Closed Bug 960816 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

FxA-enabled sync still uses old-style node re-assignment flow


(Firefox :: Sync, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: rfkelly, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [qa+])


(1 file)

Attached file sync-log.txt (deleted) —
Running Nightly [29.0a1 (2014-01-16)] I managed to get from from FxA account to a clusterURL in our existing phoenix datacentre, which of course doesn't like my FxA-provided credentials.

Sync debug log attached.

It looks like the flow went like this:

  * authed successfully, hit my new experimental tokenserver, was assigned to

  * the url given by the new tokenserver was busted, so it got a 404:
    "mesg: GET fail 404"

  * this triggered the old-style node lookup code e.g. "Finding cluster for user 8"

  * the existing node-allocation servers happily assigned me a node in phx

  * the phx node failed with a 401 for obvious reasons

  * I got the "password incorrect" screen.

A syncstorage failure like this should trigger it to go back to the tokenserver to check its clusterURL, not to the old-sync node servers.
Ooh, exciting! There are probably going to be more of these.
OS: Windows 7 → All
Hardware: x86_64 → All
We need to triage this on desktop and Android.
So, I added a bunch of people...
Whiteboard: [qa+]
Adding both Meta bugs for now. We can split off if this needs to be addressed cross-platform.
Blocks: 799726, 905997
Android shouldn't be affected -- it has a separation between stages. Important to test, though.
>  * the url given by the new tokenserver was busted, so it got a 404:

Actually no, the tokenserver gave the right URL.  The client stripped off the path component:

"1389916731312	Sync.BrowserIDManager	INFO	initWithLoggedUser has username 8, endpoint is"

I guess the client hard-codes the structure of the path component, and just appends "/1.1/username/" to its clusterURL.  The new servers are expected "/1.5/username/" per new protocol version.
Ditto what rnewman said.  If this was busted, we'd have seen it already for each new Account created.
No longer blocks: 799726
This class of bugs underscores the requirement for using production servers when we go live in nightly.
The patch in bug 959222 will ensure we don't use the old-sync node re-assignment flow.  However, it doesn't yet allow us to support version 1.5 of the token server, which we will track in a different bug
Depends on: 959222
I believe bug 959222 landed support for this.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Firefox Sync: Backend → Sync
Product: Cloud Services → Firefox
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