Closed Bug 865804 Opened 11 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Add global magnification


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: General, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: eeejay, Unassigned)



(Keywords: access, Whiteboard: [ucid:Graphic19,ft:graphic])

There should be a way to zoom all content globally with no reflow. The main use case for this is a magnifier accessibility feature.
Keywords: access
OS: Linux → Gonk (Firefox OS)
Hardware: x86_64 → All
As discussed in the gfx meeting we can do:

1) A post scale similar to win/osx magnifiers. This is very easy to do, would be fast and snappy BUT would be pixelated (or fuzzy).
2) We can wait for multi-apzc (bug 775452). This will let us zoom the entire app and pan around it. It will show a scaled zoom until the main thread performs a reflow+repaint in the engine but wont change the position of elements on the screen.

1) would only take a few days while 2) is months away from being ready for this application. I suggest 1) should be completed now to mitigate the risk and once the pre-reqs are solved we can do 2) and ship a major improvement a few months down the road.
(In reply to Benoit Girard (:BenWa) from comment #1)
> As discussed in the gfx meeting we can do:
> 1) A post scale similar to win/osx magnifiers. This is very easy to do,
> would be fast and snappy BUT would be pixelated (or fuzzy).
> 2) We can wait for multi-apzc (bug 775452). This will let us zoom the entire
> app and pan around it. It will show a scaled zoom until the main thread
> performs a reflow+repaint in the engine but wont change the position of
> elements on the screen.
> 1) would only take a few days while 2) is months away from being ready for
> this application. I suggest 1) should be completed now to mitigate the risk
> and once the pre-reqs are solved we can do 2) and ship a major improvement a
> few months down the road.

Yep, good plan. We could keep this bug for tracking, I'll open a new blocker for post scale zooming.
Depends on: 869533
Per discussion among I, Sandip, and Milan, this feature is targeted in Firefox OS 2.1. Update the bug status accordingly.
Blocks: 1016796
feature-b2g: --- → 2.1
Whiteboard: [ucid:Graphic19,ft:graphic]
As UX may not be ready for 2.1, gfx is moving it to backlog. Adding Jaime to confirm her note in the G-doc.
feature-b2g: 2.1 → ---
Flags: needinfo?(jachen)
Eitan, for the UX here, would it be as simple as switching in/out to/of a mode where pinch/zoom worked on the whole FFOS screen instead of just content?
Flags: needinfo?(eitan)
(In reply to David Bolter [:davidb] from comment #5)
> Eitan, for the UX here, would it be as simple as switching in/out to/of a
> mode where pinch/zoom worked on the whole FFOS screen instead of just
> content?

No, not really. The gestures would not be simple pinch/zoom. I suggested gestures in a wiki page[1]. For magnification to work in conjunction with the screen reader, and also not interfere with pinch zoomable wec content, it would need to be a different gesture.

Flags: needinfo?(eitan)
No longer blocks: 1016796
What happens with the "on screen keyboard" when we're magnified?  Is it also magnified, so we only see a portion of it?  Or is it still the same size, all keys are visible, etc.?
Yes, this is now GFX backlog so UX paused on this. If it comes into priority, let UX know.
Flags: needinfo?(jachen)
(In reply to Milan Sreckovic [:milan] from comment #7)
> What happens with the "on screen keyboard" when we're magnified?  Is it also
> magnified, so we only see a portion of it?  Or is it still the same size,
> all keys are visible, etc.?

iOS for example has the zoomed area adjacent to the keyboard (no overlap). Only content part of the view is navigable through the lens and so the keyboard itself is not magnified. 

It probably makes more sense (to only zoom the content part of the view) because otherwise (with the magnified keyboard) the user will not be able to track well what is being typed.

ni? marco here to see what he thinks.
Flags: needinfo?(mzehe)
I agree. Users need to see what they type, but the keyboard is usually big enough so they can work it.
Flags: needinfo?(mzehe)
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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