Closed Bug 91007 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Unable to import Outlook Mail


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect)

Windows ME
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: nbaca, Assigned: sspitzer)


(Keywords: regression)

Branch build 2001-07-13-06: WinMe

Overview: Try to import Outlook Mail and it reports "Unable to find mail to
import. Check to make sure the mail application is correctly installed on this

Steps to reproduce:
1. Select File|Import
2. Select the Mail radio button
3. Select Outlook, select the Next button

Actual Results: Error "Unable to find mail to import. Check to make sure the
mail application is correctly installed on this machine". 

Expected Results: No error and the Outlook mail messages should appear.

This was working so I'll try to narrow down when the regression occured.
I am able to import Outlook Settings.
QA Contact: esther → nbaca
Marking nsbeta1 so users have an option to convert from Outlook to Moz/Netscape 
Keywords: nsbeta1, regression
Please refer to bug 90206, which is "Unable to find Outlook Address Book"
Adding putterman and lchiang to Cc: list to ensure this is atleast considered.
Severity: normal → major
cc'ing chuang.

nbaca or fenella, since you are both experiencing this with different areas,
could you try to see if there are any earlier builds from a few weeks ago that
work for you.  So far Candice hasn't been able to reproduce this and pinpointing
a date might help us see what went into the tree.
Could this be a config (or installation) issue? I can't get it to work on my
machine either. I just looked at the code in debugger (the code in a few days
old off the trunk) and it failed because MAPI interface could not be
initialized.  Here is the call stack of where it failed:


In CMapiApi::MAPIInitialize(), the following call returns error:

  return( (*gpMapiInitialize)( lpInit));
I hope the above info helps as I don't know how to make MAPI work on my machine.

Build 6/7-0.9.1: WinMe, failed with the same error.
Build 5/15-0.9: WinMe, failed with same error.
I know this was working so I am not sure why it's not working anymore.
I  checked my status page and all import testing for windows was finished in 
late May. I did not log an Import Outlook Mail bug so this also leads me to 
believe that it was working. Maybe it is a configuration problem as Cavin 
Since this appears to just be happening with Outlook, Candice, is it possible
the changes to import the email addresses from Outlook could have affected this?

What date did that go in.  Perhaps we can try a build from the night before.
I don't think so.  The fix in getting the email address doesn't involve the
initialization code for MAPI.  I didn't do anything to get the MAPI to work on
my machine either.  The only thing I have done in Outlook is setting up the mail
account and input the Contacts info.   One time I did do a repair on IE5.5 and
Outlook since MS won't let you uninstall. 

oops, I misread the dates.  If it was failing in May and June then it couldn't
have been Candice's fix which was checked in 7/10
Just FYI, I'm using today's branch build on Win2000 and it worked for me.  I
have 5 mailbox and one conatins 837 messages in Outlook.
Build 2001-07-17-05: WinMe
I tried the workaround of opening Internet Explorer and making Outlook my 
default Mail account but this did not help (workaround mentioned in 
bug# 90206). After reinstalling Outlook 98 now I am able to import Outlook Mail 
and the Address Book.

I'll mark this as Worksforme.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Verified Worksforme, since it appears that Outlook requires their mail app to be 
the default before importing into Netscape.
I added this issue and the workaround to Release Note bug# 90577.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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