Closed Bug 857901 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Increase keyboard character-delete speed


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Keyboard, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set



Tracking Status
b2g18 + ---


(Reporter: jcarpenter, Assigned: jld)



(Keywords: perf, Whiteboard: u=user c= p=1 , ux-tracking)


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

When holding down the Delete key, we need to increase speed at which characters are deleted. The variable controlling this seems to live here on line 169 of keyboard.js (const REPEAT_RATE = 100;) Let's increase the speed by 50% and see how it feels. Right now we're too slow and it makes text deletion feel unnecessarily sluggish.

LOE and risk seem extremely low here.
Jed, please take a look at this after bug 827811.
Assignee: nobody → jld
OS: Mac OS X → Gonk (Firefox OS)
Hardware: x86 → ARM
It looks like we're currently spending nearly 50ms per deletion computing things (on unagi), so hopefully the repeat rate doesn't need to be less than that.
Do we want to leave the delay before starting to autorepeat at 700ms, or should/can that be smaller?
Flags: needinfo?(jcarpenter)
Let me check that today on most recent builds and follow up with you. My phone is dead after the flight to London and I want to refresh my memory before committing one way or the other.
Flags: needinfo?(jcarpenter)
Blocks: 835404
Hi Jed, some delay makes sense, but let's reduce it to 400ms.
Attached file Gaia PR (obsolete) (deleted) —
Attachment #739490 - Flags: review?(21)
Comment on attachment 739490 [details]
Gaia PR

Small riskless fix.
Attachment #739490 - Flags: review?(21) → review+
We have r+ and Andreas' approval to put this in 1.1 so can we get this uplifted? I'm setting tracking+ but don't see an option for requesting gaia approval.
tracking-b2g18: --- → +
Flags: needinfo?(akeybl)
Whiteboard: u=user c=keyboard s=ux-most-wanted → u=user c=performance
It's not committed to master yet — and it shouldn't be, in its current state; see
Flags: needinfo?(akeybl)
Attachment #739490 - Flags: review+ → review-
Whiteboard: u=user c=performance → u=user c=performance, ux-tracking
Keywords: perf
Whiteboard: u=user c=performance, ux-tracking → u=user c= , ux-tracking
The word suggestion code has a special case for auto-repeating backspace. If we're autorepeating it does not try to compute word suggestions until the auto repeat stops. I think there is a time constant in keyboard/js/imes/latin/latin.js related to how long to wait after a key repeat backspace before computing suggestions.

So if you change the auto-repeat interval, you might also want to change that other constant too.

One issue I've seen is that auto-repeat backspace through the beginning of a sentence is funky because the latin IM is still doing automatic capitalization computations, so I've seen a pause in the backspace speed when you delete the first character of a sentence while they keyboard shifts to uppercase.  This probably doesn't affect master anymore, however.  But something to look out for.  If its an issue, we can fix it
>  // If we get an autorepeating key is sent to us, don't offer suggestions
>  // for this long, until we're pretty certain that the autorepeat
>  // has stopped.
>  const autorepeatDelay = 250;

I'm not sure if that needs to change, given that we're just lowering the autorepeat interval from 100 to 75?
Whiteboard: u=user c= , ux-tracking → u=user c= p=1, ux-tracking
Attached file Link to GitHub pull request (deleted) —
Attachment #739490 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #755572 - Flags: review?(dflanagan)
Comment on attachment 755572 [details]
Link to GitHub pull request

One line change: easy r+
Attachment #755572 - Flags: review?(dflanagan) → review+
Flags: needinfo?(jhford)
master: 0c0f4c24c3814ed9f6d3f9b189ea20bbefb4ddc3
Closed: 11 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(jhford)
Keywords: checkin-needed
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: u=user c= p=1, ux-tracking → u=user c= p=1 , ux-tracking
Was this uplifted for 1.1 per comment #8?
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