Closed Bug 895053 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Better/more Downloads Tests


(Firefox for Metro Graveyard :: Downloads, defect, P2)

Windows 8


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: emtwo, Unassigned)


Existing downloads tests in are being modified in bug 883951 to include "TODOs" so that the tests are applicable for the new download flow.

Some more testing would be nice. This includes testing for:
* State variables having correct/expected values in the Downloads object in downloads.js
* The correct notifications are showing up at the correct time. This includes checks like "notificationBox.getNotificationWithValue("download-progress")" returns a progress notification when there are downloads in progress (Similar checks can be done for "download-complete", "download-failed" etc).
Blocks: 886942
Summary: Better/more Downloads Tests → Work - Better/more Downloads Tests
Whiteboard: feature=work
Blocks: 893066
No longer blocks: 886942
not that we shouldn't work on them *now*, but I'd ship the preview if the tests were not finished.
Whiteboard: feature=work → feature=work [preview-triage]
Blocks: metrov2planning
No longer blocks: 893066
Whiteboard: feature=work [preview-triage] → feature=work
The lack of tests is making it hard to progress on preview downloads features/bugs. I want to use this bug to sketch out some mochitests that assert the basic behavior we want to support and help us know when a given feature is done.
Assignee: nobody → sfoster
Blocks: 906042, 893763
No longer blocks: metrov2planning
Whiteboard: feature=work → [preview] feature=work
Not currently working on this. I have exploratory/WIP patches, needinfo me if you pick this up
Assignee: sfoster → administration
Blocks: metrobacklog
Summary: Work - Better/more Downloads Tests → Better/more Downloads Tests
Whiteboard: [preview] feature=work → [feature] p=0
Whiteboard: [feature] p=0 → p=5
Priority: -- → P2
Assignee: administration → nobody
No longer blocks: metrobacklog, 906042, 893763
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Whiteboard: p=5
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