Closed Bug 83577 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

New Modern - Tab to radio button & hitting space bar won't select


(Core :: XUL, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: scalkins, Assigned: caustin)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: access)

See this all platforms in New Modern:
Win32 2001-05-31-09trunk
Linux 2001-05-31-08trunk
Mac 2001-5-31-08trunk

Stesp to repro:
1)Launch NS6
2)Invoke preferences
3)In Navigator prefs, tab once to get to radio button labeled "Blank Page"
4)Hit the Space bar when that radio button option is "highlighted" by the tab.

Actual results: The Radio button does not get selected.It seems to depress, but 
does not get selected.
Expected results: The radio button should be selected when space bar is hit.

NOTE: This may occur in classic, but we can't test because of another bug in 
classic where you cannot tab to the other radio button options.

May be related to bug
Keywords: access
I don't think this is theme-specific.  Over to xptoolkit
Assignee: hewitt → trudelle
Component: Themes → XP Toolkit/Widgets
QA Contact: pmac → aegis
I've got it.
Assignee: trudelle → aegis
Blocks: focusnav
I've done some investigation, and radio buttons in Mozilla are basically jacked
all around.  You shouldn't be able to tab to individual radio buttons.  The way
Windows works is you can tab to the radio group as a whole and move around
within it with the arrow keys.

I'm not sure how involved the fix is, but I'll start playing around with
radio.xml to see if I can make it behave properly.
We tab by groups in Classic, but do tab by individual button in Modern. But 
Classic is supposed to be more "native" than Modern. I don't know if the focus 
rules in Modern for radiobuttons are an oversight, or a design choice. 
Ben?  What's your judgement on this issue?  Should you tab to radio groups or
radio buttons in modern?  I prefer the former, but I'm a Windows junkie.  ;)

I just poked around on other platforms.  Here are the respective behaviors:

Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, and 2000: good accessibility (one of MS's strong
points), tab by radio group

Linux GTK: good accessibility, tab by radio button

Linux Qt: good accessibility, tab by radio button

MacOS 8.6/9.0: my god, how can Apple get away with this??  It has almost no
keyboard accessibility...  If your mouse breaks or you can't use one, I guess
you're just screwed.

Having Modern mimic the behavior of either Windows or Gtk/Qt is okay with me.
on macos you can enable key controlling mouse via accessibility control panel 
or something -- i can't even find that control panel on my 7100. but even that 
feels less useful than microsoft's...
Blocks: 88358
This is fixed with the new, new modern.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
May God have mercy on us all. The 212 bug spam-o-rama is Now!
QA Contact: aegis → jrgm
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