Closed Bug 947140 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[DSDS][Message] Long tap to send message


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::SMS, defect, P1)



(b2g-v1.4 fixed)

1.4 S4 (28mar)
Tracking Status
b2g-v1.4 --- fixed


(Reporter: wmathanaraj, Assigned: drs, NeedInfo)



(Whiteboard: [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms])

User Story

As a user when I long tap the button "Send" in the Messaging App I want to be asked via which I want to send the message.

Acceptance Criteria

AC1: the default SIM is highlighted on the prompt
AC2: i want the message to be sent when i select the SIM to use


(12 files)

Summary: [DSDS] Long tap to send message → [DSDS][Message] Long tap to send message
Wilfred, are AC2 and AC3 still accurate?
Flags: needinfo?(wmathanaraj)
Whiteboard: [needs UX]
Attached image DSDS.sms_0000_DSDS-1-line.png (deleted) —
Visuals and visual specs related to DSDS.
Attached image DSDS.sms_0003_DSDS-multiple-lines.png (deleted) —
Attached image DSDS.SMS-MMS.sim_picker.png (deleted) —
Attached image DSDS.SMS-MMS.Inbox.png (deleted) —
Attached image DSDS.SMS-MMS.message_time.png (deleted) —
Attached file (deleted) —
Attached image SPEC_DSDS.SMS.compose.png (deleted) —
Attached image SPEC_DSDS.SMS.inbox.png (deleted) —
Attached image SPEC_DSDS.SMS.sim_picker.png (deleted) —
Attached image SPEC_DSDS.SMS.thread.png (deleted) —
features should not block release, remove blocking flag
blocking-b2g: 1.4+ → ---
Whiteboard: [needs UX] → [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms][needs UX]
Flags: in-moztrap?(pyang)
User Story: (updated)
Flags: needinfo?(wmathanaraj)
Blocks: 974315
Ref for AC2: page 7, page 8

(AC1 is bug 947139)
Whiteboard: [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms][needs UX] → [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms]
I'm taking this because it'll be awkward for me not to since I'm working on refactors to support this.
QA Contact: drs+bugzilla
every. time.
Assignee: nobody → drs+bugzilla
QA Contact: drs+bugzilla
Doug, please see my patch in bug 947180 (and you can provide comments on the PR if you want too), as I started some basic refactoring and some new APIs too.
(In reply to Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] from comment #16)
> Doug, please see my patch in bug 947180 (and you can provide comments on the
> PR if you want too), as I started some basic refactoring and some new APIs
> too.

We talked about this a bit on IRC. Julien pointed me to the SMS app's OptionMenu, which sort of does what we want here. I was initially supportive of refactoring it and using it for the SIM selection menus across apps, but on further thought, I'm not anymore. OptionMenu works entirely dynamically which forces us to add view code to our application/JS logic, and it's slower since a good chunk of the SIM menus can be created statically. I would still like to refactor it and augment it, but I think that falls out of the current scope of this bug and bug 946866.
Yep, I would agree on a OptionMenu refactoring but we can do this with the same API so in a separate patch.
(In reply to Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] from comment #18)
> Yep, I would agree on a OptionMenu refactoring but we can do this with the
> same API so in a separate patch.

Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying here. My plan is to refactor the code I wrote for the dialer, use that for the SMS app too, then we can refactor and combine OptionMenu with my API later. Does that sound OK to you?
I was saying that in SMS we could just use the existing OptionMenu. Later on, we can refactor OptionMenu, keeping the same API, and so this could belong to another bug/patch.

Your plan works for me too, but I wonder if this makes much sense to share such a simple screen. Note that SMS already have methods to access the the SIM information that we use in other places too.
Carrie, Ayman, one question here. Remember that when we press "Download" for a MMS that needs to switch the SIM, we have a confirmation dialog, because switching the MMS default SIM will also switch the default SIM for Data, since it's the same configuration.

Do we need to have the same confirmation dialog when we choose the non-default SIM when we longpress to send a MMS?
Flags: needinfo?(cawang)
Flags: needinfo?(aymanmaat)
(In reply to Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] from comment #20)
> I was saying that in SMS we could just use the existing OptionMenu. Later
> on, we can refactor OptionMenu, keeping the same API, and so this could
> belong to another bug/patch.
> Your plan works for me too, but I wonder if this makes much sense to share
> such a simple screen. Note that SMS already have methods to access the the
> SIM information that we use in other places too.

