Closed Bug 82748 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

JPN/Chinese account name and user name are not imported correctly when importing settings from OE/Outlook


(MailNews Core :: Internationalization, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ji, Assigned: cavin)



(Keywords: dataloss, intl, Whiteboard: [ish1+][verifiedish1])


(3 files, 2 obsolete files)

****Observed with 05/25 trunk build*****

When importing settings from Outlook Express Japanese, the Japanese username is
not imported correctly.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Setup Outlook Express mail account using a Japanese username.
2. Launch Mail.
3. Select File | Import
4. Select Settings and click on Next.
5. Select Outlook Express and click on Next to finish the importing.
6. Go to Account Manager by select Edit | Mail/News Account Settings.
7. Select the account you just imported from OE.
   You'll see the username in Your Name field is garbled. It's not imported
Keywords: intl
ame problem occurs when setting up OE using a Japanese mail account name. After
importing, the Japanese account name is shown garbled both in the account
manager and 3-pane.
Summary: User name is not imported correctly when importing settings from OE5.5-J → JPN account name and user name are not imported correctly when importing settings from OE5.5-J
Please attach a screen shot of the problem. Is this a regression from NS6?

Reassign to putterman.

Assignee: nhotta → putterman
reassigning to chuang.
Assignee: putterman → chuang
add me
Kato san, you need to get r= from module owner before asking for sr=.
So please get this also reviewed by chuang (or the current module owner).
Here is my comment for the patch.

* containsChildNamed is changed to take wstring but I don't see a change for
GetChildNamed, GetChildNamed still takes char*.
* Change to nsAutoString, +  nsString uniqueName;
* I think the helper funcition ConvertToUnicode is not needed. The class can
hold an instance of nsIImportService to use nsIImportService::SystemStringToUnicode.
I did see GetChildNamed() is changed.  Please change uniqueName to nsAutoString.
I am not sure about the 3rd, Naoki should know it better.  Please make sure it
won't break in the English.


That's right, GetChildNamed() is changed, that is at the top of the patch.

With the latest trunk build, account name imported from Outlook Express always
has the name of "Outlook Express" initially. But the identity showing in "From:"
field on a mail compose window is garbled after Settings import.
Niminating for nsbeta1 since this is a data loss and with the current
implementation, there is no UI for users to correct the corrcupted identity
after import.
Keywords: nsbeta1
Same problem exsists when import from Chinese OE6.0
Summary: JPN account name and user name are not imported correctly when importing settings from OE5.5-J → JPN/Chinese account name and user name are not imported correctly when importing settings from OE
reassigning to cavin.
Assignee: chuang → cavin
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+
Priority: -- → P2
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.0
removing jenm as cc:
adding evelyn prime macadam
ccing greggl, removing evelyn
Blocks: 122274
Keywords: nsbeta1+nsbeta1-
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0 → mozilla1.2
Could we reconsider this for the next release? Again this is a data loss and no
UI for users to correct. And the identity is in unicode in prefs.js. There is no
unicode text editor coming with operating systems, so there is no easy way to
manually edit the prefs.js file to correct this.
Keywords: nsbeta1-nsbeta1
adding evelyn as a cc
removing jenm
Keywords: dataloss
removed jenm as cc
Discussed in 2/25 Mail News bug meeting.  We need to know whether or not the
user can fix the garbled info (or perhaps it's now "Outlook Express" in a more
recent build) in the Account Settings dialog by going Edit|Mail & Newsgroups
Account Settings...and editing the problematic text there.  If the user does
this will the  problem be addressed?
Whiteboard: needinfo
Checked this with 02/25 build. Now the identity part shows on account manager UI along with account name. It used to show the account name only.
So with this implementation, users can correct the corrupted identity from UI.
Whiteboard: needinfo
Discussed in 2/28/02 Mail & News bug meeting.  Decisions was to minus this bug
again because a workaround exists.  Thanks, ji for the info.
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
Blocks: 157010
Blocks: 157673
*** Bug 159216 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
nominate for nsbeta1
Keywords: nsbeta1-nsbeta1
Same problem happens for import from Outlook.
Summary: JPN/Chinese account name and user name are not imported correctly when importing settings from OE → JPN/Chinese account name and user name are not imported correctly when importing settings from OE/Outlook
Whiteboard: [ish1+]
Attached patch Proposed patch, v1 (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Need to convert acct name and username to unicode. Also, organization name is
now imported (was missing before).
Comment on attachment 103392 [details] [diff] [review]
Proposed patch, v1

* please check return value of SystemStringToUnicode and GetAccountName
* for GetAccountName, how about use PRUnichar** since the callers need it
* use CopyASCIItoUCS2 instead of AssignWithConversion
*** Bug 159202 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Attached patch Proposed patch, v2 (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Incorporated comment.
Attachment #103392 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached patch Proposed patch, v2 (deleted) — Splinter Review
Wrong patch. This is the right one.
Attachment #103408 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 103409 [details] [diff] [review]
Proposed patch, v2


sorry, I forgot that CopyASCIItoUCS2 does not take char*,
please do acctName.Assign(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2(defaultName));
CopyASCIItoUCS2(nsCAutoString(defaultName), acctName);
Attachment #103409 - Flags: review+
OK, I'll do that before checking the code in.
sr=sspitzer, once you follow all of nhotta's strings recommendations.
Adding [fixedish1] to statue whiteboard.
Whiteboard: [ish1+] → [ish1+][fixedish1]
The problem is not seen anymore when importing from OE, but I still see the
error described in bug 159202 when importing from Ja Outlook. On Outlook, I
changed the Japanese account name and username to English, but the error still
Whiteboard: [ish1+][fixedish1] → [ish1+][verifiedish1]
Fix checked in to the trunk.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Depends on: 180372
No longer blocks: 157673
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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