Open Bug 896101 Opened 11 years ago Updated 4 years ago

Tracking bug to fix ESR redirects on


( :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: retornam, Assigned: pmac)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [kb=1149603])

Firefox ESR build with MAI locale redirects to from  instead of or

curl -H  "Accept-Language: mn" -ILA "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:17.0) Gecko/17.0 Firefox/17.0"
ak on dev goes to and on stage and prod goes to https://www.{allizom, mozilla}.org/ak/firefox/new/.
We have to get dev, stage and prod in sync.
Interesting. It is going to, but then redirects to Not sure why yet. Investigating.
Assignee: nobody → pmac
So this appears to be because /*/firefox/fx/ is not on bedrock for non en-US locales. Then "mn" in particular has a redirect in /mn/firefox/index.html to /mn/firefox/channel/. I'm not sure how exactly this is being triggered from /fx/, but there is no fx file in the /mn/ folder. I think if we change the redirect there however that this will work as we want.
OS: Mac OS X → All
Hardware: x86 → All
(Kohei might be able to help out, here.)
And rewrite rules are defined at

> RewriteCond $1 !en-(US|GB|ZA)/
> RewriteCond $1 !^$
> RewriteRule ^(\w{2,3}(?:-\w{2}(?:-mac)?)?/)firefox/fx[/]?$ $1firefox/index.html?fx [PT]
> RewriteCond $1 !en-(US|GB|ZA)/
> RewriteCond $1 !^$
> RewriteRule ^(\w{2,3}(?:-\w{2}(?:-mac)?)?/)firefox/new[/]?$ $1firefox/index.html?new [PT]
(In reply to Kohei Yoshino [:kohei] from comment #7)
> And rewrite rules are defined at
> htaccess?limit_changes=0&view=markup#l414
> > RewriteCond $1 !en-(US|GB|ZA)/
> > RewriteCond $1 !^$
> > RewriteRule ^(\w{2,3}(?:-\w{2}(?:-mac)?)?/)firefox/fx[/]?$ $1firefox/index.html?fx [PT]
> > RewriteCond $1 !en-(US|GB|ZA)/
> > RewriteCond $1 !^$
> > RewriteRule ^(\w{2,3}(?:-\w{2}(?:-mac)?)?/)firefox/new[/]?$ $1firefox/index.html?new [PT]

(How) Can this help us fix this testability issue on dev/master/trunk?
* ak and mai: those locales don't have the channel pages on prod; we can just remove the channel redirects.

* csb and lij: the channel redirects can be removed as those are only for older versions.

* mn is the only locale that the channel redirect is in effect on prod, but the locale seems inactive. I think we can remove the redirect and use en-US as a fallback to for now.

The bottom line is, we can remove all the /{locale}/firefox/channel/ redirects from those locales.
Pmac what do you think about comment #9
Flags: needinfo?(pmac)
Sounds good to me, but perhaps :pascalc would know best?
Flags: needinfo?(pmac) → needinfo?(pascalc)
ak and mai do have the channel page on prod:
but ak and mai locales are not activated on production per lack of contributors to maintain them.

The csb and lij redirects for older versions in code can be removed but note that it doesn't affect esr builds at all.

We don't have a mn localizer anymore and we stopped producing release builds, I think we can fallback to en-US for now.
Flags: needinfo?(pascalc)
(In reply to Pascal Chevrel:pascalc from comment #12)
> ak and mai do have the channel page on prod:
> firefox/channel/
> firefox/channel/
> but ak and mai locales are not activated on production per lack of
> contributors to maintain them.
> The csb and lij redirects for older versions in code can be removed but note
> that it doesn't affect esr builds at all.
> We don't have a mn localizer anymore and we stopped producing release
> builds, I think we can fallback to en-US for now.

What's the actionable item(s) here, for both/either:

a) dev
b) web qa?

I would love to get this fixed; thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(pascalc)
Whiteboard: [kb=1149603]
So can we remove all those redirects?
Is this bug still valid after RNA launch?
Good questions. This one seems to have languished. Still a problem?
Flags: needinfo?(pascalc)

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