Closed Bug 959147 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Search Results Overlay Minimum Results has Two Blank Tiles


(Firefox for Metro Graveyard :: General, defect, P2)



(firefox28 verified, firefox29 verified)

Firefox 29
Tracking Status
firefox28 --- verified
firefox29 --- verified


(Reporter: shorlander, Assigned: rsilveira)



(Whiteboard: [beta28] [defect] p=1)


(4 files)

Not sure if this is intentional but if you only have one search result you end up with two placeholder tiles that you can't click.
Whiteboard: [triage] [defect] p=0
Whiteboard: [triage] [defect] p=0 → [release28] [defect] p=0
Attached patch 959147.patch (deleted) — Splinter Review
By default we have 3 empty slots for new grids, which includes the search results grid. They were hidden by default, but the fix for bug 941284 regressed this, making the search empty slots visible.
Assignee: nobody → rsilveira
Attachment #8359523 - Flags: review?(sfoster)
Blocks: metrov1it22
No longer blocks: metrov1backlog
Priority: -- → P2
QA Contact: jbecerra
Whiteboard: [release28] [defect] p=0 → [beta28] [defect] p=1
Comment on attachment 8359523 [details] [diff] [review]

Review of attachment 8359523 [details] [diff] [review]:

Works for me.
Attachment #8359523 - Flags: review?(sfoster) → review+
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 29
Please give some guidance in order for the QA to verify this. Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(rsilveira)
For QA: Without the patch when you type on the url bar and autocomplete has only one result, 3 tiles would show up. 2 of them blank. With this fix only the result tile shows up. To test this type in the name of a site that has only 1 entry in bookmarks/history.
Flags: needinfo?(rsilveira)
Whiteboard: [beta28] [defect] p=1 → [beta28] [defect] p=1 [approval-mozilla-aurora=metro-only]
Keywords: checkin-needed
Whiteboard: [beta28] [defect] p=1 [approval-mozilla-aurora=metro-only] → [beta28] [defect] p=1
Attached image screenshot.png (deleted) —
>For QA: Without the patch when you type on the url bar and autocomplete has only >one result, 3 tiles would show up. 2 of them blank. With this fix only the result >tile shows up. To test this type in the name of a site that has only 1 entry in >bookmarks/history.

With a new profile and latest Nightly on Win 8 64-bit, I can see 3 tiles showing up for a site that has only 1 entry in History section. (please see the attached screenshot for details)

Any suggestions?
Flags: needinfo?(rsilveira)
The screenshot seem to show 3 actual results. You can type 'involved' on a brand new profile. It should show you only the 'get involved' default bookmark tile. The bug was about showing empty tiles when you had less than 3 results, if you're seeing clickable tiles it's expected.
Flags: needinfo?(rsilveira)
Attached file (deleted) —
Please see the attached screenshots:

- on Win 8 64-bit with latest Nightly and a new profile:

1) "nightly_first search.png" shows the results of the first search performed

2) "nightly_second search.png" shows the results of the second, third, etc. searches performed

Is this intended?
Flags: needinfo?(rsilveira)
Attached image Autocomplete1Result.png (deleted) —
This is what I'm seeing. I think the two results you're seeing are because once you visit the default bookmarked site you may get redirected and end up with a another match for "involved" in your history :(. One last think you can try is visiting a site with an odd name like, then search for 9gag and you should see a single history entry.
Flags: needinfo?(rsilveira)
Keywords: verifyme
> One last think you can try is visiting a site with an odd name like, then
> search for 9gag and you should see a single history entry.

Yes, indeed, this works. Verified as fixed, for iteration #22, with latest Nightly and Aurora on Win 8 64-bit.
Keywords: verifyme
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