Closed Bug 917831 Opened 11 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[HTML5] After playing a video for a while, playback freezes and brower goes into a broken state (100%+ cpu, disability to shutdown[stop] properly)


(Core :: Audio/Video: Playback, defect)

23 Branch
Not set



Tracking Status
firefox43 --- fixed
firefox44 --- fixed


(Reporter: ripper-tm, Assigned: jya)



(Keywords: html5)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0 (Beta/Release) Build ID: 20130909132812 Steps to reproduce: Gentoo Linux. Kernel 3.8.13. Firefox 23.0 [alsa, jit, gstreamer, libnotify, minimal, system-cairo, system-jpeg] taken from the standard portage tree. Steps to reproduce: 1 Start like any video (since no flash here, it would be HTML5 video) * this one does the trick usually. 2 Wait for a while (1-30sec or more) 3 Watch the video hang Actual results: 1 Video isn't played any more. (video stuck, everything but playback works normally) 2 Threads "Audio smth (can't remember what)" and "Main" go 100% cpu usage (seen from gdb+htop). Most of the time they reside in Poll or something from the system library, which looks (IMAO :) pretty like race condition. 3 Any attempt to execute $ firefox will be given an "Firefox is already running" GUI errorbox 4 Closing the last window won't stop the firefox or its "workload" and firefox will be impossible to launch (due to 3rd point).
Keywords: html5
I'm ready to supply any additional required debugging info. PS: Safe Mode didn't help.
23.0 official build - reproduced. 27.0 nightly, official - not reproduced.
fix: 27.0 nightly - reproduced. It goes wrong with mentioned above video, but not as predictable usual, as 23.0 or 24.0.
WFM with FF24 on Win 7. Did you try with a fresh profile?
Flags: needinfo?(ripper-tm)
Component: Untriaged → Video/Audio
Product: Firefox → Core
No, switching to a fresh profile didn't help.
Flags: needinfo?(ripper-tm)
I'm experiencing this issue on current firefox-trunk (38.0a1) on current Linux Mint on this video: From user perspective it feels like there might be something wrong with buffering: sometimes buffered 'gray' line is very-very short and played 'red' line almost catches up with it. I have plenty of available internet badwidth, so it's not a problem. And yes: after that FF process starts consuming 100% CPU until I restart it. Is there any sort of additional debugging information I can provide?
Facing the same issue here, pretty annoying. suddenly all the open vidoes stop playing and refereshing/reloading pages won't help.
Reporters, if you're able to reproduce this issue certainly, could you use the tool mozregression to find a possible regression range (maybe since FF23 or 24). Details are here: Just bisect to the pushlog.
Flags: needinfo?(mar.kolya)
Flags: needinfo?(ripper-tm)
Flags: needinfo?(Hapoofesgeli)
Cannot reproduce it anymore on lastest trunk. Not sure what's changed.
Flags: needinfo?(mar.kolya)
I was just about to file a new bug and I noticed this one. I saw this problem many versions back, but thought it had gone away. I just had it happen with 39 and then I upgraded to 40 and it still happens. A video is playing, but freezes. In this case at about 4 seconds before the end. Firefox uses 100% CPU for each stuck video. For example, I opened the video in a new tab and now Firefox is using 200+% CPU. Firefox still functions normally, but can't be quit. The windows all go away, but it doesn't quite exit and needs to be killed manually. However, starting it again does not show the crash screen. The video in this case is My OS is Fedora 22.
It looks like there is something wrong with the video. I just tried it with Chrome and the video stops at the same point, but the audio continues. But the important point is that Chrome doesn't get stuck like Firefox. Perhaps it's a gstreamer bug?
Component: Audio/Video → Audio/Video: Playback
I can reproduce comment 10 on Ubuntu 15.04 w/ gstreamer 1.0 on Fx41, but not on a current nightly build. Samuel, is that true for you as well?
Flags: needinfo?(samuel)
Also, no CPU pegging on Windows.
I haven't seen this happen for a long time now.
Flags: needinfo?(samuel)
Given that there is a reproducible Linux hang here, I'm going to leave the bug open for future investigation and priortization. However, I don't think we're going to productively chase down a regression window for the bug at this point.
Ever confirmed: true
Flags: needinfo?(ripper-tm)
Flags: needinfo?(Hapoofesgeli)
Actually, I went ahead bisected this to being fixed by bug 1207429. And indeed, it doesn't reproduce in current Aurora nightlies either (where that fix was uplifted to). To those following at home, this should be fixed in Firefox 43+.
Assignee: nobody → jyavenard
Closed: 9 years ago
Depends on: ffmpeg
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla44
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