Open Bug 918715 Opened 11 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Highlight event listener targets


(DevTools :: Debugger, enhancement, P5)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: vporof, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [debugger-reserve])

This would be lovely to have.

Right click + list of nodes + clicking could work, or even highlighting them all once we have a multi-highlighter. Or something else. Followup for bug 800857.
Depends on: 800857
Priority: -- → P3
Multi-highlighter sounds hot. It might also be fun to jump to inspecting the node in the DOM inspector? 

The first cut should just be something like:

* if there is just one event, clicking could go straight to it
* if there is more than one event, clicking could pop up a list?

Right-clicking seems unnecessary unless you have a better plan for left-clicking here.
Although slightly orthogonal to this issue, a big +1 from me for being able to jump to the DOM inspector from associated HTML elements (e.g., in the console and/or variable inspector).
(In reply to heavy from comment #2)
> Although slightly orthogonal to this issue, a big +1 from me for being able
> to jump to the DOM inspector from associated HTML elements (e.g., in the
> console and/or variable inspector).

Yup, bug 918728.
(In reply to Jeff Griffiths (:canuckistani) from comment #1)
> Right-clicking seems unnecessary unless you have a better plan for
> left-clicking here.

Clicking is currently used to check/uncheck the event, which might prove to be convenient than trying to hit such a small target as a checkbox?

Maybe clicking would show the following context menu:
Enable/disable breaking on event
Selector 1
Selector 2
Listener function 1
Listener function 2

That way you don't completely regress the current UX, and add ways of jumping to nodes and functions. However, I don't see how the multi-highlighter could fit in with this (which is a shame because it may have looked really cool).
Summary: Add ability to highlight event listeners' targets → Highlight event listener targets
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Priority: P3 → P5
Type: defect → enhancement
Blocks: 1565711
Blocks: 1565713
No longer blocks: 1565711
No longer blocks: 1565713
Blocks: dbg-71
Whiteboard: [debugger-reserve]
Severity: normal → S3
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