Closed Bug 962083 Opened 11 years ago Closed 9 years ago

The footer of the identity panel should be a solid color and not a gradient


(Firefox :: Theme, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jaws, Unassigned, Mentored)



(Keywords: ux-consistency, Whiteboard: [good first bug] [feature])


(4 files, 1 obsolete file)

Now that the panel background-color is white-ish, and the menu panel has a solid footer, we should make the identity panel also have a solid footer for internal consistency.
Whiteboard: [Australis:M?][Australis:P4] [feature] p=1
Whiteboard: [Australis:M?][Australis:P4] [feature] p=1 → [Australis:P4] [feature] p=1
OS: Windows 7 → All
Hardware: x86_64 → All
The goal is to make the identity popup footer look like the mockup in Comment 1. The relevant parts of the code are in Comment 2.
Mentor: ntim007
Points: --- → 1
Whiteboard: [Australis:P4] [feature] p=1 → [good first bug] [feature]
Attached patch Patch (v1) (deleted) — Splinter Review
I have added solid color in place of gradient color in all the files(linux, mac and windows) and also added box-shadow.
Attachment #8477917 - Flags: feedback?(ntim007)
Comment on attachment 8477917 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch (v1)

Review of attachment 8477917 [details] [diff] [review]:

Since the box-shadow is just emulating the top border, I think you can use border-top instead.

Also, can you style the buttons like in the mockup as well please ? (I recommend doing that in a second patch, for less confusion to the peer reviewing it.

::: browser/themes/osx/browser.css
@@ +3342,1 @@
>    border-top: 1px solid hsla(210,4%,10%,.12);

That means we now have 2 top borders on mac. I would use border-top: 1px solid rgba(24, 25, 26, 0.14); here (and do the same across platforms).
Attachment #8477917 - Flags: feedback?(ntim007) → feedback+
Assignee: nobody → tusharaoljgd
(In reply to Tim Nguyen [:ntim] from comment #5)
> Comment on attachment 8477917 [details] [diff] [review]
> Patch (v1)
> Review of attachment 8477917 [details] [diff] [review]:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Since the box-shadow is just emulating the top border, I think you can use
> border-top instead.
> Also, can you style the buttons like in the mockup as well please ? (I
> recommend doing that in a second patch, for less confusion to the peer
> reviewing it

Thank you Tim. I am going to take care of what you've said and I'll submit it in my next patch

> ::: browser/themes/osx/browser.css
> @@ +3342,1 @@
> >    border-top: 1px solid hsla(210,4%,10%,.12);
> That means we now have 2 top borders on mac. I would use border-top: 1px
> solid rgba(24, 25, 26, 0.14); here (and do the same across platforms).
Attached patch identity-popup-footer.patch (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
I don't want to take this bug, but I have a patch too. Maybe it can to help with buttons. %)

[Warning!] Tested on Linux only.


I replaced buttons with toolbarbuttons because:

a) For more consistency with another popups.
b) I can't find design spec for focused buttons.
Attachment #8481868 - Flags: feedback?(ntim007)
Comment on attachment 8481868 [details] [diff] [review]

Review of attachment 8481868 [details] [diff] [review]:

I'm not sure about changing the buttons into toolbarbuttons, it might be an a11y regression if they can't be focused anymore.
Attachment #8481868 - Flags: feedback?(ntim007) → feedback?(jaws)
Comment on attachment 8481868 [details] [diff] [review]

(In reply to Alexander Seleznev from comment #7)
> I replaced buttons with toolbarbuttons because:

Please revert this.
Attachment #8481868 - Flags: feedback?(jaws) → feedback-
Attached patch identity-popup-footer-v2.patch (deleted) — Splinter Review

1. Test and fix (if needed) on Mac OS and Windows.
2. Add styles for focused buttons on Mac OS and Windows (need design?).
Attachment #8481868 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8481978 - Flags: feedback?(mdeboer)
Comment on attachment 8481978 [details] [diff] [review]

Review of attachment 8481978 [details] [diff] [review]:

I think this is shaping up to look really great, thanks Alex!

However, I'm afraid this makes the 'More information...' button flex the entire width of the container (at least for me on OSX). You'll want to fix that before you can request review from someone.

Do you have an OSX, Linux and Windows machine at your disposal? That'd be very handy to test your work against all the major target platforms!
Attachment #8481978 - Flags: feedback?(mdeboer)
Assignee: tusharaoljgd →
Mentor: mdeboer
(In reply to Mike de Boer [:mikedeboer] from comment #12)
> this makes the 'More information...' button flex the entire width of the container

I have no idea what you meen. %) It doesn't look like on my screenshot from Linux?

> Do you have an OSX, Linux and Windows machine at your disposal?

Nope. Also, I just wanted to help Tushar Arora with this bug (not take it).
Assignee: → tusharaoljgd
Assignee: tusharaoljgd → nobody
After tinkering with the browser.css file of LINUX I got the result as attached
Attached image Screenshot of the result (deleted) —
This has recently been fixed by the Control Center work.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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