interested (or on) and want to see/change its plugin setting. This bug is asking for a way to see a list of whitelisted or blacklisted sites collected in one place--something like the cookie or popup "exception" dialogs--so the settings can be validated or edited in bulk.

Alternatively about:permissions needs a way to filter the list by permission type, otherwise it's just unmanageable to have such a long list.
We aren't going to fix this. Too much complexity and code for a case that rarely matters.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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