Closed Bug 893412 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[8.1] Browser has extremely poor performance on Windows 8.1 Preview, freezes some machines


(Firefox for Metro Graveyard :: Build Config, defect, P1)

25 Branch
Windows 8.1


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: raul.malea, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [8.1])

1. Nightly 25 Metro default browser
2. Adding Nightly Metro to Start
3. Start Metro
4. Navigate to any website

Computer freezing. Need to force restart.

I have:

Windows 8.1 Preview x64, intel core i5, 2500k, 3,3 ghz, 8gb ram
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20130713 Firefox/25.0 ID:20130713030205 CSet: 32c3ccd8946c

Build Machine


Built from
Build platform
Build tools
Compiler 	Version 	Compiler flags
e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-cen-w32-ntly-000000000000000/build/obj-firefox/_virtualenv/Scripts/python.exe -O e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-cen-w32-ntly-000000000000000/build/build/ cl 	16.00.30319.01 	-TC -nologo -W3 -Gy -Fdgenerated.pdb -wd4244 -wd4819 -we4553 -DNDEBUG -DTRIMMED -Zi -UDEBUG -DNDEBUG -O1 -Oy-
e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-cen-w32-ntly-000000000000000/build/obj-firefox/_virtualenv/Scripts/python.exe -O e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-cen-w32-ntly-000000000000000/build/build/ cl 	16.00.30319.01 	-wd4099 -TP -nologo -W3 -Gy -Fdgenerated.pdb -wd4251 -wd4244 -wd4345 -wd4351 -wd4482 -wd4800 -wd4819 -we4553 -GR- -DNDEBUG -DTRIMMED -Zi -UDEBUG -DNDEBUG -O1 -Oy-
Configure arguments

--enable-update-channel=nightly --enable-update-packaging --enable-jemalloc --with-google-api-keyfile=/e/builds/ --enable-warnings-as-errors --enable-signmar --enable-profiling --enable-metro --enable-js-diagnostics


Adapter Description	NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti
Adapter Description (GPU #2)	Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
Summary: Computer freezing when navigate in Nightly 25 Metro in Windows 8.1 Preview → Defect - Computer freezing when navigate in Nightly 25 Metro in Windows 8.1 Preview
Whiteboard: feature=defect c=tbd u=tbd p=0
Summary: Defect - Computer freezing when navigate in Nightly 25 Metro in Windows 8.1 Preview → Defect - [8.1] Computer freezing when navigate in Nightly 25 Metro in Windows 8.1 Preview
Whiteboard: feature=defect c=tbd u=tbd p=0 → [8.1] feature=defect c=tbd u=tbd p=0
QA Contact: jbecerra
Can you get a stack trace of the main thread?
(In reply to Jim Mathies [:jimm] from comment #2)
> Can you get a stack trace of the main thread?

Stack trace??
nm, thought you were a developer. :) Can you get to about:support to copy paste data, or does it freeze before you get there too?
Raul, it might be worthwhile to try launching metro Firefox with a new profile.

  - Make sure Metro Firefox is not running
  - Press the Windows key + r
  - That should open a "run" dialog
  - Type %APPDATA% and hit 'enter'
  - Find the 'Mozilla' directory and enter it
  - Rename the 'MetroFirefox' directory to something else
  - Launch Metro Firefox
RAW data:

