Closed Bug 850558 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

The stack trace breadcrumbs context menu is ugly on windows.


(DevTools :: Debugger, defect, P3)

Windows 7


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Optimizer, Unassigned)




(1 file)

Attached image ugly context menu. (deleted) —
The padding, boldness and border is missing.
Well, it is bold, but the difference is hard to see.
Hardware: x86_64 → All
Summary: The stack trace breadcrumbs conetxt menu is ugly on windows. → The stack trace breadcrumbs context menu is ugly on windows.
Version: unspecified → Trunk
Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: [good-first-bugs][lang=css][mentor=Optimizer]
I would like to take this!
(In reply to Joshua Smith [:joshua-s] from comment #2)
> I would like to take this!

That's wonderful, thanks!
Assignee: nobody → joshua-smith
Oh no, this bug is in Windows 7.

I only have XP and Mac, so it doesn't show the issue.  Sorry guys :(
Assignee: joshua-smith → nobody
Hi I am interested in working on this bug,but it's my first time to work on with debug,can anybody guide me on how to get started with it?Thanks a lot.
(In reply to MikeLing from comment #5)
> Hi I am interested in working on this bug,but it's my first time to work on
> with debug,can anybody guide me on how to get started with it?Thanks a lot.

Continuing and replying to what you were asking on IRC:

You cannot use Linux/Ubuntu to fix this bug as the issue is seen only on Windows 7 (Vista may be too). So I guess you will have to use Visual Studio and all those stuff instead of your VM box :).

And thus , I think you already are aware of how to build a basic Firefox build. 

On how to solve the issue :

This will need mostly CSS changes in browser/themes/windows/devtools/debugger.css file.


That is the point where the menu item CSS starts.

Please ping me on IRC for further help. My nick is Optimizer.
(In reply to Girish Sharma [:Optimizer] from comment #6)
> (In reply to MikeLing from comment #5)
> > Hi I am interested in working on this bug,but it's my first time to work on
> > with debug,can anybody guide me on how to get started with it?Thanks a lot.
> Continuing and replying to what you were asking on IRC:
> You cannot use Linux/Ubuntu to fix this bug as the issue is seen only on
> Windows 7 (Vista may be too). So I guess you will have to use Visual Studio
> and all those stuff instead of your VM box :).
> And thus , I think you already are aware of how to build a basic Firefox
> build. 
> On how to solve the issue :
> This will need mostly CSS changes in
> browser/themes/windows/devtools/debugger.css file.
> See
> devtools/debugger.css#45
> That is the point where the menu item CSS starts.
> Please ping me on IRC for further help. My nick is Optimizer.

I am so appreciate about you can help and my system is window 7 actually :) .I promise I will fix the issue as soon as possible.Thanks again
Cool, assigned to you. Thank you for taking it.
Assignee: nobody → sabergeass
(In reply to Girish Sharma [:Optimizer] from comment #8)
> Cool, assigned to you. Thank you for taking it.
Sorry to distrub you,but I find a problem when a build source code
$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 10, in <module>
    import pymake.command, pymake.process
  File "d:\mozilla-source\mozilla-central\build\pymake\pymake\", line
14, in <module>
    import data, parserdata, process, util
  File "d:\mozilla-source\mozilla-central\build\pymake\pymake\", line 6,
in <module>
    import parserdata, parser, functions, process, util, implicit
  File "d:\mozilla-source\mozilla-central\build\pymake\pymake\", line
7, in <module>
    import multiprocessing
  File "D:\Python27\Lib\multiprocessing\", line 84, in <module>
    import _multiprocessing
ImportError: DLL load failed:%1 is not a valid Win32 application
but I'm sure I put the python to my PATH(my PATH was blow) what should I do?
On windows, you do not use the directly. Please see the steps here :

make sure you have all the prerequisites :
Hi MikeLing, were you able to make any progress on this bug ? Please let me know how I can help you. If you are not working on this bug, then we can free up this bug for other contributors :)
(In reply to Girish Sharma [:Optimizer] from comment #11)

 Please free up this bug for other contributors,Thanks a lot :)
Assignee: sabergeass → nobody
I'm removing the context menu in bug 905981.
Depends on: 905981
Whiteboard: [good-first-bugs][lang=css][mentor=Optimizer]
Is this still true after the recent theming work? Can we close this bug?
Flags: needinfo?(scrapmachines)
Closed: 11 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(scrapmachines)
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Firefox → DevTools
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