Closed Bug 859564 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[STUDENT AMBASSADORS] Signup form + Exact Target


( :: Pages & Content, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jdavis, Assigned: giorgos, NeedInfo)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: buildapi, Whiteboard: r=115767)


(5 files, 2 obsolete files)

Attached file Form field and database map (obsolete) (deleted) —
New signup form to be created for the Student Ambassadors program.  

Note: Language on form needs to ensure that signups know they will be opt-ed into email communications about the program.

When form is submitted API calls to be made:

1) Send these fields to Exact Target's database "Master_Subscribers"

2) Send form information to "Student_Ambassadors" Database
**Form found here: 
**Need to map form fields to database fields  - let me know the character limits for each field: 50, 100, or 250.
Kate - please update attached excel sheet for each form field.

3) Basket to send welcome emails based on Email Format passed through:

In addition to the signup form, the Email Preference Center ( needs to be updated with this field info:


Firefox Student Ambassadors	
A monthly newsletter on how to get involved with Mozilla on your campus. 

This field should show always to those who are subscribed. It should not show for others as an option to subscribe at this time.
Just took care of #3 & the /existing Email Preference Center :D
Attached file Revised Field Map (obsolete) (deleted) —
Please find the revised field map above and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
I added some questions in the pad, under most of the fields. Please answer these so I can proceed with implementation.
Thanks - please find my answers in-line.
Just updated etherpad with field IDs in the Exact Target Databases along with their character limits and type of field. 

If possible, it would be great for the form fields with text boxes to have the same corresponding character limits. (So we don't have an error in trying to send the form info into Exact Target.)

Let me know if you have any questions.

"Student_Ambassadors" Database fields:
FIRST_NAME   (Text - 50)
LAST_NAME  (Text - 50)
EMAIL_ADDRESS   (Email address - 100)
STUDENTS_SCHOOL  (Text - 100) 
STUDENTS_CITY    (Text - 100) 
COUNTRY_  (Text - 30)
STUDENTS_MAJOR  (Text - 100)
STUDENTS_ALLOW_SHARE   (Y or N, Text - 1) 
EMAIL_FORMAT_ (h or t, Text - 1)
TOKEN (Text - 100)

"Master_Subscribers" Database fields
FIRST_NAME   (Text - 50)
LAST_NAME  (Text - 50)
EMAIL_ADDRESS   (Email address - 100)
COUNTRY_  (Text - 30)
EMAIL_FORMAT_ (h or t, Text - 1)
SOURCE_URL (Text - 500)
TOKEN (Text - 100)

Attachment #734903 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #735901 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Giorgos - just checking-in. Would it be possible for this form to be launched by May 1st? Thanks!
Assignee: nobody → giorgos
Hi Holly-

Could you please recommend a location for this page to live?

Something like contribute/students?

sorry - dumb question - what would be the base url? 

Based on your answer, I'm thinking /FirefoxStudentAmbassadors
Hi Holly - just spoke with Jen - a few things:
*For the main url contribute/students may be unclear for our program participants b/c it's only for university students - would contribute/universitystudents be too difficult?
*For vanity url - would be great to have /FirefoxStudentAmbassadors (unless you think this is too long/unclear - please lmk)
*The launch date is still ideally May 1st, but the drop dead date would be May 5th


Jess, do you want 'COUNTRY' send only to "Student_Ambassadors" database or to both "Student_Ambassadors" and "Master_Subscribers" dbs?
Flags: needinfo?(jdavis)
Please send 'COUNTRY' to both "Student_Ambassadors" and "Master_Subscribers"

Flags: needinfo?(jdavis)
(In reply to Katherine Naszradi [:knaszradi] from comment #10)
> Hi Holly - just spoke with Jen - a few things:
> *For the main url contribute/students may be unclear for our program
> participants b/c it's only for university students - would
> contribute/universitystudents be too difficult?
> *For vanity url - would be great to have /FirefoxStudentAmbassadors (unless
> you think this is too long/unclear - please lmk)
> *The launch date is still ideally May 1st, but the drop dead date would be
> May 5th
> Thanks!
> Kate

Hi Kate,

The vanity URL is the URL that would need to have more clarity of purpose than the end/redirect URL. The vanity URL will be exposed to the user before they see the form and is the URL you will be using to market the form. The main URL is displayed to the user after they already arrive at the form and may be used just to direct link to the form, so it is not quite as important.