  "application": {
    "name": "Firefox",
    "version": "25.0a1",
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20130726 Firefox/25.0",
    "supportURL": ""
  "modifiedPreferences": {
    "accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashBar": 0,
    "accessibility.typeaheadfind": true,
    "browser.cache.disk.smart_size.use_old_max": false,
    "browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run": false,
    "browser.cache.disk.capacity": 358400,
    "browser.cache.disk.smart_size_cached_value": 358400,
    "browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion": 4,
    "browser.sessionstore.upgradeBackup.latestBuildID": "20130726030203",
    "browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone": "25.0a1",
    "browser.startup.homepage": "about:home",
    "browser.startup.homepage_override.buildID": "20130726030203",
    "dom.max_chrome_script_run_time": -1,
    "dom.mozApps.used": true,
    "extensions.lastAppVersion": "25.0a1",
    "gfx.direct3d.last_used_feature_level_idx": 0,
    "network.cookie.prefsMigrated": true,
    "places.history.enabled": false,
    "places.database.lastMaintenance": 1374885185,
    "places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages": 104858,
    "plugin.importedState": true,
    "plugin.disable_full_page_plugin_for_types": "application/pdf",
    "print.printer_HP_LaserJet_Professional_M1132_MFP.print_orientation": 0,
    "privacy.sanitize.migrateFx3Prefs": true,
    "privacy.donottrackheader.enabled": true,
    "security.disable_button.openDeviceManager": false,
    "security.disable_button.openCertManager": false,
    "security.OCSP.disable_button.managecrl": false,
    "storage.vacuum.last.index": 1,
    "storage.vacuum.last.places.sqlite": 1373396957
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    "adapterDrivers": "nvd3dumx,nvwgf2umx,nvwgf2umx nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um",
    "driverVersion": "",
    "driverDate": "6-22-2013",
    "adapterDescription2": "Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000",
    "adapterVendorID2": "0x8086",
    "adapterDeviceID2": "0x0112",
    "adapterRAM2": "Unknown",
    "adapterDrivers2": "igdumd64 igd10umd64 igd10umd64 igdumd32 igd10umd32 igd10umd32",
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      "AzureContentBackend": "direct2d"
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      "version": "4.10"
    "NSS": {
      "minVersion": "3.15.1 Basic ECC Beta",
      "version": "3.15.1 Basic ECC Beta"
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      "minVersion": "3.15.1 Beta",
      "version": "3.15.1 Beta"
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      "version": "3.15.1 Basic ECC Beta"
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      "version": "3.15.1 Basic ECC Beta"
  "userJS": {
    "exists": false
  "extensions": [
      "name": "Adblock Plus",
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      "id": "{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}"
      "name": "Add-on Compatibility Reporter",
      "version": "2.0.1",
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      "id": ""
      "name": "British English Dictionary",
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      "id": "jid0-qBnIpLfDFa4LpdrjhAC6vBqN20Q@jetpack"
      "name": "Cheevos",
      "version": "1.5",
      "isActive": true,
      "id": "jid1-bpzDizt9E1R7nw@jetpack"
      "name": "FlashGot",
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      "isActive": true,
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      "name": "Nightly Tester Tools",
      "version": "3.5",
      "isActive": true,
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      "name": "NoScript",
      "version": "",
      "isActive": true,
      "id": "{73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232}"
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      "version": "",
      "isActive": true,
      "id": "{25A1388B-6B18-46c3-BEBA-A81915D0DE8F}"
      "name": "Romanian spelling dictionary",
      "version": "1.13",
      "isActive": true,
      "id": ""
      "name": "Stylish",
      "version": "1.3.2",
      "isActive": true,
      "id": "{46551EC9-40F0-4e47-8E18-8E5CF550CFB8}"
      "name": "Submit Word",
      "version": "1.1.0",
      "isActive": true,
      "id": ""
      "name": "Test Pilot",
      "version": "1.2.2",
      "isActive": true,
      "id": ""
      "name": "Bookmark Duplicate Cleaner",
      "version": "0.2",
      "isActive": false,
      "id": ""
      "name": "Collusion",
      "version": "0.27",
      "isActive": false,
      "id": "jid1-F9UJ2thwoAm5gQ@jetpack"
      "name": "Download Statusbar",
      "version": "0.9.10",
      "isActive": false,
      "id": "{D4DD63FA-01E4-46a7-B6B1-EDAB7D6AD389}"
      "name": "Firefox OS Simulator",
      "version": "4.0",
      "isActive": false,
      "id": ""
      "name": "Mozilla Reps Companion",
      "version": "1.1",
      "isActive": false,
      "id": "jid1-4QxcVDv2lBVyfQ@jetpack"
      "name": "pearltrees",
      "version": "6.0.15",
      "isActive": false,
      "id": ""
      "name": "StumbleUpon",
      "version": "4.16",
      "isActive": false,
      "id": "{AE93811A-5C9A-4d34-8462-F7B864FC4696}"
      "name": "Yoono",
      "version": "7.7.29",
      "isActive": false,
      "id": "{d9284e50-81fc-11da-a72b-0800200c9a66}"

Text data:

Application Basics

Name: Firefox
Version: 25.0a1
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20130726 Firefox/25.0


Name: Adblock Plus
Version: 2.3.1
Enabled: true
ID: {d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}

Name: Add-on Compatibility Reporter
Version: 2.0.1
Enabled: true

Name: British English Dictionary
Version: 1.19.1
Enabled: true

Name: Bugzilla Tweaks
Enabled: true
ID: jid0-qBnIpLfDFa4LpdrjhAC6vBqN20Q@jetpack

Name: Cheevos
Version: 1.5
Enabled: true
ID: jid1-bpzDizt9E1R7nw@jetpack

Name: FlashGot
Enabled: true
ID: {19503e42-ca3c-4c27-b1e2-9cdb2170ee34}

Name: Google Shortcuts
Enabled: true
ID: {5C46D283-ABDE-4dce-B83C-08881401921C}

Name: Mozmill Crowd
Version: 0.1.5
Enabled: true

Name: Mozmill test Addon
Version: initial.rev11
Enabled: true
ID: jid0-eXBmaisIIhuqsxKsdxROTr5TCwc@jetpack

