Closed Bug 941310 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[B2G] Scrolling functionality freezes frequently while in Settings app


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: General, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set



blocking-b2g 1.3+


(Reporter: nkot, Unassigned)



(Keywords: regression)


(1 file)

Attached file logcat (deleted) —
 Scrolling functionality frequently freezes while in Settings. The issue is recoverable by killing the app and then relaunching, but since it happens quite often i thought it would better be investigated.

Repro Steps:
1) Updated Buri to BuildID: 20131120040202
2) Open Setting app
3) Scroll up/down

 Unable to scroll, have to close app and relaunch to restore scrolling

 Able to scroll every time when opening app

Environmental Variables:
Device: Buri v1.3 M-C 
BuildID: 20131120040202
Gaia: c26480b22ce28c812c347290dd4bad090d83db6f
Gecko: 4f993fa378eb
Version: 28.0a1
Firmware Version: V1.2_20131115

the behavior also has been observed while in Terra app 

Repro frequency: 40%
See attached logcat, though I doubt there is anything in the logcat...
within the logcat:
11-20 17:39:29.639: E/memalloc(136): /dev/pmem: No more pmem available
11-20 17:39:29.639: W/memalloc(136): Falling back to ashmem
11-20 17:39:29.699: E/msm7627a.hwcomposer(136): hwc_set: Unable to render by hwc due to non-pmem memory
11-20 17:39:29.709: D/HwcUtils(136): Skip layer
It might be great if we could have a video of the symptom. From Comment 1, it is not easy to understand the how ui was freezed.
It might be related to Bug 939348 and Bug 939565.
Bug 930926 might also be related.
this is a regression, the issue does not reproduce on yesterdays build:

BuildID: 20131119040204
Gaia: 4ecbc106a3fcf72cbd6dd8a43c46de7bacbedf20
Gecko: ba9ecdea3a90
Version: 28.0a1
Firmware Version: V1.2_20131115

i can record a video for you but actually it's just a screen that i cannot scroll :), open Settings app and cannot scroll up or down...
Keywords: regression
Does this reproduce on 1.2?
blocking-b2g: --- → 1.3?
Keywords: qawanted
does not reproduce on 1.2

video of the issue -
Keywords: qawanted
The video does see what I was seeing as well when I was doing some testing around this.  I think when : 
11-20 17:39:29.709: D/HwcUtils(136): Skip layer
occurs, you cannot pan.  I noticed quite a lot of the skip layer when looking at the logs and seeing this issue occur.

bug 907463 had landed within that regression window.  I am not sure if this is the cause of the issue as of yet.
Component: Gaia → General
Whiteboard: [dsds_US_test]
It also reproduce in Nexus4, but it is not reproducible in Unagi.

Jason, I suggest that you can get some useful information then just comment or dup the bug. Also, read more before you dup/invalid a bug.
Also, additional information from bug 942701:

Enpei: First time boot is fine. second time boot, can't scroll.
Fugu and buri
Gaia:     087d109c83235fc157b2efac7ace6cc54a4c5aaa
Gecko:    8fdb69114734785065ce6c76ac36f4438b90c2e6
BuildID   20131127093419
Version   28.0a1

Also, might be bug 942259 related.
Blocks: 927764
I also explained in

So it seems like the preallocated process is lying. The check at fails because the app says that docShell.asyncPanZoomEnabled == true while we are in the preallocated process.

When the prealocatted process is consume by a real app, this value is correct but it is too late.

I seems like something has changed in the way we initialize the asyncPanZoomEnabled value by default.


I'm not sure this is the issue here, but since the other bug has been resolved as a duplicate of this one.
Please check if this feature of DSDS is supported for 1.3.
Flags: needinfo?(khu)
(In reply to Preeti Raghunath(:Preeti) from comment #13)
> Kevin
> Please check if this feature of DSDS is supported for 1.3.

This isn't related to DSDS. It's just a plain settings app gecko regression.
Just like what Jason said. Actually, I don't think it's related to DSDS...
Flags: needinfo?(khu)
Whiteboard: [dsds_US_test]
I see Jason asking for a regression range, is the regression range in comment 5 valid?
(In reply to Milan Sreckovic [:milan] from comment #16)
> I see Jason asking for a regression range, is the regression range in
> comment 5 valid?

Oh - missed that. Clearing regression window wanted then.
blocking-b2g: 1.3? → 1.3+
Is this any better when APZC is enabled (in the systems menu) and phone restarted?
Flags: needinfo?(nkot)
It seems to be better now, I haven't seen this scrolling issues lately
Flags: needinfo?(nkot)
(In reply to Natalya Kot [:nkot] from comment #19)
> It seems to be better now, I haven't seen this scrolling issues lately

So can we close this as works for me then?
Flags: needinfo?(nkot)
(In reply to Jason Smith [:jsmith] from comment #20)

> So can we close this as works for me then?

I would say so.
I've also asked testers around, the issue no longer happens to us (we have 20 testers in the room :)), so can be closed.
Closed: 11 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(nkot)
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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