Closed Bug 908886 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[Android] App purchase fails with [JavaScript Error: "[payments] `navigator.mozPay` error: PAY_REQUEST_ERROR_NO_VALID_REQUEST_FOUND"]


(Marketplace Graveyard :: Payments/Refunds, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: krupa.mozbugs, Assigned: wesj)




(1 file)

steps to reproduce:
1. Launch marketplace-dev on nightly(26.0a1) on your android phone
2. Start the purchase of an app
3. Sign in to your Persona account

expected behavior:
Webpay loads the Enter PIN screen

observed behavior:
Payment flow is aborted with the Payment cancelled user message

logcat shows:
 08-23 14:29:52.485 E/GeckoConsole( 5582): [JavaScript Error: "[payments] `navigator.mozPay` error: PAY_REQUEST_ERROR_NO_VALID_REQUEST_FOUND"]

08-23 14:29:52.070 E/GeckoConsole( 5582): [model] Found app with lookup key test-app-y7430
08-23 14:29:52.070 E/GeckoConsole( 5582): [buttons] Install requested for Test App (y7430)
08-23 14:29:52.075 E/GeckoConsole( 5582): [JavaScript Warning: "[buttons] User data not available for Test App (y7430)"]
08-23 14:29:52.075 E/GeckoConsole( 5582): [buttons] Starting payment flow for Test App (y7430)
08-23 14:29:52.080 E/GeckoConsole( 5582): [payments] Initiating transaction
08-23 14:29:52.080 E/GeckoConsole( 5582): [req] POSTing
08-23 14:29:52.340 D/PowerManagerService( 1978): onSensorChanged: light value: 100
08-23 14:29:52.480 E/GeckoConsole( 5582): [req] POSTed
08-23 14:29:52.480 E/GeckoConsole( 5582): [payments] Calling mozPay with JWT:  eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.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
08-23 14:29:52.485 E/GeckoConsole( 5582): [JavaScript Error: "[payments] `navigator.mozPay` error: PAY_REQUEST_ERROR_NO_VALID_REQUEST_FOUND"]
08-23 14:29:52.485 E/GeckoConsole( 5582): [buttons] Purchase flow rejected for Test App (y7430)
08-23 14:29:52.485 E/GeckoConsole( 5582): [buttons] Unsuccessful install for Test App (y7430)
Summary: [Android] App purchase fails with → [Android] App purchase fails with [JavaScript Error: "[payments] `navigator.mozPay` error: PAY_REQUEST_ERROR_NO_VALID_REQUEST_FOUND"]
Blocks: 909896
Wes - does this sound like a problem with Persona on Fennec, which would point to bug 826325 ?
Flags: needinfo?(wjohnston)
This error means that the device is not configured with proper settings. Marketplace dev needs these settings in order for payments to work on device:
Flags: needinfo?(wjohnston)
How should we add custom settings on Android? Do we need to make a custom build? On Firefox OS we use `adb push` to put a settings file in /data/local
Version: 1.3 → 1.4
I think you need to add them to

Wesley can probably confirm it.
Version: 1.4 → 1.3
Version: 1.3 → 1.4
(In reply to Kumar McMillan [:kumar] from comment #3)
> How should we add custom settings on Android? Do we need to make a custom
> build? On Firefox OS we use `adb push` to put a settings file in /data/local

about:config is your friend. You should be able to tweak the settings that ship on Nightly using about:config.
(In reply to Mark Finkle (:mfinkle) from comment #5)
> about:config is your friend. You should be able to tweak the settings that
> ship on Nightly using about:config.

Heh, that sounds painful to type on an Android device. There are about 15 prefs needed. So the alternative is to make a custom build with prefs added here?
(In reply to Kumar McMillan [:kumar] from comment #6)
> (In reply to Mark Finkle (:mfinkle) from comment #5)
> > about:config is your friend. You should be able to tweak the settings that
> > ship on Nightly using about:config.
> Heh, that sounds painful to type on an Android device. There are about 15
> prefs needed. So the alternative is to make a custom build with prefs added
> here?
> js#748

Correct. I guess an add-on could work too. Which ever is easiest for you.
Ah, a custom add-on sounds like the easiest solution
Assignee: nobody → kumar.mcmillan
Attached file Devprefs.xpi (deleted) —
Extension to set the dev prefs.
I altered it locally to support desktop, installed it and got a pile of prefs. Should probably get the source on github and the addon on AMO.

That's great, thanks, really helpful.
Wes, you are most righteous! Thanks for this add-on. This enables payment prefs but it looks like the Persona login is not working, I filed bug 914415 for that. Making progress...
Assignee: kumar.mcmillan → wjohnston
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 2013-09-03
That is likely a dup of bug 826325. I'll land those patches on inbound tonight!
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