Closed Bug 82755 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Opening a link in a new window loses keyboard focus


(Core :: DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: klui, Assigned: aaronlev)



(Whiteboard: DUPEME?)

When I open a link using either the contextual menu or button 2, this new window
doesn't accept keyboard commands. My window manager--WindowMaker 0.62.1--says it
has focus, but it really doesn't. My keyboard focus is configured to follow my
mouse pointer rather than via an explicit mouse click. If I change focus to
another window and back using the mouse, it still does _not_ get the keyboard
focus. Only solution currently is to click within the contents--not even on the
window manager's widgets--of that window.

This is with Mozilla 0.9--I've overridden its user-agent string.
aaronl, methinks this is a dupe, or at least definitely related to that "need to
click in order for keyboard commands to work" bug.
Assignee: alecf → aaronl
Whiteboard: DUPEME?
related to bug 58250?
This could be a UNIX only problem.

I'm not seeing any different behavior when the context menu is used to open a 
link in a new window.
dupe of bug 69504?
69504 is a dupe of bug 37638 duping to that.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 37638 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Excuse me?
Someone please explain how this has something to do with whether the URL bar 
gets focused by default.

If it's a dup, it's probably a dup of something listed in the focus meta 
bug 70812
Blocks: keydead
From the other bug:
 Under Linux, when you open a new browser window (including starting
Mozilla up), the URL bar is given focus. This is bad, because it means
that no keyboard navigation shortcuts (such as spacebar to scroll down)
will work until you take a manual step to force Mozilla to put the focus
in the display area.

Thus the dupe ;)
mass verification of duplicate bugs: to find all bugspam pertaining to this, set
your search string to "DuplicateBugsBelongInZahadum".

if you think this particular bug is *not* a duplicate, please provide a
compelling reason, as well as check a recent *trunk* build (on the appropriate
platform[s]), before reopening.
Component: Keyboard: Navigation → User events and focus handling
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