Closed Bug 957282 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

clicking on external links does not open new tab, complains Firefox is already opened


(Firefox :: Shell Integration, defect)

Windows 8.1
Not set





(Reporter: jbecerra, Unassigned)


(Keywords: steps-wanted)

Tested on 2013-01-07 using latest nightly on a Surface Pro 2 tablet. While having Firefox running in desktop mode, I went to the Microsoft store, looked for Google Chrome, and clicked on "Get app from publisher" which immediately goes to Firefox but then you get the "Firefox is already running...not responding" message, and you don't get a new tab you can download Google Chrome from.

1. Install the nightly and launch it
2. Click on the Start button and go to the Microsoft store
3. Search for "google chrome" and click on the search result
4. Click on "get app from publisher"

Expected: A new tab opens, from which you can download Google Chrome

Actual: There's a pause and you get the message "Firefox is already running..."
Whiteboard: dupeme
Whiteboard: dupeme → dupeme [triage]
Whiteboard: dupeme [triage] → [dupeme] [triage] [defect] p=0
Whiteboard: [dupeme] [triage] [defect] p=0 → [beta28] [defect] p=0
I wasn't able to reproduce this with Nightly on my own Surface Pro 2. Clicking "Get app from publisher" opens a new tab in Nightly, whether it's running in desktop or Metro.
Can you still reproduce this, Juan?  Does it happen reliably on multiple computers, or only in certain cases?
Flags: needinfo?(jbecerra)
Keywords: steps-wanted
I can still reproduce this on the Surface Pro 2 (Win8.1).

However, I haven't been able to reproduce this on an Acer Iconia tablet (Win8) nor with a Dell XPS (Win8), where I have tried fresh installations, installations where I first start with a release version of Firefox and try setting it as the default browser, then the nightly, then IE and several combinations of that. I've also tried setting the default programs manually, but no luck.

I have also tried uninstalling the nightly on the Surface Pro 2, removing all personal data, and reinstalling, but it keeps encountering this problem. I don't have any other versions installed. This machine has gone through a bit of testing of this sort.

I'm updating the other machines to 8.1, and I will try again tomorrow.
Flags: needinfo?(jbecerra)
I wasn't able to reproduce on the carbon X1 or Surface Pro 1 either, both with windows 8.1.
For whatever reason I can still reproduce the problem on the Surface Pro 2 where I originally observed the problem, even after removing Fx and its data, and reinstalling. I have not been able to reproduce on any other machines.

It's just a little worrisome that I can't "fix" the problem on my machine by reinstalling, and while looking for other similar reports I found bug 932777, so maybe we should continue keeping an eye out for this.
Whiteboard: [beta28] [defect] p=0 → [beta28] [defect] p=3
Assignee: nobody → jmathies
Hmm, I can't reproduce this with firefox set as the default browser and running on the desktop.
Unblocking for now, but lets keep an eye out for this in the wild.
Assignee: jmathies → nobody
Whiteboard: [beta28] [defect] p=3 → [defect] p=3
Whiteboard: [defect] p=3 → [defect] p=5
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 30
Closing for now since we've only seen this on one test device. Will reopen if it surfaces more generally.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
No longer blocks: metrobacklog
Whiteboard: [defect] p=5
Target Milestone: Firefox 30 → ---
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