Closed Bug 911285 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[story] Support Reviews for APKs in the FFx Marketplace


(Tracking :: User Story, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cgalimidi, Assigned: clouserw)



User Story

As a reviewer, I would like to follow the same review process as I do for the normal app.

As a reviewer I can run the APK on my Android phone.
- new queue
- new superreview queue
- how to review an APK
Q3 - prototype Android APKs w/ payments, in marketplace (Nightly / Aurora Fennec)

Q4 goal will be to move from prototype into General Audience
No longer depends on: 896005
(In reply to Caitlin Galimidi from comment #0)
> - new queue
> - new superreview queue

unless these are going to be entirely separate submissions by developers (i.e. they submit one app for FirefoxOS & Desktop, and one just for Android) then the existing queues will need to be enhanced to support APKs instead.
User Story: (updated)
Assignee: nobody → clouserw
Update the user story to align with
User Story: (updated)
Blocks: 896007
No longer blocks: 896003
Blocks: 941926
No longer blocks: 896007
Blocks: 947023
No longer blocks: 941926
Andrew: We're talking about the platform side recognizing it wants an APK and sending a request to the factory with the webapp URL to get an APK.  Essentially, the Marketplace is uninvolved here.  From your POV, that would mean, regardless of device (FxOS or Android) you simply go to the queue and click install.  Are you imagining something else here?  If not, I don't think there is work to be done in this story.
(In reply to Wil Clouser [:clouserw] from comment #4)
> Andrew: We're talking about the platform side recognizing it wants an APK
> and sending a request to the factory with the webapp URL to get an APK. 
> Essentially, the Marketplace is uninvolved here.  From your POV, that would
> mean, regardless of device (FxOS or Android) you simply go to the queue and
> click install.  Are you imagining something else here?  If not, I don't
> think there is work to be done in this story.

Yes, that's what I imagined, though that was different than comment #0 which talked of new queues.
that was my poor assumption in comment 0 - stick with the story for sure. :-)
> Yes, that's what I imagined, though that was different than comment #0 which
> talked of new queues.

so this is a won't fix?
FIXED I think
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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