If contribute/students is not clear and contribute/universitystudents communicates better that this is for a particular level of students, then I would suggest taking this same approach for your vanity URL. 

Suggested vanity URLs: (This is quite long and least recommended)

Is this program Firefox specific or are you using "Firefox" because you think it is more recognizable or has more appeal than Mozilla alone has in the parent URL, If focusing on Firefox is not extremely important, I would use the first suggestion /UniversityAmbassadors. It's easy and to the point and Mozilla is already in the URL. If Firefox is very important to this campaign let me know and we will figure out what vanity URL works best for this. 

For the end URL, /contribute/universitystudents will work just fine.
Vanity URL that I would like to proceed with:

The program is heavily geared towards the students promoting Fx and FxOS - so I would lean heavily towards keeping this in the URL. 


Thanks, Kate!

Let's go with the following for main URL, so we are sure to communicate "ambassadors" and not just "students": /contribute/UniversityAmbassadors  

For the Vanity URL I will suggest the following, but want to get feedback on if we can use


CCing cmore for feedback about use. Do we have any best practices for when this URL is used for vanity URL purposes?
Flags: needinfo?(jenbertsch.mozilla)
Flags: needinfo?(chrismore.bugzilla)
Keywords: buildapi
I would support vanity URLs because is a vanity URL to start. Remember that URLs are case sensitive and thus /UniversityAmbassadors is different from /universityambassadors. Vanity URL should be as short as possible and mixed case is very tricky for end users.

how about ? Do we have any non-university non-firefox ambassadors? URLs don't have to be super explicit, just unique and easy to type. Please make sure that if you think there is going to be mixed cases in advertising of the vanity URL that you request the vanity URL to work with both cases.
Flags: needinfo?(chrismore.bugzilla)
(In reply to Chris More [:cmore] from comment #16)
> I would support vanity URLs because is a
> vanity URL to start. Remember that URLs are case sensitive and thus
> /UniversityAmbassadors is different from /universityambassadors. Vanity URL
> should be as short as possible and mixed case is very tricky for end users.
> how about ? Do we have any non-university
> non-firefox ambassadors? URLs don't have to be super explicit, just unique
> and easy to type. Please make sure that if you think there is going to be
> mixed cases in advertising of the vanity URL that you request the vanity URL
> to work with both cases.

Kate's comment earlier in this thread is as follows:
"*For the main url contribute/students may be unclear for our program participants b/c it's only for university students - would contribute/universitystudents be too difficult?"

We need to communicate that this is for *ambassadors* at the *University* level and *Firefox* is also important. 

Given your comment on case sensitivity, seems like the best solution to me in order to keep this as short as possible while communicating the 3 starred words above. works and I would make sure the redirect also works with because I've seen designers who are doing print material camel case URLs to make it more legible and cause a 404.
Thanks, Chris!

Main URL:  

Vanity URLs: and
Thanks all! Look forward to seeing the page live on May 1st (May 5 - as per Jen's guidance - would be the drop dead date). Please let me know if you have any additional questions for me. Thanks!
Priority: -- → P1
Commit pushed to master at
[bug 859564] Add Student Ambassadors newsletter and custom views.
Please let me know when this is on a dev site (before it goes live) so that I can test and make sure the right fields are going to the right databases in Exact Target and that the proper welcome email is being sent.

Jess - thanks for checking in here. Also wanted to check to see if it's still possible to have the form live tomorrow? (Or are we still looking at the May 5th launch date?) Thanks!
The form requires 2 patches of code to land, one for 'basket' and one for 'bedrock'. The first is already merged (comment #21) and the later awaits the first to reach production (

It's up to the bedrock team to merge and push to production at will.
giorgos, is there a place we can test the form on staging or devallizom before it goes live to production? I want to be sure the form is sending the right information to the right databases and triggering the right welcome email.

Commits pushed to master at
[bug 859564] University Ambassadors form.
Merge pull request #801 from glogiotatidis/master

[bug 859564] University Ambassadors form.
As you can see above, giorgos' new form has been merged to master, and should therefore be on very soon (15min or so).
The form can be previewed here:

We will need to have the /b/ redirect put in so we can access it without the pass-through.
Depends on: 867788
Attached image screenshot (deleted) —
Just tested:

And got the following error when trying to submit:
    We apologize, but an error occurred in our system. Please try again later.

See attached screenshot.
Depends on: 867825
The newsletter has to be added in 'basket' through the admin panel. Pmac maybe you can do this?
Flags: needinfo?(pmac)
You mentioned that the form was not styled yet, but I provided some style feedback as well in case it would be helpful.

