Closed Bug 890533 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

firefox 22 breaks Intel Remote Management Module rmm3


(Firefox :: Untriaged, defect)

22 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: harri, Unassigned)


(Keywords: regression)


(6 files, 1 obsolete file)

Attached image firefox22.png (obsolete) (deleted) —
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0 (Beta/Release)
Build ID: 20130627062405

Steps to reproduce:

Firefox 22 introduces a regression: The web interface of the Intel Remote Management Module is broken. Firefox 21 and 20 don't have this problem. I tried Linux (amd64) and Windows7. Firefox has been grabbed from the official download side.

Command line: firefox --safe-mode https://host1.rmm3.localdomain/

Actual results:

see screenshot firefox22.png

Expected results:

see screenshot firefox20.png
Summary: firefox 22 breaks Intel Remote Management Module → firefox 22 breaks Intel Remote Management Module rmm3
Attached image firefox20.png (deleted) —
Attached image firefox22.png (deleted) —
Attachment #771660 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #771662 - Attachment description: good web interface → firefox20.png
PS: 23.0b3 has the same problem.
Probably a regression. But you need to provide a testcase (HTML source code, try to save the page as HTML file and check if it's reproducible locally by loading the page into Firefox) or online link (demo, guest account etc).
Flags: needinfo?(harri)
Keywords: testcase-wanted
Attached file javascript code (deleted) —
Flags: needinfo?(harri)
Attached you can find the index.html and the javascript code. Please note that lib/eLang.js and lib/ui.js are gzipped. Thats how I got them (using wget to download).

I could not wget index_imp.js ("permission denied"), so I used copy and paste for this file. Therefore I cannot say if the RMM3 software provided it as a gzipped file, too.

Unfortunately I am not allowed to provide you a demo account. 

Hope this helps.
Unfortunately, the attachment isn't very helpful. At least page/header.html and page/sidebar.html are missing. Probably more files would be needed to make the testcase workable.
What would you suggest to mirror all these files in one step (using Firefox 21 or tools like wget or curl)? Whenever I try to download a single element on the command line, I get an "ERROR 405: Access Denied" :-(.
Try to save the source code of the page "System Information", maybe it's enough to show the issue even if all the data are not displayed.
Attached file header.html (deleted) —
Attached file header_style.css (deleted) —
See attachments. I wasn't sure about the css file, so I have attached it as well. Hope this helps.
I tried your testcase, it doesn't display anything. :/
Did you test it locally before attaching it?
What would you suggest to mirror all these files in one step (using Firefox 21 or tools like wget or curl)? Whenever I try to download a single element on the command line, I get an "ERROR 405: Access Denied" :-(.
Attachment #772023 - Attachment description: System Information html code → header.html
Probably a misunderstanding: I thought you would like to examine the Javascript code in header.html.

Have you seen the code in header.html _generating_ Javascript? Do you think this could be the part that is not working?
Did you try to save the source code directly from Firefox (right click, save as)?

Or maybe you can manage to install a guest session to your server.
Attached you can find the files generated by [save as] for index.html, sidebar.html and header.html. Hope this helps.

Unfortunately I am not allowed to provide a guest session.
Attached file *.html files saved using [save as] (deleted) —
The testcase looks better but which rendering issue I should observe?
Could you open locally the file index.html and take a screenshot with FF22 (showing the issue) and an old version of FF not having the issue.
Flags: needinfo?(harri)
These snapshots are already in. See firefox20.png and firefox22.png, showing the RMM3 welcome page for the appropriate Firefox version. For Firefox21 I get the same as for Firefox20.
PS: Using the local files downloaded with [save as] it looks like firefox22.png, even though I am using version 21 at the moment. Seems that the saved files are not sufficient to reproduce the problem.
Flags: needinfo?(harri)
I told you to test the testcase locally to check the rendering issue is reproducible in FF22 but not in old versions of Firefox.

My guess is you saved only a part of the webpage (maybe the iframe). I don't see the tabs "system information", "server health" etc and the left pane.
I used the [save as] option on the main page and on the 2 embedded frames, as you recommended. The missing parts is are some generated Javascript elements, AFAICS. Please take a look at sidebar.html.

Is there another option to make sure that the test case suits your needs?
I'm not sure you have saved all the pages, many pages display "Access Error: Site or Page Not Found / Cannot open URL" like:
* /index_files/header_files/global_str.html
* /index_files/header_files/header_str.html
* /index_files/header_files/navobj_str.html
* /index_files/sidebar_files/global_str.html
* /index_files/sidebar_files/sidebar_str.html
Did you check the new testcase.890533.1  (i.e. Comment 18)? I see

% find testcase.890533.1 -name \*.html
Yes, these files come from this archive, but they display nothing, only this error message. If they are a part of the webpage, they can alter the rendering.

Anyway just try to catch the HTML source code to repro the issue, even if it's a partial testcase with elements missing. We just need a page showing the rendering difference between the current version and the old ones.
Sorry, I have attached all files I was able to download. If I edit the URL to open http://host1.rmm3.localdomain/index_files/header_files/navobj_str.html in the browser, then I get the same error message as you got

Access Error: Site or Page Not Found
Cannot open URL

Are you _sure_ that this is a rendering issue?
So maybe not. Anyway the testcase stays still broken because it displays the same thing in FF22+ and in FF22-.
Firefox 22 also breaks the Intel RMM4 UI. Intel has acknowledged this:

Their fix is to stop using Firefox.
hlinden, is it possible for you to open a public access to Intel RMM4 UI (even with limited rights or guest account) with a testcase?

It would help to track and fix a possible regression in FF22+.
Flags: needinfo?(harald)
I know that would help, but they are all on production servers in a VLAN that doesn't have internet access, so no, unfortunately I can't, sorry. I can however attempt to dump the network traffic between Firefox and the RMM if that would help.
Flags: needinfo?(harald)
Maybe you'll be able to run the too mozregression on a testing machine to find a possible regression range.
See for details.

Firefox 22 nightlies started in Feb 2013, so mozregression --good=2013-02-01.
I've narrowed it down to...

Last good nightly: 2013-03-16
First bad nightly: 2013-03-17

...and am currently waiting for the first build to finish. This is going to take a while, I'll report back with results Monday-ish I guess.
Great! Could you paste the pushlog (which is in fact the most important), please. ;)
Flags: needinfo?(harald)
Using firefox 23 I cannot reproduce the problem anymore.
Oh, "any other Internet browser" include Firefox 23+?
hlinden, could you confirm it's fixed with FF23 (or higher)?
Just tried it, problem is solved in FF23.0. Thanks for your patience so far :)
Flags: needinfo?(harald)
Closing per comment #35 and #38.
WORKSFORME because we didn't find what exact changeset fixed the bug.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Ok, I found the bug. :D
From comment #25: in the testcase as archive, there is a file called index.html with this code line:
<frame src="index_files/sidebar.html" id="SIDEBAR" name="sidebar" noresize="noresize" scrolling="auto">

In FF22, frames named by "sidebar" are not accessible anymore, due to bug 850517.
And it's fixed by bug 888225 (and a dupe of this one).

Now, Intel should change its FAQ.
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