Closed Bug 918559 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[B2G][DSDS][User Story] Contacts/FDN import and editing for DSDS


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: RIL, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: skamat, Unassigned)



(Keywords: feature)

Meta Bug
Contacts/FDN import and editing for DSDS (break into separate bugs as needed)

1) As I user, I should be able to import contacts from either of the subscriptions.
2) As I user, I should be able to edit contacts from either of the subscriptions.
3) As I user, I should be able to edit FDN entries per subscription.
Summary: [B2G][DSDS] Contacts/FDN import and editing for DSDS → [B2G][DSDS][User Story] Contacts/FDN import and editing for DSDS
(In reply to Sandip Kamat from comment #0)
> Meta Bug
> Contacts/FDN import and editing for DSDS (break into separate bugs as needed)
> 1) As I user, I should be able to import contacts from either of the
> subscriptions.
DSDS20. It's marked as 1.3?. My understanding is, it's nice to have in v1.3. Sandip, can you confirm? 
> 2) As I user, I should be able to edit contacts from either of the
> subscriptions.
DSDS22. Looks like this is a must have. 
> 3) As I user, I should be able to edit FDN entries per subscription.
DSDS24. This should be in v1.4.
blocking-b2g: --- → 1.3+
Flags: needinfo?(skamat)
Whiteboard: [ucid:DSDS22, ucid:DSDS20, ucid:DSDS24, FT:RIL, 1.3:p1]
Let's use this bug to track the user story DSDS22 which looks like a must have in v1.3. DSDS20 will be tracked by bug 921968. DSDS24 will be tracked by bug 921971.
Whiteboard: [ucid:DSDS22, ucid:DSDS20, ucid:DSDS24, FT:RIL, 1.3:p1] → [ucid:DSDS22, FT:RIL, 1.3:p1]
Sandip, I confused. Looks like DSDS20(Import from SIM) is a must have, and DSDS22(Edit contact) is a nice to have. It's different from what you said in the Google document. Please help to confirm. Thank you.
Depends on: 814637
Depends on: 928325
Here is the email exchange on this.

DSDS20 covers imports only. DSDS21 covers import and export, which I had earlier marked for 1.4. However Noemi said in the sync call that DSDS21 (export) also is possible in 1.3 timeframe, so I have changed that story to 1.3 now. (See coulumn L on DSDS21). Also, see the updated AC in G-doc for DSDS20 that should clarify any differences. DSDS22 overlaps with these now. (see also bug 923629). 

The user story was broken down for sake of granularity. Common bugs for multiple bugs are fine as long as we cover the requirements.
Flags: needinfo?(skamat)
Remove blocking-b2g flag from User Story bugs. Use whiteboard to indicate what FxOS version we target.
blocking-b2g: 1.3+ → ---
Whiteboard: [ucid:DSDS22, FT:RIL, 1.3:p1] → [ucid:DSDS22, FT:RIL, 1.3:p2]
Keywords: feature
Whiteboard: [ucid:DSDS22, FT:RIL, 1.3:p2] → [ucid:DSDS22, FT:RIL, 1.3:p1]
Change DSDS22 to bug 939934.
Whiteboard: [ucid:DSDS22, FT:RIL, 1.3:p1]
All dependencies was fixed, so close this bug.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: b2g-dsds-1.4
No longer blocks: b2g-dsds-1.4
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