Name: Nightly Tester Tools
Version: 3.5
Enabled: true
ID: {8620c15f-30dc-4dba-a131-7c5d20cf4a29}

Name: NoScript
Enabled: true
ID: {73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232}

Name: Quick Locale Switcher
Enabled: true
ID: {25A1388B-6B18-46c3-BEBA-A81915D0DE8F}

Name: Romanian spelling dictionary
Version: 1.13
Enabled: true

Name: Stylish
Version: 1.3.2
Enabled: true
ID: {46551EC9-40F0-4e47-8E18-8E5CF550CFB8}

Name: Submit Word
Version: 1.1.0
Enabled: true

Name: Test Pilot
Version: 1.2.2
Enabled: true

Name: Bookmark Duplicate Cleaner
Version: 0.2
Enabled: false

Name: Collusion
Version: 0.27
Enabled: false
ID: jid1-F9UJ2thwoAm5gQ@jetpack

Name: Download Statusbar
Version: 0.9.10
Enabled: false
ID: {D4DD63FA-01E4-46a7-B6B1-EDAB7D6AD389}

Name: Firefox OS Simulator
Version: 4.0
Enabled: false

Name: Mozilla Reps Companion
Version: 1.1
Enabled: false
ID: jid1-4QxcVDv2lBVyfQ@jetpack

Name: pearltrees
Version: 6.0.15
Enabled: false

Name: StumbleUpon
Version: 4.16
Enabled: false
ID: {AE93811A-5C9A-4d34-8462-F7B864FC4696}

Name: Yoono
Version: 7.7.29
Enabled: false
ID: {d9284e50-81fc-11da-a72b-0800200c9a66}

Important Modified Preferences

accessibility.typeaheadfind: true
accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashBar: 0
browser.cache.disk.capacity: 358400
browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run: false
browser.cache.disk.smart_size.use_old_max: false
browser.cache.disk.smart_size_cached_value: 358400
browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion: 4
browser.sessionstore.upgradeBackup.latestBuildID: 20130726030203
browser.startup.homepage: about:home
browser.startup.homepage_override.buildID: 20130726030203
browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone: 25.0a1
dom.max_chrome_script_run_time: -1
dom.mozApps.used: true
extensions.lastAppVersion: 25.0a1
gfx.direct3d.last_used_feature_level_idx: 0
network.cookie.prefsMigrated: true
places.database.lastMaintenance: 1374885185
places.history.enabled: false
places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages: 104858
plugin.disable_full_page_plugin_for_types: application/pdf
plugin.importedState: true
print.printer_HP_LaserJet_Professional_M1132_MFP.print_orientation: 0
privacy.donottrackheader.enabled: true
privacy.sanitize.migrateFx3Prefs: true
security.disable_button.openCertManager: false
security.disable_button.openDeviceManager: false
security.OCSP.disable_button.managecrl: false
storage.vacuum.last.index: 1
storage.vacuum.last.places.sqlite: 1373396957


Adapter Description: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti
Adapter Description (GPU #2): Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
Adapter Drivers: nvd3dumx,nvwgf2umx,nvwgf2umx nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um
Adapter Drivers (GPU #2): igdumd64 igd10umd64 igd10umd64 igdumd32 igd10umd32 igd10umd32
Adapter RAM: 2048
Adapter RAM (GPU #2): Unknown
ClearType Parameters: Gamma: 2200 Pixel Structure: RGB ClearType Level: 100 Enhanced Contrast: 300
Device ID: 0x1200
Device ID (GPU #2): 0x0112
Direct2D Enabled: true
DirectWrite Enabled: true (6.3.9431.0)
Driver Date: 6-22-2013
Driver Date (GPU #2): 12-12-2012
Driver Version:
Driver Version (GPU #2):
GPU #2 Active: false
GPU Accelerated Windows: 1/1 Direct3D 10
Vendor ID: 0x10de
Vendor ID (GPU #2): 0x8086
WebGL Renderer: Google Inc. -- ANGLE (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti Direct3D9Ex vs_3_0 ps_3_0)
windowLayerManagerRemote: false
AzureCanvasBackend: direct2d
AzureContentBackend: direct2d
AzureFallbackCanvasBackend: cairo
AzureSkiaAccelerated: 0