I also received the error when submitting. The error style looks nice though!
Jess can add the newsletter to basket. I'm happy to help though.
Flags: needinfo?(pmac)
Commits pushed to master at
[bug 859564] Add /b/ redirect for /contribute/universityambassadors/
Merge pull request #820 from glogiotatidis/859564-b

[bug 859564] Add /b/ redirect for /contribute/universityambassadors/
(In reply to Paul McLanahan [:pmac] from comment #32)
> Jess can add the newsletter to basket. I'm happy to help though.

Hey pmac - I added this a few weeks ago to the admin panel. Can you double check that it's configured right?
Jess I believe you'll have to add this to and to test on bedrock-dev and stage accordingly. I don't have access to those admin panels so I don't know if that's already there or not.
Ah - good call. I don't have access to basket dev site.

pmac, can you add the correct fields for Student Ambassadors that's found on basket prod or give me access to the basket dev site?

Flags: needinfo?(pmac)
I've added to basket dev and stage.
Flags: needinfo?(pmac)
When should we expect style updates to the form?
Still getting error:

    We apologize, but an error occurred in our system. Please try again later.
There were some mismatching info. The newsletter added to basket was called "ambassadors" but the form is trying "student-ambassadors". It's trying to connect to the target "custom_student_ambassadors", where the actual url at basket is "custom_update_student_ambassadors".

The bigger deals are the issue with the validation that @sgarrity brought up in the PR[0], and the fact that there is no success message or page. It just reloads the form with all your information sill filled in if it succeeds.

habber, style updates to the form have been included in pull request 823, so they're waiting on a merge:
I'm still getting the error:
    We apologize, but an error occurred in our system. Please try again later.

I checked pmac's test in Exact Target and there were some bugs:

Missing from "Student_Ambassadors" database:
STUDENTS_GRAD_YEAR  (if Pmac filled one in?)
EMAIL_FORMAT_   (is in Master_Subscribers, should also be in Student_Ambassadors)
COUNTRY_ (is in Master_Subscribers, should also be in Student_Ambassadors)

missing from "Master_Subscribers" database:
Commit pushed to master at
Revert "[bug 859564] Add /b/ redirect for /contribute/universityambassadors/"

Reverting because this page is not ready.

This reverts commit be67aa484eb358b4e195bb8c12d9ecf6e862d0e7.
Attached image new-screenshot (deleted) —
The page shows the following error message on load. See attached screenshot

Input error: k: Format of site key was invalid

    This field is required.
Yeah. The ReCaptcha key on stage is broken. Same thing happens on /contribute.
Commit pushed to master at
Revert "[bug 859564] University Ambassadors form."

This reverts commit fa5da4b78c68ab05d66ecf163c0f5ed2c821edbb.
(In reply to Jessilyn Davis from comment #42)

Jess: I'm looking into your data issues. I see the missing "SOURCE_URL" thing and am fixing that. It appears as though it should be setting the STUDENT_AMBASSADORS_* fields in Master_Subscribers as always. I'm not sure why we'd need to set STUDENT_AMBASSADORS_* on the data ext specifically for the Student Ambassadors campaign. Can you confirm that we need to do that?
Flags: needinfo?(jdavis)
hey pmac - we do need it on the "Student Ambassadors" data extension as a way to make sure when people unsubscribe, they're also unsubscribed on the Student Ambassador's data extension that will be used for segmenting and sending.  

Granted, that means we need the /existing page + basket to unsubscribe Student Ambassadors from both Master_Subscribers and Student_Ambassadors data extensions. Should this feature be a separate bug? And is fairly easy to update basket to send the Student Ambassadors flag to both data extensions?
Flags: needinfo?(jdavis)
(In reply to Jessilyn Davis from comment #48)

This will indeed need to be a separate bug. It's unfortunate that this one needs to work differently from every other newsletter. It may not be trivial to get this to work for unsubscription.
pmac and I chatted on IRC: 

Fields from Master_Subscribers that should also go into Student_Ambassadors:

Fields to not pass it through to Student_Ambassadors at this time:

If we change how /existing and basket work to update both databases from /existing, we'll add in the FLG, DATE, and EMAIL_FORMAT info above.

In the meantime, Jess will work with the database team and Exact Target to get SQL queries to get the right/updated information from Master_Subscribers to cross-compare with the field information in Student_Ambassadors for segmenting and sending.
Great. I've got a new PR ready for review. We should be able to test more soon.
Commits pushed to master at
Bug 859564: University Ambassadors form.

