Closed Bug 839736 Opened 12 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Annoying "This search engine isn't supported by Nightly and can't be installed." alert window (AddSearchProvider)


(Firefox :: Search, defect, P5)

Windows 7





(Reporter: MatsPalmgren_bugz, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug, )


(warning: the URL is a fuzz tool and it creates (a few) new windows and
may crash your browser)
1. load URL, wait a little while

The test frequently stops waiting for dismissal of this alert.
This is new behavior, I haven't seen these alert windows before
for this test.
Seems like this is from sidebar code as that's the only use of the string that I see.,107#82

Is the page calling one of the sidebar functions exposed to content such as: window.external.AddSearchProvider("foo")

Calling the above function will reproduce the issue.
I mid-air collided with comment 1.
I don't know of any changes in this area so I'm not sure anything needs to be fixed.
Flags: needinfo?(matspal)
I can't find anything matching "search" (case-insensitive) in this test.
I think it just crawls the script objects and calls everything with random args.

The use of alert() interferes with fuzz testing - can we change it to some other
type of notification?
Flags: needinfo?(matspal)
I'm no fan of any of these APIs or their error handling (see bug 518929 and dependencies), but they're not worth changing solely to satisfy some fuzz tool, I think. Can't you change the tool to avoid window.external/sidebar methods?
No, it's a third party fuzz tool.  I'll comment out the alert() locally for now.

IMHO, throwing up a modal dialog for the user to deal with just because the script
author made a mistake is a bug.  It might warrant an error message to the console
but I don't see why a user would care about this error at all.

It already does report it to the console so why can't we simply remove lines
101 to 107 ?
Blocks: crossfuzz
Is this still an issue?
Has Regression Range: --- → irrelevant
Flags: needinfo?(mats)
Yes, I get "Nightly could not download the search plugin from: <url>" alert prompts.
From here I think:
Flags: needinfo?(mats)
Priority: -- → P5
Summary: Annoying "This search engine isn't supported by Nightly and can't be installed." alert window → Annoying "This search engine isn't supported by Nightly and can't be installed." alert window (AddSearchProvider)

Per the recent intent to unship, AddSearchProvider will be going away in bug 1632447/1632448, hence closing as wontfix.

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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