Incremental GC: true


Activated: false
Prevent Accessibility: 0

Library Versions

Expected minimum version: 4.10
Version in use: 4.10

Expected minimum version: 3.15.1 Basic ECC Beta
Version in use: 3.15.1 Basic ECC Beta

Expected minimum version: 3.15.1 Basic ECC Beta
Version in use: 3.15.1 Basic ECC Beta

Expected minimum version: 3.15.1 Basic ECC Beta
Version in use: 3.15.1 Basic ECC Beta

Expected minimum version: 3.15.1 Beta
Version in use: 3.15.1 Beta
Priority: -- → P1
Whiteboard: [8.1] feature=defect c=tbd u=tbd p=0 → feature=defect c=tbd u=tbd p=0 [8.1]
Also, after more testing situation is:

- very slow, very very slow loading page ( eg.)
- search in page not working

I have opened only 2 tabs.
After 5-6 minutes Nightly closed. Mouse freezing. I succeed to closed manually (drag bottom). After reopened Nightly crash.
Priority: P1 → --
Priority: -- → P1
(In reply to Tim Abraldes [:TimAbraldes] [:tabraldes] from comment #5)
> Raul, it might be worthwhile to try launching metro Firefox with a new
> profile.
> Steps:
>   - Make sure Metro Firefox is not running
>   - Press the Windows key + r
>   - That should open a "run" dialog
>   - Type %APPDATA% and hit 'enter'
>   - Find the 'Mozilla' directory and enter it
>   - Rename the 'MetroFirefox' directory to something else
>   - Launch Metro Firefox

I try with new profile (eg. safe mode) but same problem.
Blocks: 898795
Whiteboard: feature=defect c=tbd u=tbd p=0 [8.1] → feature=defect c=Other_charms_and_integration u=metro_firefox_user p=0 [8.1]
Just to be totally clear, it sounds like you're experiencing the following:
  - Desktop Nightly runs fine.
  - Other Metro apps and other desktop apps run fine.
  - Metro Nightly barely runs (when it runs), and crashes frequently.

Metro Nightly/Firefox doesn't have a "safe mode," but it sounds like you tried running metro Nightly with a blank profile and got the same performance issues. The only thing I can think to double-check here is to make sure that you moved/renamed the metro profile and not the desktop profile.

For the debug info you pasted above, it looks like that came from desktop Nightly rather than metro Nightly. Could you please paste the info from about:support in metro Nightly?
OS: Windows 8 → Windows 8 Metro
(In reply to Tim Abraldes [:TimAbraldes] [:tabraldes] from comment #9)
> Just to be totally clear, it sounds like you're experiencing the following:
>   - Desktop Nightly runs fine.
>   - Other Metro apps and other desktop apps run fine.
>   - Metro Nightly barely runs (when it runs), and crashes frequently.

> Metro Nightly/Firefox doesn't have a "safe mode," but it sounds like you
> tried running metro Nightly with a blank profile and got the same
> performance issues. The only thing I can think to double-check here is to
> make sure that you moved/renamed the metro profile and not the desktop
> profile.

I renamed metro profile
> For the debug info you pasted above, it looks like that came from desktop
> Nightly rather than metro Nightly. Could you please paste the info from
> about:support in metro Nightly?

My mistake. about: support for Metro:

Application Basics

Name: MetroFirefox
Version: 25.0a1
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20130729 Firefox/25.0


Important Modified Preferences

browser.cache.disk.capacity: 358400
browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run: false
browser.cache.disk.smart_size.use_old_max: false
browser.cache.disk.smart_size_cached_value: 358400
extensions.lastAppVersion: 25.0a1
gfx.direct3d.last_used_feature_level_idx: 0
network.cookie.prefsMigrated: true
places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages: 104858
plugin.disable_full_page_plugin_for_types: application/pdf


Adapter Description: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti
Adapter Description (GPU #2): Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
Adapter Drivers: nvd3dumx,nvwgf2umx,nvwgf2umx nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um
Adapter Drivers (GPU #2): igdumd64 igd10umd64 igd10umd64 igdumd32 igd10umd32 igd10umd32
Adapter RAM: 2048
Adapter RAM (GPU #2): Unknown
ClearType Parameters: Gamma: 2200 Pixel Structure: RGB ClearType Level: 100 Enhanced Contrast: 300
Device ID: 0x1200
Device ID (GPU #2): 0x0112
Direct2D Enabled: true
DirectWrite Enabled: true (6.3.9431.0)
Driver Date: 6-22-2013
Driver Date (GPU #2): 12-12-2012
Driver Version:
Driver Version (GPU #2):
GPU #2 Active: false
GPU Accelerated Windows: 1/1 Direct3D 11 (OMTC)
Vendor ID: 0x10de
Vendor ID (GPU #2): 0x8086
WebGL Renderer: Google Inc. -- ANGLE (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti Direct3D9Ex vs_3_0 ps_3_0)
windowLayerManagerRemote: true
AzureCanvasBackend: direct2d
AzureContentBackend: direct2d
AzureFallbackCanvasBackend: cairo
AzureSkiaAccelerated: 0


