Closed Bug 908375 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[XHR2] Does not fire all expected events for XHR upload (progress, timeout, abort)


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect)

23 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: akoumjian, Unassigned, Mentored)




(Whiteboard: [lang=c++][not a good beginner bug])

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.95 Safari/537.36

Steps to reproduce:

On a domain using https:
1. Create a CORS XHR to a different site using https
2. register a callback with the progress event

Actual results:

No progress event is fired.

Expected results:

Progress event should fire.
Here is the relevant code snippet:

            var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

            xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', _.bind(this.onProgress, this), false);
            xhr.upload.addEventListener('load', _.bind(this.onComplete, this), false);
            xhr.upload.addEventListener('error', _.bind(this.onError, this), false);
            xhr.upload.addEventListener('abort', _.bind(this.onAbort, this), false);
            xhr.upload.addEventListener('loadstart', _.bind(function () {
            }, this), false);

  'POST', url);

            this.listenTo(this.eventsController, 'uploadQueue:cancelCurrent', function() {

Where uploadData is a FormData() object containing an S3 Policy document and a reference to the File object.
Presumably we're hitting the case at nsXMLHttpRequest::AllowUploadProgress: . According to it looks like we should be allowing upload progress events if the preflight succeeded.
Component: General → DOM: Core & HTML
Did the preflight succeed?
Flags: needinfo?(akoumjian)
Yes, the preflight succeeds and the POST also successfully uploads the file. It is only the progress event that is not fired.
Flags: needinfo?(akoumjian)
Flags: needinfo?(jonas)
what should happen here is that we should detect that there are upload listeners. this should force a preflight. once the preflight has happened we should be sending progress events as normal when doing the real request.

Not sure that we have tests though, so not surprised if something is broken.
Flags: needinfo?(jonas)
Is there anything I can do to help this move forward? Someone in mozilla IRC was able to confirm, but it doesn't look like they set it here.
Comment 2 explains what I believe is the solution here. We need to loosen up the checks for AllowUploadProgress.
Ever confirmed: true
Whiteboard: [mentor=jdm][lang=c++]
So here's what *should* happen. Unfortunately I don't have the bandwidth to investigate why it's not. cc'ing Olli who's been doing a lot of XHR work in the past, but I don't know if he has the bandwidth either.

1. When send() is called we should call CheckChannelForCrossSiteRequest
2. CheckChannelForCrossSiteRequest should detect that mUpload->HasListeners()
   returns true and set XML_HTTP_REQUEST_NEED_AC_PREFLIGHT
3. send() should then call NS_StartCORSPreflight which triggers a preflight
4. Once the real request start we should be getting OnProgress callbacks from necko
5. These callbacks should call MaybeDispatchProgressEvents which in turn should
   call DispatchProgressEvent using mUpload.
6. DispatchProgressEvent should call AllowUploadProgress() which should return true
7. DispatchProgressEvent should then actually dispatch the event.

I don't know where things are going wrong.

Do make sure to do the following two things in your JS code:
A) Make sure to attach the event listeners before calling send() (This is per spec)
B) Make sure that the preflight is successful. If the POST actually is sent to the
   server then the preflight is definitely successful.

Hopefully someone will have the cycles to debug why this is failing. What you could do to help is to set up a simple testcase somewhere. Making the testcase as small as possible will definitely help.
jdm: AllowUploadProgress() looks correct to me. It returns true if we didn't do a cross-site request, or if we did a preflighted request.
Whiteboard: [mentor=jdm][lang=c++] → [mentor=jdm][lang=c++][not a good beginner bug]
Gecko fails to fire many expected events on the upload object. Test cases here:

Tests should cover progress, timeout and abort events - we may be missing tests for the upload.onerror event but that may be broken too.
Blocks: xhr2pass
Summary: No onprogress event for XHR using CORS over SSL → [XHR2] Does not fire all expected events for XHR upload (progress, timeout, abort)
While we don't have a file upload test case in the W3C test suite, we should verify that this fix also handles bug 786953 (upload.onprogress for file upload)
Blocks: 786953
Bump this is seriously screwing up my stuff. 

Has anyone come up with a workaround ?
Mentor: josh
Whiteboard: [mentor=jdm][lang=c++][not a good beginner bug] → [lang=c++][not a good beginner bug]
I've just tested the code in attachement 656774 (bug 786953) and it seems that it's woking perfectly for me. I'm running Firefox 30.0

We tried to put the php file on two diffrent domains, let's say domainA and domainB.

There are the different test cases :
localhost -> domainA : Success.
domainB -> domainA : Success.

We also tried different file formats, tar.bz2 and mp3. the progress event was fired until the end.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
URLs on are now:

This bug originally covered only progress events (tcs 2 and 4 in the above list). I sort of tried to morph it to cover more, but since the progress stuff is now fixed but some of the other stuff isn't that was probably a bad idea. I'll verify this and open a new bug.

I also added a test that should land as
to make sure there's a cross-origin variant of the event-upload-progress test already there.
Blocks: 1103367
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