Closed Bug 861928 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Intermittent B2G emulator reftest,crashtest | application timed out after 330 seconds with no output | application crashed [@ + 0xdbd8]


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: General, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: RyanVM, Assigned: jrmuizel)



(Keywords: crash, intermittent-failure)

Crash Data

b2g_ics_armv7a_gecko_emulator mozilla-inbound opt test reftest-10 on 2013-04-15 08:26:50 PDT for push fa1a9fa71db4
slave: talos-r3-fed-029

08:44:51     INFO -  REFTEST TEST-START | | 79 / 1312 (6%)
08:44:51  WARNING -  TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | | application timed out after 330 seconds with no output
08:44:51     INFO -  INFO | | Application ran for: 0:10:08.519675
08:44:51     INFO -  INFO | zombiecheck | Reading PID log: /tmp/tmpjIcz_Fpidlog
08:44:53     INFO -  mozcrash INFO | Downloading symbols from:
08:44:53     INFO -  checking for crashes in '/data/local/tests/profile/minidumps'
08:44:53     INFO -  Downloading symbols from:
08:45:16  WARNING -  PROCESS-CRASH | | application crashed [@ + 0xdbd8]
08:45:16     INFO -  Crash dump filename: /tmp/tmphttINl/7705f8e4-9273-e8f0-19f4a7d4-2e2a6ac6.dmp
08:45:16     INFO -  Operating system: Android
08:45:16     INFO -                    0.0.0 Linux 2.6.29-gea477bb #1 Wed Sep 26 11:04:45 PDT 2012 armv7l Android/full/generic:
08:45:16     INFO -  CPU: arm
08:45:16     INFO -       0 CPUs
08:45:16     INFO -  Crash reason:  SIGSEGV
08:45:16     INFO -  Crash address: 0x44400000
08:45:16     INFO -  Thread 18 (crashed)
08:45:16     INFO -   0 + 0xdbd8
08:45:16     INFO -       r4 = 0x00000000    r5 = 0x00000000    r6 = 0x00000000    r7 = 0x00000000
08:45:16     INFO -       r8 = 0x00000184    r9 = 0x00000000   r10 = 0x000002fa    fp = 0x00000000
08:45:16     INFO -       sp = 0x468ffa40    lr = 0x400d3adf    pc = 0x4002cbd8
08:45:16     INFO -      Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
08:45:16     INFO -   1 + 0xfadd
08:45:16     INFO -       sp = 0x468ffa68    pc = 0x400d3adf
08:45:16     INFO -      Found by: stack scanning
08:45:16     INFO -   2 + 0xfa6b
08:45:16     INFO -       sp = 0x468ffa74    pc = 0x400d3a6d
08:45:16     INFO -      Found by: stack scanning
08:45:16     INFO -   3!IPC::ParamTraits<mozilla::layers::MagicGrallocBufferHandle>::Write(IPC::Message*, mozilla::layers::MagicGrallocBufferHandle const&) [ShadowLayerUtilsGralloc.cpp:fa1a9fa71db4 : 43 + 0x1]
08:45:16     INFO -       sp = 0x468ffa80    pc = 0x415c205d
08:45:16     INFO -      Found by: stack scanning
08:45:16     INFO -   4!malloc_mutex_unlock [jemalloc.c:fa1a9fa71db4 : 1665 + 0x3]
08:45:16     INFO -       sp = 0x468ffa98    pc = 0x40005093
08:45:16     INFO -      Found by: stack scanning
08:45:16     INFO -   5  gralloc-buffer (deleted) + 0x61bffe
08:45:16     INFO -       sp = 0x468ffad8    pc = 0x4a51c000
08:45:16     INFO -      Found by: stack scanning
08:45:16     INFO -   6 + 0x2da2d
08:45:16     INFO -       sp = 0x468ffae8    pc = 0x400bca2f
08:45:16     INFO -      Found by: stack scanning
08:45:16     INFO -   7!Pickle::AlignInt(unsigned int, int) [pickle.h:fa1a9fa71db4 : 252 + 0xb]
08:45:16     INFO -       sp = 0x468ffaf8    pc = 0x4155a4f3
08:45:16     INFO -      Found by: stack scanning
08:45:16     INFO -   8!Pickle::WriteBytes(void const*, int, unsigned int) [ : 459 + 0x9]
08:45:16     INFO -       sp = 0x468ffb20    pc = 0x4155a943
08:45:16     INFO -      Found by: stack scanning
Crash Signature: [@]
Nick, is this something you can help with?
Flags: needinfo?(ncameron)
(In reply to Ryan VanderMeulen [:RyanVM] from comment #25)
> Nick, is this something you can help with?

I could, but it's not really my area of expertise so I would probably be floundering a fair bit. Perhaps bjacob or snorp would be a better bet, if they have spare cycles.
Flags: needinfo?(ncameron)
(In reply to Nick Cameron [:nrc] from comment #26)
> (In reply to Ryan VanderMeulen [:RyanVM] from comment #25)
> > Nick, is this something you can help with?
> I could, but it's not really my area of expertise so I would probably be
> floundering a fair bit. Perhaps bjacob or snorp would be a better bet, if
> they have spare cycles.

If we can't get people to commit to looking into these failures, I'm going to have to re-hide the tests.
The last person to look into B2G reftest failures, which were timeouts like here, was Jeff Muizelaar. Assigning.
Assignee: nobody → jmuizelaar
(In reply to Benoit Jacob [:bjacob] from comment #31)
> The last person to look into B2G reftest failures, which were timeouts like
> here, was Jeff Muizelaar. Assigning.

Note that this one is actually a crash, see the full log for the minidump.
This might be the same problem as bug 818103.. marshall_law has some theories as to what's happening, but is having trouble reproducing locally. If anyone has any ideas here, be sure to ping him.
If Jeff is like me, then needinfo is going to be more efficient than assigning.
Flags: needinfo?(jmuizelaar)
(OrangeWFM bugs not modified in > 2 months)
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Flags: needinfo?(jmuizelaar)
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