Student Ambassadors page styling.

Add base styles

updated responsive layout

add input placeholder js shim

Bug 859564: Fix data and form issues.

Derevert "[bug 859564] Add /b/ redirect for /contribute/universityambassadors/"

This reverts commit 1caa09be059e8d4522897baa6a7f2699b335cf4c.

Update to match new requirements from Jess.

Bug 859564: Fix tests.

Bug 859564: Redirect on successful submit.
Merge pull request #834 from glogiotatidis/ambassadors

[bug 859564] Add student ambassadors form.
Database fields look great! And the correct welcome email fired.


1) STUDENT_AMBASSADORS_FLG  is not showing up on newsletter/existing:

Example on Prod:

Same example on dev:

2) Please change: 
Show your university why Firefox rocks and encourage others to get involved with Mozilla! Get started by signing up now.

Show your university why Firefox rocks and encourage others to get involved with Mozilla.

3) There are style inconsistencies with the errors to alert you to fill out fields (including that the "expected year of graduation" disappears after you submit the form and get an error to "select graduation year" - see attached screenshot)

Expected behavior
- Add red * beside all fields that are required (so that people know which fields they need to fill out before hitting "submit")
- If person doesn't fill out all the required forms and then tries to hit submit, have all required fields (including text fields) have a red outline to draw attention that they need to fill out the fields before they can successfully submit

4) Move "Please share my contact information" "18 yrs old" "privacy policy" and "Email format preference" checkboxes to the left column (these are all important fields for the Ambassadors program, whereas the list of email newsletters above are completely optional and not as important)

5) Change "Great news!" paragraph to: 
As part of the Student Ambassadors program, you'll receive an email newsletter from us every month with updates, achievements, Firefox news, and more.

5) Move this paragraph to below "Mozilla Communications" so that this section reads:
As part of the Student Ambassador program, you will receive a monthly email newsletter with updates and news.

Would you also like to hear about other things that are happening at Mozilla? You can sign-up to receive additional newsletters:

6) On the success page - please remove the section at the top: 
Become a member of Firefox Student Ambassadors!
Show your university why Firefox rocks and encourage others to get involved with Mozilla! Get started by signing up now.

And change the form success message to:

Thank you for signing up to be a Firefox Student Ambassador!
Please check your inbox for a confirmation email complete with next steps.
(In reply to Jessilyn Davis from comment #53)

The Student Ambassadors not showing on /existing/ is because that page doesn't yet know about that newsletter. This will be fixed when we roll out the new bedrock /existing/ page as it gets its newsletter info directly from basket.
(In reply to Paul McLanahan [:pmac] from comment #54)

d'oh! Right.

This means we should get bedrock live at the same time this pushes - or - add the Student_Ambassadors_FLG info to the legacy code on /existing.

Before this signup form + welcome email goes live, we have to have a working way for people to unsubscribe.
(In reply to Jessilyn Davis from comment #53)

I've submitted a new PR with these copy and style changes here:

There's only one amend I haven't yet done:

> - If person doesn't fill out all the required forms and then tries to hit
> submit, have all required fields (including text fields) have a red outline
> to draw attention that they need to fill out the fields before they can
> successfully submit

It turns out the text fields aren't being outlined in red due to a specific style property in the default sandstone CSS on bedrock. When Firefox does native form validation it applies a box-shadow property to the invalid fields, but currently this is being overridden. This is actually effecting all forms on bedrock from what I can see..

Overriding doesn't work as setting box-shadow to `none` means just that, so the only way I can see to fix it is to remove the box-shadow property for form inputs in sandstone?

Should I open a new bug for this?
I'd say talk to craigcook about it. I haven't noticed any particularly interesting shadow on the form fields, so perhaps he knows of a way to fix it, or is cool w/ removing it all together.
Commit pushed to master at
Merge pull request #842 from alexgibson/student-ambassadors-bug-859564

Update copy and styles on Student Ambassadors form bug 859564
I added the new ambassadors newsletter to the PHP side newsletter pages in r115767.
Whiteboard: r=115767
Added to prod in r115769.
Everything looks good except that the "Graduation Year" field that appears after selecting "Student" is a required field and does not have an * or a warning before you hit submit that you have to fill it out.

See attached screenshots
Ah! Another bug was found:

The welcome email did not fire when I last tested on
(In reply to Jessilyn Davis from comment #64)

Oh geez. Please ignore comment 64. Welcome email triggered perfectly.