Yeah, I see what you're saying. Check out to see how much logic there is. I think even if we use OptionMenu, there will be a significant amount of duplication of code unless we factor out the menu generation code as well.
(In reply to Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] from comment #21)
> Carrie, Ayman, one question here. Remember that when we press "Download" for
> a MMS that needs to switch the SIM, we have a confirmation dialog, because
> switching the MMS default SIM will also switch the default SIM for Data,
> since it's the same configuration.
> Do we need to have the same confirmation dialog when we choose the
> non-default SIM when we longpress to send a MMS?

For this question, I think it's related to bug 947139.
If we reach a conclusion there, then we can answer it here. Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(cawang)
from a separate email, this is targeted to be done by end of Sprint 3
Target Milestone: --- → 1.4 S3 (14mar)
removing ni to me? Carrie is covering this in comment 23
Flags: needinfo?(aymanmaat)
Blocks: 921971
Francisco, can you take this? I'll be doing refactors in bug 947189 to support this, so the work here will mostly be just getting it working with SMS.
Flags: needinfo?(francisco.jordano)
Will need to integrate with the work from bug 947139 as well.

I think I can have a first look on this bug today or tomorrow, but I definitely won't have time to finish it :(
I'll take a look if Julien cannot finish it.
Flags: needinfo?(francisco.jordano)
I'm taking this proper.
Depends on: 947139
I'm also having a first look so that we can discuss about it later today.
Depends on: 983215
Attachment #8390668 - Flags: feedback?(felash)
Attachment #8390668 - Flags: feedback?(anthony)
Comment on attachment 8390668 [details]
Link to Github pull-request:

I left some comments pretty fast, I may have stupid things so take them with some caution.

Also, be careful with the API changes since we landed a few patches that use SimPicker/CallButton. So check if you have modified all call sites.
Attachment #8390668 - Flags: feedback?(anthony)
Attachment #8390668 - Flags: feedback?(felash) → review?(felash)
Blocks: 983411
Comment on attachment 8390668 [details]
Link to Github pull-request:

r=me for the SMS + refactoring part, with the additional commits we discussed on IRC.

I'd like francisco to have a look to the contacts part though, so adding the review flag for him.

Thanks for this hard work!
Attachment #8390668 - Flags: review?(francisco.jordano)
Attachment #8390668 - Flags: review?(felash)
Attachment #8390668 - Flags: review+
Leave sim card issue as expected; will prepare test cases for this later.
Flags: in-moztrap?(pyang) → in-moztrap+
Francisco: Once we get your review, I think we'll be good to go. I updated the PR so it should be passing all tests other than the one that was failing due to problems in bug 947189. I still have to rebase, though.
Comment on attachment 8390668 [details]
Link to Github pull-request:

Excellent job!

Thanks for adding the suggestions, also tried on the phone and works for me.

Again, Doug you nailed it, amazing job!
Attachment #8390668 - Flags: review?(francisco.jordano) → review+
\o/ Thanks, Francisco!

We just need to land 947189 first now.
Depends on: 947189
Bug 947189 has landed but we need to address everything in bug 947189 comment 34.

Also, voicemail and calling from call log are using SIM Picker directly so we need to wrap those calls in LazyL10n.get.
Attachment #8390668 - Flags: review?(anthony)
Comment on attachment 8390668 [details]
Link to Github pull-request:

This looks good but we need to new tests.

Also, I'd like to test if we can import the HTML of the SIM Picker instead of "copying" it.
Attachment #8390668 - Flags: review?(anthony) → review-
Blocks: 984446
Blocks: 984449
Comment on attachment 8390668 [details]
Link to Github pull-request:

\o/ Finished just in time:
Attachment #8390668 - Flags: review- → review+
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Works fine with this
Gaia      d2651c13d6370d62bf833b31c7e2e5f054510136
Gecko     c8a17e25111585c0eebb829f8208190ea432c71e
BuildID   20140318053055
Version   30.0a1
Keywords: verifyme
Target Milestone: 1.4 S3 (14mar) → 1.4 S4 (28mar)
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