Closed Bug 844646 Opened 12 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Metro tile disappears when you install 2 Metro enabled builds to different locations


(Firefox for Metro Graveyard :: Shell, defect, P3)

Windows 8.1


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kjozwiak, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: p=0)

1. Install a Metro enabled Nightly build
2. Set that browser as default
3. Go to the start screen and see the Metro tile.
4. Install another Metro enabled Nightly build to a different location
5. Go to the start screen an see the Metro tile disappeared.

Expected results:
In step 5 the Start Menu tile should remain.

Actual results:
In step 5 the Start Menu tile disappears and is replaced with a Nightly icon.

The Metro browser will still launch but the tile no longer remains.
(In reply to Kamil Jozwiak [:kjozwiak] from comment #0)

> 4. Install another Metro enabled Nightly build to a different location

I think this is probably going to hit testers more than actual users. Unless there's a really simple fix here, I think we can punt on this for v1.
Blocks: 855311
No longer blocks: metrov1triage
Does this still happen?
Flags: needinfo?(kamiljoz)

Still received the same issue as described in comment #0. After installing the second Nightly build (with Firefox Metro), the tile on the Windows Start Screen was replaced with a Nightly icon. Tapping on the Nightly icon will launch the desktop version of Nightly.

- Downloaded and installed the latest version of Nightly and set it as default
- Downloaded and installed a little bit older version of Nightly and installed it to a custom location (didn't set as default)
- Went to the Windows Start Screen and noticed the Nightly Metro tile has changed to just the Nightly tile
- Tapped on the tile and the desktop version of Nightly launched rather then Firefox Metro

Builds used:

Flags: needinfo?(kamiljoz)
Thanks for checking, I think we have to create a second shortcut on the start screen when using the same channel to support this.  Either that or only replace when the build that is there is not yet the default.
Blocks: 935467
Blocks: metrobacklog
Whiteboard: [defect] p=0
No longer blocks: 935467
Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: [defect] p=0 → p=0
OS: Windows 8 Metro → Windows 8.1
Mass close of bugs in obsolete product
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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