Closed Bug 89781 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

[rfe] make quick launch compare versions before using existing process


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, enhancement, P3)

Windows 98


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jruderman, Assigned: trudelle)



If I have 07/07 loaded in quicklaunch mode (no windows open), and I launch 06/22 from a shortcut on my desktop, 07/07 should exit and allow 06/22 to open with the parameters I called it with. This would make it easier for Mozilla developers and QA to use quick launch, since they won't have to manually kill the existing Mozilla process each time they want to test a different version or switch between a nightly and a debug build. It would also help us avoid seeming like we only allow one version to be installed at a time, something Microsoft is often criticized for doing with Internet Explorer.
QA Contact: sairuh → paw
See also bug 100625, quicklaunch shortcut (in start menu) should be replaced by installer to point to newly installed quild.
Nominating for nsbranch+ Todd - I you said this was already resolved? huh?
Keywords: nsbranch
Blocks: 100625
Blocks: 75599
nsbranch-, this isn't going to affect any significant number of customers. Should fix on trunk. Any use of QL shortcuts is vestigial anyway.
Keywords: nsbranchnsbranch-
FYI, I have the same trouble using Mozilla without quick launch enabled. Example: I have Moz0.9.4 on my machine. In trying to reproduce a crash, I started a nightly build of Mozilla. While running my tests, I tried to start Moz0.9.4 via the shortcut. Result: another window of the nightly. Quick Launch is NOT enabled in either edition. I get similar results when trying to run two different editions of Netscape 6.x -- say, 6.0.0 and 6.1. If 6.1 is running and I try to start 6.0, I get another 6.1 window. This isn't a quick launch problem.
Alex: I think that happens when Mozilla loses track of how many windows it has open. If you find a set of steps to reproduce that problem, please file a bug and give it the mlk (memory leak) keyword.
Filed bug 105044 for the issue I reported in here, with mlk keyword.
Blocks: 107067
Keywords: nsbranch-
Marking p3 and mozilla1.1
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.1
-> default assignee
Assignee: pchen → trudelle
QA Contact: paw → sairuh
Target Milestone: mozilla1.1 → ---
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Re comment #4 I believe this is a feature to avoid starting unneeded processes. If mozilla.exe is called, it checks to see if there is already a mozilla process running, and if so it uses DDE (I think) to tell the original process to open another window (or load a new page in an already open window). I'm no wizard at predicting users' habits, but it seems to me that the average user would want to have all windows in the same process (do they have to be the same process to all appear in the same Tasks menu?) whereas many developers, programmers, and reviewers might like to have the ability to run multiple versions at once. Perhaps a pref or environment variable or command-line flag or registry key of some type could be used to dictate whether mozilla should recycle windows or open a new process, since obviously one setting can't meet the needs of /all/ users (as always). Just my $0.02
No longer blocks: 75599
Blocks: 75599
Related to this problem but more likely to impact users is the result of hard disk defragmentation. This process can if the QL pointers end up pointing in the wrong place cause almost any kind of grief you can imagine. I was lucky. Bill
Hmm, reality sez that this will never be implemented. Marking wontfix. Try not to whine too loudly.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
John Understand but Bill did not whine (or wine). Uncle Bill Sez: User documentation is last line of defense but do it. I do not consider this a bug in the clasic sense but it is a design defect that could cause havoc. Serious checking for this condition could wipe out all the advantages of QL but in the long run one hopes that not all users of Mozilla will be geeks like me and thee. Perhaps QL should not be fixed but 'depreciated' or eliminated. Bill
mass-verifying Wontfix bugs. mail filter string for bugspam: Tursiopstruncatus
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
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