Closed Bug 961148 Opened 11 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Use KitKat's immersive fullscreen for Reader Mode


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: Reader View, defect, P5)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jdover, Unassigned)



See bug 960159 for initial discussion.

Immersive Full-screen mode

Introduced with Kitkat, this allows navigation bar and the status bar to slide away along the edges when an app enters full screen mode to make for an immersive experience. Good, so far. Bringing back the bar is described as follows:

"To return to immersive mode, users can touch the screen outside of the bar bounds or wait for a short period for the bars to auto-hide. For a consistent user experience, the new gesture also works with previous methods of hiding the status bar."
Did something related to this just land? I see true full-screen (everything but the clock fades away) in Reader Mode now.
(In reply to Aaron Train [:aaronmt] from comment #1)
> Did something related to this just land? I see true full-screen (everything
> but the clock fades away) in Reader Mode now.

Yes. But it is not immersive mode. In immersive mode, the screen area of soft navigation keys, if the phone has (nexus), can show content. Also top bar also gives way for content. Take a look at Pocket.
There are times that I'll be reading something (mostly manga) and want a full screen experience, so I'd quite like to see this implemented or at least an API made available so as that an add-on can achieve this.
Priority: -- → P5

Can one of the developers have another look at this? Having the white status bar and Android Navigation Bar is pretty annoying when reading text in dark environments (also having the FF navigation bar pop up accidentally, but this is a different issue). This looks like a five-line diff from the outside, and I can try to make a patch if somebody points at roughly the right source code files.

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Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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