Open Bug 916271 Opened 11 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Implement a library for common operations required for processing structured messages from another source


(Testing :: Mozbase, defect)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: chmanchester, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


There are a number of common operations that are required of python consumers of structured messages originating from a process running tests, among them are:

Determining whether the output is a structured message known to interpretable by the harness or arbitrary process output.

Parsing the message into an object and inspecting the fields to determine whether a test failure or other significant event has occurred in the course of the test run.

Formatting the parsed message for a human consumer.

Reporting the message to another consumer, mach or another consumer.

Parts of this are subsumed by the output parser I'm working on for bug 907270, but there may be a simpler way to implement these operations for common cases.
Note that but 907270 is defunct, and mozlog.structured is probably the best context for this.

This or something like it would be handy for bug 886570, although I absolutely don't want to block if that's close to landing.
Summary: Moztest should provide a library for common operations required for processing structured messages from another source → Implement a library for common operations required for processing structured messages from another source
Severity: normal → S3
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