Incremental GC: true


Activated: true
Prevent Accessibility: 0

Library Versions

Expected minimum version: 4.10.1 Beta
Version in use: 4.10.1 Beta

Expected minimum version: 3.15.1 Basic ECC Beta
Version in use: 3.15.1 Basic ECC Beta

Expected minimum version: 3.15.1 Basic ECC Beta
Version in use: 3.15.1 Basic ECC Beta

Expected minimum version: 3.15.1 Basic ECC Beta
Version in use: 3.15.1 Basic ECC Beta

Expected minimum version: 3.15.1 Beta
Version in use: 3.15.1 Beta

Build Machine


Built from
Build platform
Build tools
Compiler 	Version 	Compiler flags
e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-cen-w32-ntly-000000000000000/build/obj-firefox/_virtualenv/Scripts/python.exe -O e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-cen-w32-ntly-000000000000000/build/build/ cl 	16.00.30319.01 	-TC -nologo -W3 -Gy -Fdgenerated.pdb -wd4244 -wd4819 -we4553 -DNDEBUG -DTRIMMED -Zi -UDEBUG -DNDEBUG -O1 -Oy-
e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-cen-w32-ntly-000000000000000/build/obj-firefox/_virtualenv/Scripts/python.exe -O e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-cen-w32-ntly-000000000000000/build/build/ cl 	16.00.30319.01 	-wd4099 -TP -nologo -W3 -Gy -Fdgenerated.pdb -wd4251 -wd4244 -wd4345 -wd4351 -wd4482 -wd4800 -wd4819 -we4553 -GR- -DNDEBUG -DTRIMMED -Zi -UDEBUG -DNDEBUG -O1 -Oy-
Configure arguments

--enable-crashreporter --enable-update-channel=nightly --enable-update-packaging --enable-jemalloc --with-google-api-keyfile=/e/builds/ --enable-warnings-as-errors --enable-signmar --enable-profiling --enable-metro --enable-js-diagnostics
Whiteboard: feature=defect c=Other_charms_and_integration u=metro_firefox_user p=0 [8.1] → feature=defect c=Other_charms_and_integration u=metro_firefox_user p=0 [8.1][preview-triage]
metro is unusable in windows 8.1 preview. Very slow to load pages and render screen. Seems like the same issues from 870390 - Story - Disable forced D2D backend in metro. You have to touch the screen repeatedly to get the screen to refresh.
samsung ativ 500t win 8.1 preview
(In reply to reekotubbs from comment #11)
> metro is unusable in windows 8.1 preview. Very slow to load pages and render
> screen. Seems like the same issues from 870390 - Story - Disable forced D2D
> backend in metro. You have to touch the screen repeatedly to get the screen
> to refresh.
> samsung ativ 500t win 8.1 preview

Exactly! :(
No longer blocks: metrov1defect&change
Summary: Defect - [8.1] Computer freezing when navigate in Nightly 25 Metro in Windows 8.1 Preview → [8.1] Computer freezing when navigate in Nightly 25 Metro in Windows 8.1 Preview
Whiteboard: feature=defect c=Other_charms_and_integration u=metro_firefox_user p=0 [8.1][preview-triage] → [8.1][preview-triage]
Whiteboard: [8.1][preview-triage] → [8.1]
Indeed there are friezes and the disappearance of textures..
Consolidating a couple bugs that seem to cover the same issue:
  Bug 896627 and bug 893412 are both about the poor performance of metroFx on Windows 8.1. Marking the newer bug as a duplicate of the older bug.

It is likely that bug 907410 is causing a large portion of our performance issues. Marking that as blocking bug 893412.
Depends on: 907410
Summary: [8.1] Computer freezing when navigate in Nightly 25 Metro in Windows 8.1 Preview → [8.1] Browser has extremely poor performance on Windows 8.1 Preview, freezes some machines
Closed: 11 years ago
No longer depends on: 907410
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
OS: Windows 8 Metro → Windows 8.1
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