Closed Bug 837704 Opened 12 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[CONTACTS][FACEBOOK] Importing contacts from Facebook creates another contact in the contact list instead of appending Facebook information to existing contacts with the same name


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Contacts, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: maat, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [UX-P1], [TEF_REQ], ux-tracking)

Importing contacts from Facebook creates another contact in the contact list instead of appending Facebook information to existing contacts with the same name

1) open contact list that is already populated with contacts but no Facebook information synchronized
2) select the settings icon
3) enable Facebook
4) log into Facebook
5) either select all Facebook contacts to import or only those that already exist in the contact list
6) select import

Facebook Contacts who already have a corresponding Contact entry in the contact list will have their Facebook information appended to that entry.  

A new entry is created in the contact list for every contact imported.

1) The creation of a new entry in the address book for every contact imported from Facebook instead of appending Facebook information to existing contacts with the same name creates redundancy in the address book due to a single contact having two entries and so devalues the act of importing on mass the information from Facebook contacts
2) The user has no method of merging contacts which means recovery from this situation is protracted… the shortest path to recovery being clearing all Facebook data and individually linking each existing contact with their corresponding Facebook profile.
3) It would be better to do a comparison of the names in the address book and the names of the Facebook friends list prior to importing so that 'conflicts' can be automatically merged, 'multiple conflicts' can be manually resolved by the end user and only Facebook friends with unique names create a new contact upon import
this is not a bug. This was specified on a different way. The Contact imported can be later linked by the user. If you want to change specs at this point in time it is very late. Please do not open this kind of bugs.
Ever confirmed: false
furthermore what you are proposing will have a terrible impact on performance for importing. That will annoy the user and will complicate the implementation. Another reason for another -1 to this proposal.
Though i understand that solving this bug might be immediately difficult I am marking it as [UX-P1], [TEF_REQ] as i feel that the frustration that an end user will experience with the creation of duplicate entries will have a significant negative impact the value they perceive in doing a mass import of facebook contacts into a pre-populated address book. We should therefore strive to address it.

I also note that we do a comparison of an individual contact list name with the facebooks friends list when doing individual linking. Maybe this functionality can offer a path towards a solution.
Whiteboard: interaction [UX-P1], [TEF_REQ]
(In reply to ayman maat :maat from comment #3)
> Though i understand that solving this bug might be immediately difficult I
> am marking it as [UX-P1], [TEF_REQ] as i feel that the frustration that an
> end user will experience with the creation of duplicate entries will have a
> significant negative impact the value they perceive in doing a mass import
> of facebook contacts into a pre-populated address book. We should therefore
> strive to address it.
> I also note that we do a comparison of an individual contact list name with
> the facebooks friends list when doing individual linking. Maybe this
> functionality can offer a path towards a solution.

There is no solution because there is no problem.
Tested on an Inari with the following build information :

Gaia   cf2d4136f0ebc66039637fdbeb72ed184dfbc0f2
BuildID 20130429070204
Version 18.0

The issue (creates duplicate contact for FB link) does not reproduce.Aymaan, can you specify in which build this occurred?
Flags: needinfo?(aymanmaat)
(In reply to Sreenidhi from comment #5)
> Tested on an Inari with the following build information :
> Gecko
> Gaia   cf2d4136f0ebc66039637fdbeb72ed184dfbc0f2
> BuildID 20130429070204
> Version 18.0
> The issue (creates duplicate contact for FB link) does not reproduce.Aymaan,
> can you specify in which build this occurred?

Hi Sreenidhi

I posted this way back in February 04 so the build is long since superseded.

Flags: needinfo?(aymanmaat)
Oh, okay, thanks.
Blocks: 994991
Whiteboard: interaction [UX-P1], [TEF_REQ] → interaction [UX-P1], [TEF_REQ], ux-most-wanted-nov2014
Whiteboard: interaction [UX-P1], [TEF_REQ], ux-most-wanted-nov2014 → interaction [UX-P1], [TEF_REQ], ux-most-wanted-nov2014, 2x-uxnom
Is this still and issue or can we close it? Thanks!
Keywords: qawanted
Whiteboard: interaction [UX-P1], [TEF_REQ], ux-most-wanted-nov2014, 2x-uxnom → [UX-P1], [TEF_REQ], ux-tracking
Think this can be closed since importing from Facebook option has been removed
The user is NO longer able to import contacts from Facebook as referenced in Comment 9. I checked on the following devices: Aries 2.6, Flame 2.6 and Flame 2.5

Environmental Variables:
Device: Aries 2.6 Kk
BuildID: 20151118151339
Gaia: cba7e4b86361af31b153cfebaf99900e0b860f7b
Gecko: 1d6155d7e6c91fa5ec1ef6927f3d3a044187896d
Gonk: a19052e4389c3ae2d8fc3e7a74a475401baacc56
Version: 45.0a1 (2.6) 
Firmware Version: D5803_23.1.A.1.28_NCB.ftf
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:45.0) Gecko/45.0 Firefox/45.0

Environmental Variables:
Device: Flame 2.6 Kk Fullflash (512mb)
BuildID: 20151119030229
Gaia: cba7e4b86361af31b153cfebaf99900e0b860f7b
Gecko: 1d6155d7e6c91fa5ec1ef6927f3d3a044187896d
Gonk: 205ac4204bbbb2098a8046444acba551ba5dc75a
Version: 45.0a1 (2.6) 
Firmware Version: v18D
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:45.0) Gecko/45.0 Firefox/45.0

Environmental Variables:
Device: Flame 2.5 Kk Fullflash (512mb)
BuildID: 20151119161153
Gaia: 28d63cf3bdc4417f7ad8cab2230f096bf9f6d3b5
Gecko: 497118efc1414c2825a8bd17b38721888c3875ca
Gonk: 205ac4204bbbb2098a8046444acba551ba5dc75a
Version: 44.0a2 (2.5) 
Firmware Version: v18D
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:44.0) Gecko/44.0 Firefox/44.0
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst-Triage?]
Flags: needinfo?(jmercado)
Keywords: qawanted
Closing as works for me per comment 10.
Closed: 9 years ago
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst-Triage?] → [QAnalyst-Triage+]
Flags: needinfo?(jmercado)
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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