Carry on to push to prod post fixing * and error highlighting of "Graduation Year"

Commit pushed to master at
Bug 859564: Make 'expected_graduation_year' field required when student.
Has anyone done the vanity url? If not, does anyone know where one might add those?
Redirects for are in 870410.
vanity URL complete: or
Hey all,

I just found a bug.

Steps to recreate:

1) Go to:
2) Sign up with an email address that has NEVER been used in Exact Target before, and select "Text' as the email format. Do Not sign up for other newsletters.

Error found:
Welcome email is not sent, and subscriber is not added to "Master_Subscribers" database.  Subscriber is added successfully to "Student_Ambassadors" database.

Expected behavior:
For subscriber to be also added to "Master_Subscribers" with the following fields:


Note: Subscribers using HTML format works perfectly. And text subscriptions work if you use an existing email address in Exact Target.
Depends on: 871764
Hi all:

Just wanted to say it's super P1 that this form get launched by this Friday (May 17th). What can I do to help make this happen?


This is live and good to go!  I tested the form and the design, fields, success message, welcome email, etc. and all looks good.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
PS - here are your working URLs to promote:
Awesome - thanks all!
Just ran across a bug...

In "STUDENT_AMBASSADORS" data extension, we have 1247 subscribers

In "MASTER_SUBSCRIBERS" data extension, we have 185 subscribers with "STUDENT_AMBASSADORS_FLG" = Y

After testing, I found the error:

Person who signs up for Student Ambassadors, but does not check any other newsletter lists, gets "STUDENT_AMBASSADORS_FLG" = Y In Master_Subscribers; they're also added to "STUDENT_AMBASSADORS" data extension. This works.

Person who signs up for Student Ambassadors AND checks other newsletter lists to subscribe to, they DO NOT get "STUDENT_AMBASSADORS_FLG" = Y in Master_Subscribers. Only the other newsletters that were checked Y are added. They're also added to "STUDENT_AMBASSADORS" data extension.

Expected behavior:

If someone signs up for this form and checks to receive other subscriptions, they should also get "STUDENT_AMBASSADORS_FLG" = Y

Action items:

1) Fix bug
2) Update everyone in "STUDENT_AMBASSADORS" data extension to have their SA FLG = Y in Master_Subscribers.

Anyone who has signed up for another newsletter in this signup form (1062 people at present) - they cannot unsubscribe from Student Ambassadors from the welcome email...since they do not have their FLG = Y in Master_Subscribers.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Hi all:

Just wanted to ping here and see if this bug could be fixed by July 1st (when we're looking to send out first email to all participants in the program). Giorgos, will you be owning this?


This is puzzling. The Bedrock code behind the ambassador signup form makes a single call to Basket to add all the newsletters/flags, including both 'ambassador' and any other newsletters they signed up for, so I would expect either all the flags to be set, or none of them if Basket had an error.

Speaking of which, Giorgos, it would be worthwhile adding an error check at

so we'll know if Basket is hitting an error or not when doing the subscribe.
We make 2 requests to basket but as Dan said the first subscribes user to newsletters. So is either all or none. 

I can verify what Jess says on dev but I still haven't figured out the cause of this issue.

(In reply to Dan Poirier [:dpoirier] from comment #77)
> Speaking of which, Giorgos, it would be worthwhile adding an error check at
> so we'll know if Basket is hitting an error or not when doing the subscribe.

We do collect basket exceptions and display error message to the user here:
We located the cause of error in basket-client library (thanks pmac, dpoirier!) Pmac is already working on a fix.
thanks all - much appreciate your help! Please let me know when fixed so that we can prepare the newsletter to be sent out. Thanks!
This is fixed now on prod, Jess can you please verify?
Flags: needinfo?(jdavis)
Closed: 11 years ago11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
rbillings has verfied! Form works perfectly on prod :)

Kate, before you do your first newsletter send, we need to fix the missing FLGS for the Student Ambassadors that signed up before this form fix went into place.
Flags: needinfo?(jdavis)
Verified with solo student ambassador sign-ups + combos. Verified in Exact Target.
Hi all - planning on sending my first newsletter on July 5th. Am I all set or is there anything else that needs to be done beforehand on my part? Thanks!
Kate - the FLGs have been updated :) We're good to send. Will sync up with you over email.

Thanks all!
yes - thanks all - much appreciated :)
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